Why MethodHolder>>isolatedCodePaneForClass:selector: was deleted in 4.1?

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Why MethodHolder>>isolatedCodePaneForClass:selector: was deleted in 4.1?

Javier Diaz-Reinoso
This method was present in 3.11 alpha (al least update #8530), but is not present in update #9854 (and in 4.1), is called when you want to see the textual representation on a etoys script.

If I copy the method works ok, but I don't know if is some reason for the delete, by the way the other class method of MethodHolder makeIsolatedCodePaneForClass:selector: is also removed.

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Re: Why MethodHolder>>isolatedCodePaneForClass:selector: was deleted in 4.1?

Hi Javier -

Sorry for that; I accidentally removed those methods when I was working
on making Etoys reloadable. I've put them back as Etoys extension methods.

  - Andreas

On 5/20/2010 3:52 PM, Javier Diaz-Reinoso wrote:
> This method was present in 3.11 alpha (al least update #8530), but is not present in update #9854 (and in 4.1), is called when you want to see the textual representation on a etoys script.
> If I copy the method works ok, but I don't know if is some reason for the delete, by the way the other class method of MethodHolder makeIsolatedCodePaneForClass:selector: is also removed.