When does a Form become a standing window? (Or, why does my MicroSqueak window disappear?)

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When does a Form become a standing window? (Or, why does my MicroSqueak window disappear?)

Chris Cunnington
MicroSqueak [1] has a hierarchy of classes for making a tiny image.
MForm in that hierarchy has a method:


         specialObjectsArray at: 15 put: self

This is pretty neat. It says take the Form you made and make it the Form
that is the Display.
I run the 59K image with the Etoys 4.1 app to get an older virtual
machine and a separate Mac OSX window appears.
And then it disappears. Pop.

I want it to stay. Don't go anywhere. I'm guessing a process like 'the
UI Process' in the ProcessBrowser is required to create a loop to keep
the window static on my desktop. Then again, maybe that process is just
there to constantly poll for events to send to SmalltalkEditor.

BitBlt class alphaBlendDemo is equally ephemeral. What's the difference
between a Form that disappears on "restore display (r)" and a standing



[1] http://web.media.mit.edu/~jmaloney/microsqueak/

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Re: When does a Form become a standing window? (Or, why does my MicroSqueak window disappear?)

Bert Freudenberg

On 08.10.2012, at 05:47, Chris Cunnington <[hidden email]> wrote:

> MicroSqueak [1] has a hierarchy of classes for making a tiny image. MForm in that hierarchy has a method:
> MForm>>beDisplayDepth:
>        specialObjectsArray at: 15 put: self
> This is pretty neat. It says take the Form you made and make it the Form that is the Display.
> I run the 59K image with the Etoys 4.1 app to get an older virtual machine and a separate Mac OSX window appears.
> And then it disappears. Pop.
> I want it to stay. Don't go anywhere. I'm guessing a process like 'the UI Process' in the ProcessBrowser is required to create a loop to keep the window static on my desktop. Then again, maybe that process is just there to constantly poll for events to send to SmalltalkEditor.
> BitBlt class alphaBlendDemo is equally ephemeral. What's the difference between a Form that disappears on "restore display (r)" and a standing window?
> Thanks,
> Chris
> [1] http://web.media.mit.edu/~jmaloney/microsqueak/

The default MicroSqueak image just writes 'Hello World' on log.txt and quits. You would have to add a loop that e.g. waits for a mouse click and then quits for the window to stay up.

- Bert -