What does the -> symbol mean?

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What does the -> symbol mean?

Andy Burnett
<<It's actually a binary (one-argument, infix) method, like +, =, or ==;
it's the - and > characters put together rather than being a
specialized glyph like the left arrow was. It creates an Association,
which is a key-value pair used in things like Dictionaries.

If I remember correctly, any characters which can be used for binary
methods can be strung together to make other binary methods -
sometimes you'll see these turn up in specialized contexts. For
example, there's also ==>, on Booleans, for implication ("a implies b").

Ben Schroeder>>

Thanks Ben, that makes a lot of sense. It's similar to how 1 @ 2 will return a point.  And, of course, after reading your answer I realised that what I should have done is used the method finder to look up ->. I just haven't quite got it into my head that there are only objects and messages, and therefore if something isn't an object, it has to be a message!   :-)


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