Waveplace Plans to Help Haiti

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Waveplace Plans to Help Haiti

Timothy Falconer-4
Hi everyone,

After talking non-stop with dozens of people and groups over the last two weeks, Waveplace has settled on a plan to help Haiti in the coming four months.

Tonight I've uploaded three videos describing this plan.  Please forgive the roughness of my presentation (and my tired haggard look).  This was simply the quickest way for me to put the details of the plan online for all to see.  I will be transcribing the videos tomorrow for those that would rather read text.  

Here are the videos:

1. PRINCIPLES ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzXtQgfZi3I

2. PLAN ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgEl1v14NOY

3. NEEDS ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JmMhRPzLys

The transcription will be here:  http://haiti.waveplace.com

We welcome the ideas and labor of all who care to help.  To keep up to date with Waveplace's work in Haiti . . .

1. follow us on twitter ... http://twitter.com/waveplace

2. join our facebook group ... http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/group.php?gid=450936535242

3. read our blog ... http://waveplace.com/news/blog/

We'll be posting several times a day for the foreseeable future. Please spread the word.  

For bigger news, you can also subscribe to our newsletter:


If you'd like to help, then please contact us:


Take care,

Timothy Falconer
Waveplace Foundation

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