Waiting forever on squeaksource (citezen)

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Waiting forever on squeaksource (citezen)

Torsten Bergmann
>This kind of mail UPSET me.

Why? The wiki page of the "Citezen" project clearly states that
the project can be loaded in Pharo easily - so whats wrong with
Miguel's post suggesting to use the distribution/image that may
provide a painless installation for the Citezen code
(which is Pharo in this case)

>If you wish be lost in the fog of boredom and you only interest is Web, >well go Pharo (or PHP or Perl or Python)

"Citezen" doesnt look like a web thing to me and Seaside is still
running on Squeak too.

Hey: we now have several squeak distro's (Squeak, Pharo, Croquet,
Cuis, eToys, ST80, FunSqueak, ...) each satisfying special needs
of parts of the community. There is a reason for any of them,
otherwise they wouldnt exist.

We dont need another x vs. y image discussion...


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