I was trying to see If I can use something from the MathMorphRevival project when I found this very puzzling bug. I don't understand how this can be. I hope you can enlight me.
I installed MathMorph via SqueakMap, in Squeak 5.2.
I run this [OK, working]
> XYPlotter example2 plot asMorph openInWorld.
I "Explore/Inspect" this [OK Working]
> XYPlotter new
I run this [Ok, no error]
> |tmp|
> tmp := XYPlotter new.
I run this [WOW, I get an error, i am very surprised]
> tmp := XYPlotter new.
Can you explain me how that is at all possible ? (XYPlotter new) should be evaluated and its value (pointer) set into some dictionary in the Workspace, that Is what I thought. I see I am missing something important here.