Very thanks...

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Very thanks...

Edgar J. De Cleene
To all members.

Thanks to Donna Schrokosh -
And to Merik Voswinkel -

We now have

For now , all runs on my LAN, but at some point we mirror some of Morphle
Inc and some of here runs in Holland.

Right now we have two Squeak images running on my Mac from roughly 7:00 to
20:00 Argentina , Monday to Saturday. points to older Squeak running our swiki is the old SBlog , for
really odd random things. runs on SLWeb.7210.1.image.
squeakros:9999 is Aida/Scribo (thanks again German Arduino) , also runs on

The image also runs HV2 and the very, very old WB in swedish from Goran
which I start to have running in 3.10 and still hangs most the time, so I
don't give the port here.

So I challenge friends to help polish all, who knows in some time from now
we have a Web Squeak framework with the best of Seaside,Aida, HV2.

I remember my long goal is have a image ..

As modular as I could do.
As compatible with older, present and future Squeak I could made.
A full grow image should run his own site, like we now use yahoo for this.
Also have his repository.
And not only for .mcz as squeaksource have now.
I wish some similar I have
SqueakRepository folder have into
Sar folder
Morph folder
package-cache folder (for actual Monticello)
Squeaklets folder
SqueakBooks folder
Cs, st, gz, etc
Media folder

So Merik, Donna, thanks again.
Parroquianos del bar, gracias como siempre.
Nos encontramos en Skype o en #squeak de IRC
