VM build seems to be broken

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VM build seems to be broken

I was going to try making a debug vm to dive into gdb and hunt the `2 raisedTo: 63` bug recently discussed but the latest source download off git simply will not build. I think either Dave or Bruce noticed this recently.

The error I see starts with complaining about build/config.h being included to late. That breaks everything later. I seem to remember reading some mail going by a while ago that might have related to this but I didn't have time to pay much attention. If the people that have been changing things here could please examine their memories and consider what might solve this I would be most grateful. There's two issues needing work (2 raisedTo: 63 & Ben's bitblt speedups) that can't be done without a fix.

tim Rowledge; [hidden email]; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
Throughout history, every mystery solved has turned out to be… *not magic*

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Re: VM build seems to be broken

Tobias Pape

> On 17. May 2021, at 01:01, tim Rowledge <[hidden email]> wrote:
> I was going to try making a debug vm to dive into gdb and hunt the `2 raisedTo: 63` bug recently discussed but the latest source download off git simply will not build. I think either Dave or Bruce noticed this recently.
> The error I see starts with complaining about build/config.h being included to late. That breaks everything later. I seem to remember reading some mail going by a while ago that might have related to this but I didn't have time to pay much attention. If the people that have been changing things here could please examine their memories and consider what might solve this I would be most grateful. There's two issues needing work (2 raisedTo: 63 & Ben's bitblt speedups) that can't be done without a fix.

See https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm/pull/562
and the related threads on here a few weeks back.

We patiently waiting for Eliot to give his blessing :)

Best regards

> tim