Why do Heap re-sort when it removes elements ?

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Why do Heap re-sort when it removes elements ?

Nicolas Cellier
I just saw this:

Heap>>privateRemoveAt: index
        "Remove the element at the given index and make sure the sorting order is okay"
        | removed |
        removed := array at: index.
        array at: index put: (array at: tally).
        array at: tally put: nil.
        tally := tally - 1.
        index > tally ifFalse:[
                "Use #downHeapSingle: since only one element has been removed"
                self downHeapSingle: index].

This means that an element removal triggers a new sort phase... (even
a simplified one costs)
I think this could be more efficient:

Heap>>privateRemoveAt: index
        "Remove the element at the given index and make sure the sorting order is okay"
        | removed |
        removed := array at: index.
        tally := tally - 1.
        array replaceFrom: index to: tally with: array startingAt: index + 1.
        array at: tally + 1 put: nil.
        indexUpdateBlock ifNotNil: [
                index to: tally do: [:i | self updateObjectIndex: i]].

Did I miss a good reason justifying to re-sort ?


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Re: Why do Heap re-sort when it removes elements ?

Levente Uzonyi-2
On Thu, 30 Sep 2010, Nicolas Cellier wrote:

> Hi,
> I just saw this:
> Heap>>privateRemoveAt: index
> "Remove the element at the given index and make sure the sorting order is okay"
> | removed |
> removed := array at: index.
> array at: index put: (array at: tally).
> array at: tally put: nil.
> tally := tally - 1.
> index > tally ifFalse:[
> "Use #downHeapSingle: since only one element has been removed"
> self downHeapSingle: index].
> ^removed
> This means that an element removal triggers a new sort phase... (even
> a simplified one costs)

This method just restores the heap invariant, it doesn't sort the heap. It
has O(log(n)) time complexity.

> I think this could be more efficient:
> Heap>>privateRemoveAt: index
> "Remove the element at the given index and make sure the sorting order is okay"
> | removed |
> removed := array at: index.
> tally := tally - 1.
> array replaceFrom: index to: tally with: array startingAt: index + 1.
> array at: tally + 1 put: nil.
> indexUpdateBlock ifNotNil: [
> index to: tally do: [:i | self updateObjectIndex: i]].
> ^removed
> Did I miss a good reason justifying to re-sort ?

The method comment is a bit misleading because the method doesn't really
sort the heap.


> Nicolas

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Re: Why do Heap re-sort when it removes elements ?

Nicolas Cellier
2010/9/30 Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]>:

> On Thu, 30 Sep 2010, Nicolas Cellier wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I just saw this:
>> Heap>>privateRemoveAt: index
>>        "Remove the element at the given index and make sure the sorting
>> order is okay"
>>        | removed |
>>        removed := array at: index.
>>        array at: index put: (array at: tally).
>>        array at: tally put: nil.
>>        tally := tally - 1.
>>        index > tally ifFalse:[
>>                "Use #downHeapSingle: since only one element has been
>> removed"
>>                self downHeapSingle: index].
>>        ^removed
>> This means that an element removal triggers a new sort phase... (even
>> a simplified one costs)
> This method just restores the heap invariant, it doesn't sort the heap. It
> has O(log(n)) time complexity.
>> I think this could be more efficient:
>> Heap>>privateRemoveAt: index
>>        "Remove the element at the given index and make sure the sorting
>> order is okay"
>>        | removed |
>>        removed := array at: index.
>>        tally := tally - 1.
>>        array replaceFrom: index to: tally with: array startingAt: index +
>> 1.
>>        array at: tally + 1 put: nil.
>>        indexUpdateBlock ifNotNil: [
>>                index to: tally do: [:i | self updateObjectIndex: i]].
>>        ^removed
>> Did I miss a good reason justifying to re-sort ?
> The method comment is a bit misleading because the method doesn't really
> sort the heap.
> Levente

Ah yes, of course, my mistake... It's equivalent to a tree.
I was blinded by the assumption that #do: would enumerate in sort
order, which it does not (but we don't care, we won't enumerate past
the #first).
Hmm gonna have a class comment to document...


>> Nicolas