Website of Etoys lessons

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Website of Etoys lessons

Christine Murakami

Hi everyone. I wanted you to know that a project a long time in the making is finally available for people to use. My students have been working on curricula for young children for three years, and we now have enough to actually populate a website.


Included are sets of lessons in music, art, malaria, sanitation, and various booklets and other teaching resources we’ve developed over the years. Where appropriate we’ve worked with teachers who know the subjects so that we can get a sense of what’s actually taught in these different areas.


All work was done by high school girls. All is free for you to use. In fact, we would LOVE for you to use it if possible. It’s incredibly motivating to know that someone “out there” is actually using your work. So if you use the work, tell me and I’ll tell my students.


We will continue to add lessons and resources as we develop them.




Christine Murakami

Upper School Technology Integration Specialist

Columbus School for Girls

56 S. Columbia Avenue

Columbus, OH  43209
614.252.0781, ext. 290


For Girls. For Excellence. For the Future.


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Re: Website of Etoys lessons

Steve Thomas
Congratulations to Christine and her students.  Excellent work, I have used some of her students works in my presentations and classes.  Good stuff!!!


On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 10:53 AM, Christine Murakami <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi everyone. I wanted you to know that a project a long time in the making is finally available for people to use. My students have been working on curricula for young children for three years, and we now have enough to actually populate a website.


Included are sets of lessons in music, art, malaria, sanitation, and various booklets and other teaching resources we’ve developed over the years. Where appropriate we’ve worked with teachers who know the subjects so that we can get a sense of what’s actually taught in these different areas.


All work was done by high school girls. All is free for you to use. In fact, we would LOVE for you to use it if possible. It’s incredibly motivating to know that someone “out there” is actually using your work. So if you use the work, tell me and I’ll tell my students.


We will continue to add lessons and resources as we develop them.




Christine Murakami

Upper School Technology Integration Specialist

Columbus School for Girls

56 S. Columbia Avenue

Columbus, OH  43209
<a href="tel:614.252.0781%2C%20ext.%20290" value="+16142520781" target="_blank">614.252.0781, ext. 290


For Girls. For Excellence. For the Future.


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