> I'm wondering where to ask the questions about Squeak. Long time ago, I
> was asking on squeakland, but after a time asking about Kedama I found
> that, some questions get more attention on Squeak Beginners. Recently I
> have being asking about accented characters and "hipertext" in Bookmorph
> but I get not pointer to an aswer. ¿it is better to ask in another list?
> or I'm making the questions in a wrong way? (or is just matter of more
> patience? ;-)).
In Regards to the Kedama question, it was pretty much my fault, as I
was the guy who could give the definite answer. I'm pretty bad doing
email in these days.
And, I actually couldn't find the other questions... (really sorry
if it is obvious.) Where can I find them? (are these in some mailing
list archive?)
Still, I'd say that squeak-dev would be the one to ask these
Thank you!
-- Yoshiki
Beginners mailing list
[hidden email]