Why is Scratch more popular than Etoys?

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Why is Scratch more popular than Etoys?

Steve Thomas
I have taught both Scratch and Etoys to kids and hands down most kids prefer Scratch.  I also prefer Scratch for certain things, but prefer Etoys for most learning and teaching.

What can we learn from Scratch (and TurtleArt et al) to improve Etoys?  And vice versa what can be done to improve Scratch?
I have ideas, which I will share later, but I am curious to hear the thoughts of others (as mine add nothing to my current understanding and repeating them will simply further ingrain incomplete and incorrect assumptions and prejudices ;)

P.S. I fully believe kids should learn multiple languages and am not looking for the "one ring to rule them all."  Each language/environment has its advantages and we need multiple.

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Re: [IAEP] Why is Scratch more popular than Etoys?

Both Etoys and Scratch were done by some of the same people (especially John Maloney), and both are on top of Squeak Smalltalk. The original Etoys interface was more like Scratch's (small area for action results, most of the screen area used for showing tools, tiles, etc.). The first Etoys was aimed at the web (at Disney), and making the start up more obvious and using more screen for it is a good idea I think. The projects for the first Etoys were also like Scratch projects: effects, jokes, postcards, simple animations, etc.

The next version of Etoys was for classrooms that would have much more help and do more ambitious projects. So we went to a full screen with flaps for the tools. This worked well in this setting.

The OLPC XO presented a problem in that it had lots of pixels but a very small visual angle.  We decided to stay with the classroom version, and I think this was a good idea on the one hand, but it went against the general lack of help that might be available in many of the XO's destinations.

Then we handed Etoys over to the Squeak Foundation, and the version they put out online retains the classroom UI with flaps.

Personally, I think the Scratch UI is better for many things than the Etoys UI, especially first encounters, which are so important for so many beginners these days. And I think the Scratch people have done a fantastic job on their web presence, including their gallery, the emulator for Scratch projects so you can see what they do, their online materials, etc.

On the other hand, Scratch lacks a real media system, a massively parallel particle system, and many other features that are really needed and useful for learning things beyond simple programming. Etoys is much more complete in many more ways.

Both systems have strong and weak points as to their language choices. Both lack nice extensions into more sophisticated programming. Both need to be greatly improved.

And so forth.

But I think in the world we live in, it is initial experiences that count in a non-classical culture (and this is most cultures around the world including the US). So we have to praise Scratch here, and wish that it had more depth. Etoys could easily be set up with a more useful exposed UI, and this would help tremendously in initial impressions.

As to how many features to include, this is a tricky one. Scratch has quite a few features -- such as the thought balloon one -- because it was primarily initially designed for the "Computer Clubhouses", afternoon drop in experiences for junior high and high school kids.

Etoys has fewer built in features because part of the "real deal" is to learn how to make your own features. It could have clip art, but we left it out because it is cognitively a good thing for children to learn how to draw. This is good for a "learning tool", but is not good for a "productivity tool".

There is no question that both systems could be improved along the lines of their current styles.

One could also imagine taking the lessons learned from both systems and inventing a new environment that is quite a bit better than either. I like this option the best.



From: Steve Thomas <[hidden email]>
To: iaep <[hidden email]>; [hidden email]; squeakland <[hidden email]>; [hidden email]
Sent: Friday, September 2, 2011 7:04 PM
Subject: [IAEP] Why is Scratch more popular than Etoys?

I have taught both Scratch and Etoys to kids and hands down most kids prefer Scratch.  I also prefer Scratch for certain things, but prefer Etoys for most learning and teaching.

What can we learn from Scratch (and TurtleArt et al) to improve Etoys?  And vice versa what can be done to improve Scratch?
I have ideas, which I will share later, but I am curious to hear the thoughts of others (as mine add nothing to my current understanding and repeating them will simply further ingrain incomplete and incorrect assumptions and prejudices ;)

P.S. I fully believe kids should learn multiple languages and am not looking for the "one ring to rule them all."  Each language/environment has its advantages and we need multiple.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
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Re: [IAEP] Why is Scratch more popular than Etoys?

Ron Teitelbaum-2

Hi All,


Terrific answer Alan.  The user experience issue is something we deal with in a number of different places.  Our systems are very difficult to explain to people but once you get people in to try it they get it.  The learning curve on OpenQwaq is very small for beginners and we have depth for advanced users (arguably to much depth in places, making the system more complex than it needs to be).  The problem seems to be getting people in and keeping them there long enough to get it. 


I showed Etoys and Scratch to my daughter.  She was 15 at the time I believe.  She needed some prodding to understand Etoys but picked up Scratch right away.  The initial concept explanation was very simple with Scratch: This is a thing, this is an action, this is logic.  See how they are all puzzle pieces that fit together?  The initial concept explanation for Etoys took longer.   In both cases she was drawn to drawing and making things look interesting much more than the movement or logic.  


I love both pieces of software.  Scratch is fun and easy to explain plus it drives people to try and understand programming by giving hints about what things can work together.  I spent much more time enjoying Etoys.  Not surprising considering what I do for a living, but still I was playing and creating much more interesting things in Etoys.  The concepts are a bit harder to pick up because it demands more understanding from students and takes more mentoring from teachers but I agree with Alan: it has more depth, which is much more satisfying for someone with real interest.   


I’ve been considering a 3d version of Scratch or Etoys for OpenQwaq.  I’ve been drawn more to Scratch then Etoys probably because I place a higher value on the amount of time it takes to explain and see initial results.  From a teacher perspective this has tremendous value since it makes my job easier, and it allows more people to take advantage of the features if they find them.  It would keep their interest long enough to find value and then come back later to try some real things for themselves.  I suppose I worry that Etoys would be very useful but if people don’t use it long enough to see it work they will give up and never use it.


So from my perspective as a software provider Scratch wins, but if I were providing the software for ME to use I would rather see Etoys.  I guess I’ve convinced myself that there is no good answer.  What matters more is not the software but the student and the teacher.  Given a talented and motivated student I’d probably spend the time and energy showing them Etoys because they will hit the wall on Scratch much sooner.  A student that shows little interest and really only wants the basics will do better on Scratch.


Interesting discussion.


All the best,


Ron Teitelbaum

Immersive Collaboration Expert

3d Immersive Collaboration Consulting

[hidden email]


From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Alan Kay
Sent: Friday, September 02, 2011 11:34 PM
To: Steve Thomas; iaep; [hidden email]; squeakland; [hidden email]
Subject: Re: [squeakland] [IAEP] Why is Scratch more popular than Etoys?


Both Etoys and Scratch were done by some of the same people (especially John Maloney), and both are on top of Squeak Smalltalk. The original Etoys interface was more like Scratch's (small area for action results, most of the screen area used for showing tools, tiles, etc.). The first Etoys was aimed at the web (at Disney), and making the start up more obvious and using more screen for it is a good idea I think. The projects for the first Etoys were also like Scratch projects: effects, jokes, postcards, simple animations, etc.


The next version of Etoys was for classrooms that would have much more help and do more ambitious projects. So we went to a full screen with flaps for the tools. This worked well in this setting.


The OLPC XO presented a problem in that it had lots of pixels but a very small visual angle.  We decided to stay with the classroom version, and I think this was a good idea on the one hand, but it went against the general lack of help that might be available in many of the XO's destinations.


Then we handed Etoys over to the Squeak Foundation, and the version they put out online retains the classroom UI with flaps.


Personally, I think the Scratch UI is better for many things than the Etoys UI, especially first encounters, which are so important for so many beginners these days. And I think the Scratch people have done a fantastic job on their web presence, including their gallery, the emulator for Scratch projects so you can see what they do, their online materials, etc.


On the other hand, Scratch lacks a real media system, a massively parallel particle system, and many other features that are really needed and useful for learning things beyond simple programming. Etoys is much more complete in many more ways.


Both systems have strong and weak points as to their language choices. Both lack nice extensions into more sophisticated programming. Both need to be greatly improved.


And so forth.


But I think in the world we live in, it is initial experiences that count in a non-classical culture (and this is most cultures around the world including the US). So we have to praise Scratch here, and wish that it had more depth. Etoys could easily be set up with a more useful exposed UI, and this would help tremendously in initial impressions.


As to how many features to include, this is a tricky one. Scratch has quite a few features -- such as the thought balloon one -- because it was primarily initially designed for the "Computer Clubhouses", afternoon drop in experiences for junior high and high school kids.


Etoys has fewer built in features because part of the "real deal" is to learn how to make your own features. It could have clip art, but we left it out because it is cognitively a good thing for children to learn how to draw. This is good for a "learning tool", but is not good for a "productivity tool".


There is no question that both systems could be improved along the lines of their current styles.


One could also imagine taking the lessons learned from both systems and inventing a new environment that is quite a bit better than either. I like this option the best.






From: Steve Thomas <[hidden email]>
To: iaep <[hidden email]>; [hidden email]; squeakland <[hidden email]>; [hidden email]
Sent: Friday, September 2, 2011 7:04 PM
Subject: [IAEP] Why is Scratch more popular than Etoys?

I have taught both Scratch and Etoys to kids and hands down most kids prefer Scratch.  I also prefer Scratch for certain things, but prefer Etoys for most learning and teaching.


What can we learn from Scratch (and TurtleArt et al) to improve Etoys?  And vice versa what can be done to improve Scratch?


I have ideas, which I will share later, but I am curious to hear the thoughts of others (as mine add nothing to my current understanding and repeating them will simply further ingrain incomplete and incorrect assumptions and prejudices ;)



P.S. I fully believe kids should learn multiple languages and am not looking for the "one ring to rule them all."  Each language/environment has its advantages and we need multiple.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
[hidden email]

squeakland mailing list
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Re: [IAEP] Why is Scratch more popular than Etoys?

R.D. Latimer
In reply to this post by alanone1
Great discussion, thanks -
We've been using Scratch for K-4 (Fairfax County VA) and last spring shifted over to BYOB/Snap (from Berkeley - now being named Snap with the new version not out yet).  We also started a Netlogo (Northwestern) intro for the older students.
  Along with Etoys, I think it'll be great to try all of these environments with the kids, like you all are saying, each may have strengths and weaknesses.
  BYOB/Snap has programming structures that can allow for connecting with other programming languages. For example -
   - Definition of new blocks (procedures/funtions returning a value)
     These blocks can have multiple inputs,
       Block to leap to a portion of the screen and spin a polygon shape
              leapTo x:  y:    (Smalltalk type of syntax)
              spinPolygon sides:  length:  times:

  - arrays/lists of data  (though I find these process slowly in the current version of BYOB)
       it can take a while to sort through a long list of numbers
    list processing commands/statements/methods

  - broadcast statements (I haven't explored these much)

  - functional programming, mapping a block over a list, 'keeping' values that satisfy a test.
    These capabilities are added at the Berkeley site.

  - recursion

  - parallel processing (I haven't explored this much)

Netlogo is a 'typed in' language, has an easy to use interface.  Easily created thousands of turtles for simulation and modeling projects.

  Python is very powerful and relatively easy for students to get started with, also a language called Processing.   These two languages may be examples of 'older student' programming that Scratch/Snap/Etoys can lead to.

  With Etoys, is an eventual move for kids into Smalltalk part of the thinking? It doesn't sound like that's necessarily a goal.

 I think our students here are excited to be able to use all of these platforms at some point.  I'm not sure how much of the programming/development teams are available to make adjustments to the platforms as we receive feedback from the students.

  I like the idea of a language environment incorporating lessons learned from all of these.
THanks again for the discussion,
Randy Latimer

On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 11:33 PM, Alan Kay <[hidden email]> wrote:
Both Etoys and Scratch were done by some of the same people (especially John Maloney), and both are on top of Squeak Smalltalk. The original Etoys interface was more like Scratch's (small area for action results, most of the screen area used for showing tools, tiles, etc.). The first Etoys was aimed at the web (at Disney), and making the start up more obvious and using more screen for it is a good idea I think. The projects for the first Etoys were also like Scratch projects: effects, jokes, postcards, simple animations, etc.

The next version of Etoys was for classrooms that would have much more help and do more ambitious projects. So we went to a full screen with flaps for the tools. This worked well in this setting.

The OLPC XO presented a problem in that it had lots of pixels but a very small visual angle.  We decided to stay with the classroom version, and I think this was a good idea on the one hand, but it went against the general lack of help that might be available in many of the XO's destinations.

Then we handed Etoys over to the Squeak Foundation, and the version they put out online retains the classroom UI with flaps.

Personally, I think the Scratch UI is better for many things than the Etoys UI, especially first encounters, which are so important for so many beginners these days. And I think the Scratch people have done a fantastic job on their web presence, including their gallery, the emulator for Scratch projects so you can see what they do, their online materials, etc.

On the other hand, Scratch lacks a real media system, a massively parallel particle system, and many other features that are really needed and useful for learning things beyond simple programming. Etoys is much more complete in many more ways.

Both systems have strong and weak points as to their language choices. Both lack nice extensions into more sophisticated programming. Both need to be greatly improved.

And so forth.

But I think in the world we live in, it is initial experiences that count in a non-classical culture (and this is most cultures around the world including the US). So we have to praise Scratch here, and wish that it had more depth. Etoys could easily be set up with a more useful exposed UI, and this would help tremendously in initial impressions.

As to how many features to include, this is a tricky one. Scratch has quite a few features -- such as the thought balloon one -- because it was primarily initially designed for the "Computer Clubhouses", afternoon drop in experiences for junior high and high school kids.

Etoys has fewer built in features because part of the "real deal" is to learn how to make your own features. It could have clip art, but we left it out because it is cognitively a good thing for children to learn how to draw. This is good for a "learning tool", but is not good for a "productivity tool".

There is no question that both systems could be improved along the lines of their current styles.

One could also imagine taking the lessons learned from both systems and inventing a new environment that is quite a bit better than either. I like this option the best.



From: Steve Thomas <[hidden email]>
Sent: Friday, September 2, 2011 7:04 PM
Subject: [IAEP] Why is Scratch more popular than Etoys?

I have taught both Scratch and Etoys to kids and hands down most kids prefer Scratch.  I also prefer Scratch for certain things, but prefer Etoys for most learning and teaching.

What can we learn from Scratch (and TurtleArt et al) to improve Etoys?  And vice versa what can be done to improve Scratch?
I have ideas, which I will share later, but I am curious to hear the thoughts of others (as mine add nothing to my current understanding and repeating them will simply further ingrain incomplete and incorrect assumptions and prejudices ;)

P.S. I fully believe kids should learn multiple languages and am not looking for the "one ring to rule them all."  Each language/environment has its advantages and we need multiple.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
[hidden email]

squeakland mailing list
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Re: [IAEP] Why is Scratch more popular than Etoys?

In reply to this post by Ron Teitelbaum-2
Thanks Ron!

Well, there are no barriers besides some work and a few more features to make up the differences in either direction. So that is probably what should be done.



From: Ron Teitelbaum <[hidden email]>
To: 'Alan Kay' <[hidden email]>; 'Steve Thomas' <[hidden email]>; 'iaep' <[hidden email]>; [hidden email]; 'squeakland' <[hidden email]>; [hidden email]; John Maloney <[hidden email]>
Sent: Friday, September 2, 2011 10:47 PM
Subject: RE: [squeakland] [IAEP] Why is Scratch more popular than Etoys?

Hi All,
Terrific answer Alan.  The user experience issue is something we deal with in a number of different places.  Our systems are very difficult to explain to people but once you get people in to try it they get it.  The learning curve on OpenQwaq is very small for beginners and we have depth for advanced users (arguably to much depth in places, making the system more complex than it needs to be).  The problem seems to be getting people in and keeping them there long enough to get it. 
I showed Etoys and Scratch to my daughter.  She was 15 at the time I believe.  She needed some prodding to understand Etoys but picked up Scratch right away.  The initial concept explanation was very simple with Scratch: This is a thing, this is an action, this is logic.  See how they are all puzzle pieces that fit together?  The initial concept explanation for Etoys took longer.   In both cases she was drawn to drawing and making things look interesting much more than the movement or logic.  
I love both pieces of software.  Scratch is fun and easy to explain plus it drives people to try and understand programming by giving hints about what things can work together.  I spent much more time enjoying Etoys.  Not surprising considering what I do for a living, but still I was playing and creating much more interesting things in Etoys.  The concepts are a bit harder to pick up because it demands more understanding from students and takes more mentoring from teachers but I agree with Alan: it has more depth, which is much more satisfying for someone with real interest.   
I’ve been considering a 3d version of Scratch or Etoys for OpenQwaq.  I’ve been drawn more to Scratch then Etoys probably because I place a higher value on the amount of time it takes to explain and see initial results.  From a teacher perspective this has tremendous value since it makes my job easier, and it allows more people to take advantage of the features if they find them.  It would keep their interest long enough to find value and then come back later to try some real things for themselves.  I suppose I worry that Etoys would be very useful but if people don’t use it long enough to see it work they will give up and never use it.
So from my perspective as a software provider Scratch wins, but if I were providing the software for ME to use I would rather see Etoys.  I guess I’ve convinced myself that there is no good answer.  What matters more is not the software but the student and the teacher.  Given a talented and motivated student I’d probably spend the time and energy showing them Etoys because they will hit the wall on Scratch much sooner.  A student that shows little interest and really only wants the basics will do better on Scratch.
Interesting discussion.
All the best,
Ron Teitelbaum
Immersive Collaboration Expert
3d Immersive Collaboration Consulting
From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Alan Kay
Sent: Friday, September 02, 2011 11:34 PM
To: Steve Thomas; iaep; [hidden email]; squeakland; [hidden email]
Subject: Re: [squeakland] [IAEP] Why is Scratch more popular than Etoys?
Both Etoys and Scratch were done by some of the same people (especially John Maloney), and both are on top of Squeak Smalltalk. The original Etoys interface was more like Scratch's (small area for action results, most of the screen area used for showing tools, tiles, etc.). The first Etoys was aimed at the web (at Disney), and making the start up more obvious and using more screen for it is a good idea I think. The projects for the first Etoys were also like Scratch projects: effects, jokes, postcards, simple animations, etc.
The next version of Etoys was for classrooms that would have much more help and do more ambitious projects. So we went to a full screen with flaps for the tools. This worked well in this setting.
The OLPC XO presented a problem in that it had lots of pixels but a very small visual angle.  We decided to stay with the classroom version, and I think this was a good idea on the one hand, but it went against the general lack of help that might be available in many of the XO's destinations.
Then we handed Etoys over to the Squeak Foundation, and the version they put out online retains the classroom UI with flaps.
Personally, I think the Scratch UI is better for many things than the Etoys UI, especially first encounters, which are so important for so many beginners these days. And I think the Scratch people have done a fantastic job on their web presence, including their gallery, the emulator for Scratch projects so you can see what they do, their online materials, etc.
On the other hand, Scratch lacks a real media system, a massively parallel particle system, and many other features that are really needed and useful for learning things beyond simple programming. Etoys is much more complete in many more ways.
Both systems have strong and weak points as to their language choices. Both lack nice extensions into more sophisticated programming. Both need to be greatly improved.
And so forth.
But I think in the world we live in, it is initial experiences that count in a non-classical culture (and this is most cultures around the world including the US). So we have to praise Scratch here, and wish that it had more depth. Etoys could easily be set up with a more useful exposed UI, and this would help tremendously in initial impressions.
As to how many features to include, this is a tricky one. Scratch has quite a few features -- such as the thought balloon one -- because it was primarily initially designed for the "Computer Clubhouses", afternoon drop in experiences for junior high and high school kids.
Etoys has fewer built in features because part of the "real deal" is to learn how to make your own features. It could have clip art, but we left it out because it is cognitively a good thing for children to learn how to draw. This is good for a "learning tool", but is not good for a "productivity tool".
There is no question that both systems could be improved along the lines of their current styles.
One could also imagine taking the lessons learned from both systems and inventing a new environment that is quite a bit better than either. I like this option the best.

From: Steve Thomas <[hidden email]>
To: iaep <[hidden email]>; [hidden email]; squeakland <[hidden email]>; [hidden email]
Sent: Friday, September 2, 2011 7:04 PM
Subject: [IAEP] Why is Scratch more popular than Etoys?
I have taught both Scratch and Etoys to kids and hands down most kids prefer Scratch.  I also prefer Scratch for certain things, but prefer Etoys for most learning and teaching.
What can we learn from Scratch (and TurtleArt et al) to improve Etoys?  And vice versa what can be done to improve Scratch?
I have ideas, which I will share later, but I am curious to hear the thoughts of others (as mine add nothing to my current understanding and repeating them will simply further ingrain incomplete and incorrect assumptions and prejudices ;)
P.S. I fully believe kids should learn multiple languages and am not looking for the "one ring to rule them all."  Each language/environment has its advantages and we need multiple.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
[hidden email]

squeakland mailing list
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Re: [IAEP] Why is Scratch more popular than Etoys?

In reply to this post by R.D. Latimer
One thing that hasn't been mentioned (but I should have) is not just the initial experiences and learning curve for children/students, but also for the adults who are trying to help them. I think this is where the relative opacity of Etoys really hurts its acceptance, and why the intro UI should be set up differently. Adults can so easily bypass things that are good for children if they find them difficult to learn (consider what has happened to real math and real science).

When Mitchel, Brian and John Maloney were thinking of doing Scratch, I urged them to try a new design center that built on the Etoys experience in the hope that we could test more ideas. I think they succeeded brilliantly with both children and adults (I was only disappointed that so much of the good Etoys depth was excluded in the process).

The good news is that enough was retained to still bring real content (as opposed to e.g. the iPad, which discarded too much of what a computer is in order to be readily learnable and popular in the pop culture).

But (to me), once Hypercard appeared in the late 80s, it showed how to do "media programming for beginners" and (to me) drew a line that we should not retreat backwards from. The irony is that the media objects and tools for doing a Hypercard like experience as part of the environment are lurking below the surface in Squeak Smalltalk. Etoys exposes them wrapped in tile programming, and Scratch does not. This is a big mistake for Scratch IMO. Hardly anyone complains because hardly anyone understands what is being lost.

Given the problems with plugins, downloads, etc., one could imagine the next versions of Etoys and Scratch being done in Javascript (or less usefully in Flash). Here the temptations will be great to exclude needed features that are not already programmed in the substrate system. And we could see a further watering down of the ideas (for example it is not easy -- not possible pragmatically -- to do a particle system in Javascript). There will be many rationalizations concocted to explain away the lost abilities (just as there have been for what is still not doable in browsers after 20 years that is readily doable on the computers that run the browsers!) -- but the end result will be less for the learners, and that would be a real shame if allowed to happen.

We don't want to wind up with "Guitar Hero" here. We are trying to get children to learn powerful ideas, not just to "have a fantasy experience".



From: R.D. Latimer <[hidden email]>
To: Alan Kay <[hidden email]>
Cc: Steve Thomas <[hidden email]>; iaep <[hidden email]>; "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>; squeakland <[hidden email]>; "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>; "Allard, Fred" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Saturday, September 3, 2011 4:09 AM
Subject: Re: [squeakland] [IAEP] Why is Scratch more popular than Etoys?

Great discussion, thanks -
We've been using Scratch for K-4 (Fairfax County VA) and last spring shifted over to BYOB/Snap (from Berkeley - now being named Snap with the new version not out yet).  We also started a Netlogo (Northwestern) intro for the older students.
  Along with Etoys, I think it'll be great to try all of these environments with the kids, like you all are saying, each may have strengths and weaknesses.
  BYOB/Snap has programming structures that can allow for connecting with other programming languages. For example -
   - Definition of new blocks (procedures/funtions returning a value)
     These blocks can have multiple inputs,
       Block to leap to a portion of the screen and spin a polygon shape
              leapTo x:  y:    (Smalltalk type of syntax)
              spinPolygon sides:  length:  times:

  - arrays/lists of data  (though I find these process slowly in the current version of BYOB)
       it can take a while to sort through a long list of numbers
    list processing commands/statements/methods

  - broadcast statements (I haven't explored these much)

  - functional programming, mapping a block over a list, 'keeping' values that satisfy a test.
    These capabilities are added at the Berkeley site.

  - recursion

  - parallel processing (I haven't explored this much)

Netlogo is a 'typed in' language, has an easy to use interface.  Easily created thousands of turtles for simulation and modeling projects.

  Python is very powerful and relatively easy for students to get started with, also a language called Processing.   These two languages may be examples of 'older student' programming that Scratch/Snap/Etoys can lead to.

  With Etoys, is an eventual move for kids into Smalltalk part of the thinking? It doesn't sound like that's necessarily a goal.

 I think our students here are excited to be able to use all of these platforms at some point.  I'm not sure how much of the programming/development teams are available to make adjustments to the platforms as we receive feedback from the students.

  I like the idea of a language environment incorporating lessons learned from all of these.
THanks again for the discussion,
Randy Latimer

On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 11:33 PM, Alan Kay <[hidden email]> wrote:
Both Etoys and Scratch were done by some of the same people (especially John Maloney), and both are on top of Squeak Smalltalk. The original Etoys interface was more like Scratch's (small area for action results, most of the screen area used for showing tools, tiles, etc.). The first Etoys was aimed at the web (at Disney), and making the start up more obvious and using more screen for it is a good idea I think. The projects for the first Etoys were also like Scratch projects: effects, jokes, postcards, simple animations, etc.

The next version of Etoys was for classrooms that would have much more help and do more ambitious projects. So we went to a full screen with flaps for the tools. This worked well in this setting.

The OLPC XO presented a problem in that it had lots of pixels but a very small visual angle.  We decided to stay with the classroom version, and I think this was a good idea on the one hand, but it went against the general lack of help that might be available in many of the XO's destinations.

Then we handed Etoys over to the Squeak Foundation, and the version they put out online retains the classroom UI with flaps.

Personally, I think the Scratch UI is better for many things than the Etoys UI, especially first encounters, which are so important for so many beginners these days. And I think the Scratch people have done a fantastic job on their web presence, including their gallery, the emulator for Scratch projects so you can see what they do, their online materials, etc.

On the other hand, Scratch lacks a real media system, a massively parallel particle system, and many other features that are really needed and useful for learning things beyond simple programming. Etoys is much more complete in many more ways.

Both systems have strong and weak points as to their language choices. Both lack nice extensions into more sophisticated programming. Both need to be greatly improved.

And so forth.

But I think in the world we live in, it is initial experiences that count in a non-classical culture (and this is most cultures around the world including the US). So we have to praise Scratch here, and wish that it had more depth. Etoys could easily be set up with a more useful exposed UI, and this would help tremendously in initial impressions.

As to how many features to include, this is a tricky one. Scratch has quite a few features -- such as the thought balloon one -- because it was primarily initially designed for the "Computer Clubhouses", afternoon drop in experiences for junior high and high school kids.

Etoys has fewer built in features because part of the "real deal" is to learn how to make your own features. It could have clip art, but we left it out because it is cognitively a good thing for children to learn how to draw. This is good for a "learning tool", but is not good for a "productivity tool".

There is no question that both systems could be improved along the lines of their current styles.

One could also imagine taking the lessons learned from both systems and inventing a new environment that is quite a bit better than either. I like this option the best.



From: Steve Thomas <[hidden email]>
Sent: Friday, September 2, 2011 7:04 PM
Subject: [IAEP] Why is Scratch more popular than Etoys?

I have taught both Scratch and Etoys to kids and hands down most kids prefer Scratch.  I also prefer Scratch for certain things, but prefer Etoys for most learning and teaching.

What can we learn from Scratch (and TurtleArt et al) to improve Etoys?  And vice versa what can be done to improve Scratch?
I have ideas, which I will share later, but I am curious to hear the thoughts of others (as mine add nothing to my current understanding and repeating them will simply further ingrain incomplete and incorrect assumptions and prejudices ;)

P.S. I fully believe kids should learn multiple languages and am not looking for the "one ring to rule them all."  Each language/environment has its advantages and we need multiple.

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Re: Why is Scratch more popular than Etoys?

Karl Ramberg
In reply to this post by Steve Thomas
Interesting question :-)

Some observations on Etoys:
Etoys have much bigger scope and much more features. Features hidden in lots of layers and obscure places. Etoys has less organized authoring where code editors and players overlap and can obscure each other. Many of Etoys powerful features make the learning curve steep and confusing. It is not obvious why thing are the way they are in Etoys. 

I have several times failed at making projects and gotten totally lost. Like the graphic 'look like' another player is quite unforgiving and it's easy to lose drawings (because they now look like the other player) when doing animation and testing. 

I think Etoys are great and I have been bug fixing etc for years. I learn stuff all the time using it and fixing it.  I often have to restrain my self for adding new features 'because it would be cool etc' 

It could be that the problems people have with Etoys is that there are to many possibilities and too many thing to explore. It get's confusing and they don't know where to start.


On Sat, Sep 3, 2011 at 4:04 AM, Steve Thomas <[hidden email]> wrote:
I have taught both Scratch and Etoys to kids and hands down most kids prefer Scratch.  I also prefer Scratch for certain things, but prefer Etoys for most learning and teaching.

What can we learn from Scratch (and TurtleArt et al) to improve Etoys?  And vice versa what can be done to improve Scratch?
I have ideas, which I will share later, but I am curious to hear the thoughts of others (as mine add nothing to my current understanding and repeating them will simply further ingrain incomplete and incorrect assumptions and prejudices ;)

P.S. I fully believe kids should learn multiple languages and am not looking for the "one ring to rule them all."  Each language/environment has its advantages and we need multiple.

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Re: [IAEP] Why is Scratch more popular than Etoys?

Jecel Assumpcao Jr
In reply to this post by alanone1
Alan Kay wrote:
> [...]
> Then we handed Etoys over to the Squeak Foundation, and the version
> they put out online retains the classroom UI with flaps.

Actually, that would be the Squeakland Foundation. But in the Squeak
Board at least Bert and I try to represent the interests of the Etoys
(and Scratch) users.

One reason for Scratch's popularity is the restrictions they have made
which upset some people in the OLPC community. Etoys, on the other hand,
suffered from some of the problems that open source projects have -
students and teacher become very upset when some project they have
created won't load into a newer version of the system. Note that I am
fully on the side of Etoys here, but we have to be aware of the costs.

It is interesting to me that Scratch's explict loops (compared to Etoys'
clock driven scripts) don't seem to cause any difficulties for beginners
nor for young children. That shows how important it is to test stuff
rather than follow our intuitions.

What I would really like (in the sense that I am trying to get funding
to pay a group of people to build) would be a system within
Croquet/Cobalt that would start out like Scratch, then become more and
more like Etoys as the programmer's skills improved with a smooth path
all the way to the Smalltalk level.

Jens Mönig, the guy who did BYOB (Build Your Own Block extension of
Scratch), also created Elements, which is a Scratch syntax for


So it is easy enough to see how far this approach can scale.

-- Jecel

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Re: [IAEP] Why is Scratch more popular than Etoys?

Karl Ramberg
In reply to this post by alanone1
I looked at this TED presentation today:

He say there are a trillion hours of participatory value up for grabs.

We could do with some more people working on Etoys :-)

I also looked at these two web forum pages discussing programming for
kids pages today but not much love for Etoys:


There seems to be a mismatch from we perceive as values and strong
features of Etoys and what other people see.  Why do we not get the
ideas out? What makes is so hard ? Do people test Etoys and drop it ?


On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 10:44 PM, Jecel Assumpcao Jr.
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> Alan Kay wrote:
>> [...]
>> Then we handed Etoys over to the Squeak Foundation, and the version
>> they put out online retains the classroom UI with flaps.
> Actually, that would be the Squeakland Foundation. But in the Squeak
> Board at least Bert and I try to represent the interests of the Etoys
> (and Scratch) users.
> One reason for Scratch's popularity is the restrictions they have made
> which upset some people in the OLPC community. Etoys, on the other hand,
> suffered from some of the problems that open source projects have -
> students and teacher become very upset when some project they have
> created won't load into a newer version of the system. Note that I am
> fully on the side of Etoys here, but we have to be aware of the costs.
> It is interesting to me that Scratch's explict loops (compared to Etoys'
> clock driven scripts) don't seem to cause any difficulties for beginners
> nor for young children. That shows how important it is to test stuff
> rather than follow our intuitions.
> What I would really like (in the sense that I am trying to get funding
> to pay a group of people to build) would be a system within
> Croquet/Cobalt that would start out like Scratch, then become more and
> more like Etoys as the programmer's skills improved with a smooth path
> all the way to the Smalltalk level.
> Jens Mönig, the guy who did BYOB (Build Your Own Block extension of
> Scratch), also created Elements, which is a Scratch syntax for
> Smalltalk-80:
> http://www.chirp.scratchr.org/blog/?p=24
> So it is easy enough to see how far this approach can scale.
> -- Jecel
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Re: [IAEP] Why is Scratch more popular than Etoys?

Hilaire Fernandes
Perhaps programming is not for the mass, and it is not the target of Etoys, right?
The unique value of Etoys is how you can connect different artefacts developed in different contexts, thanks to the tiles. Supplementary artefacts can be written in Smalltalk rock star, but this feature does not scale right now, the problem is not Smalltalk but more the lacking infrastructure around (internal and external to Etoys).

I am pretty sure at 100% that if Etoys came with huge libraries of such artefact, specialised for various domains, ready to use by educators, Etoys will have a tremendous impact both in the teaching communities and the educative content producers.

As long as Etoys does not take a more focused direction targeted to the professionals of the sector (the educators), it will remain where it is.


2011/9/15 karl ramberg <[hidden email]>
I looked at this TED presentation today:

He say there are a trillion hours of participatory value up for grabs.

We could do with some more people working on Etoys :-)

I also looked at these two web forum pages discussing programming for
kids pages today but not much love for Etoys:


There seems to be a mismatch from we perceive as values and strong
features of Etoys and what other people see.  Why do we not get the
ideas out? What makes is so hard ? Do people test Etoys and drop it ?


On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 10:44 PM, Jecel Assumpcao Jr.
<[hidden email]> wrote:
> Alan Kay wrote:
>> [...]
>> Then we handed Etoys over to the Squeak Foundation, and the version
>> they put out online retains the classroom UI with flaps.
> Actually, that would be the Squeakland Foundation. But in the Squeak
> Board at least Bert and I try to represent the interests of the Etoys
> (and Scratch) users.
> One reason for Scratch's popularity is the restrictions they have made
> which upset some people in the OLPC community. Etoys, on the other hand,
> suffered from some of the problems that open source projects have -
> students and teacher become very upset when some project they have
> created won't load into a newer version of the system. Note that I am
> fully on the side of Etoys here, but we have to be aware of the costs.
> It is interesting to me that Scratch's explict loops (compared to Etoys'
> clock driven scripts) don't seem to cause any difficulties for beginners
> nor for young children. That shows how important it is to test stuff
> rather than follow our intuitions.
> What I would really like (in the sense that I am trying to get funding
> to pay a group of people to build) would be a system within
> Croquet/Cobalt that would start out like Scratch, then become more and
> more like Etoys as the programmer's skills improved with a smooth path
> all the way to the Smalltalk level.
> Jens Mönig, the guy who did BYOB (Build Your Own Block extension of
> Scratch), also created Elements, which is a Scratch syntax for
> Smalltalk-80:
> http://www.chirp.scratchr.org/blog/?p=24
> So it is easy enough to see how far this approach can scale.
> -- Jecel
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Re: [IAEP] Why is Scratch more popular than Etoys?

K K Subbu
In reply to this post by Karl Ramberg
On Friday 16 Sep 2011 3:06:34 AM karl ramberg wrote:

> I also looked at these two web forum pages discussing programming for
> kids pages today but not much love for Etoys:
> http://pozorvlak.livejournal.com/169225.html
> http://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/kgbzq/why_we_should_teach_our_
> kids_to_code/
> There seems to be a mismatch from we perceive as values and strong
> features of Etoys and what other people see.  Why do we not get the
> ideas out? What makes is so hard ? Do people test Etoys and drop it ?
Etoys requires people to think hard before putting ideas onto a project. This
raises the barrier for students and journalists working against a deadline

Another aspect of Etoys will become apparent if you get kids to use Etoys in a
language foreign to them (or say in dingbat fonts). Though the UI is graphical
it still has a heavy text bias. I noticed this when helping children,
illiterate in English, use Etoys. Painting lacks the directness of other
Morphic ops like move, pickup etc. Beginners tend to the leave the Paint Tool
on while saving their project. We could do more in simplifying the UI. For
instance, compose sketches by long-pressing (embed) one Morph on another.
Suzanne Guyader, author of Art and Etoys, had many nice ideas for easing

What Alan proposed about going beyond Scratch and Etoys in an earlier mail
rings true from my own experience. I would throw in Tuxpaint into the mix.
Tuxpaint uses sounds very well. We need something that takes the best parts of
Etoys, Scratch and Tuxpaint and build a new Idea editor.

But then, we need to be able to look beyond software at the larger goal. The
real question we should be asking is "Why aren't children acquiring fluency in
learning with Etoys/Scratch/TuxPaint or whatchamacallit?"

Regards .. Subbu
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Re: [IAEP] Why is Scratch more popular than Etoys?

Karl Ramberg
On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 3:20 PM, K. K. Subramaniam <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On Friday 16 Sep 2011 3:06:34 AM karl ramberg wrote:
>> I also looked at these two web forum pages discussing programming for
>> kids pages today but not much love for Etoys:
>> http://pozorvlak.livejournal.com/169225.html
>> http://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/kgbzq/why_we_should_teach_our_
>> kids_to_code/
>> There seems to be a mismatch from we perceive as values and strong
>> features of Etoys and what other people see.  Why do we not get the
>> ideas out? What makes is so hard ? Do people test Etoys and drop it ?
> Etoys requires people to think hard before putting ideas onto a project. This
> raises the barrier for students and journalists working against a deadline
> ;-).
> Another aspect of Etoys will become apparent if you get kids to use Etoys in a
> language foreign to them (or say in dingbat fonts). Though the UI is graphical
> it still has a heavy text bias. I noticed this when helping children,
> illiterate in English, use Etoys. Painting lacks the directness of other
> Morphic ops like move, pickup etc. Beginners tend to the leave the Paint Tool
> on while saving their project. We could do more in simplifying the UI. For
> instance, compose sketches by long-pressing (embed) one Morph on another.
> Suzanne Guyader, author of Art and Etoys, had many nice ideas for easing
> compositions.
> What Alan proposed about going beyond Scratch and Etoys in an earlier mail
> rings true from my own experience. I would throw in Tuxpaint into the mix.
> Tuxpaint uses sounds very well. We need something that takes the best parts of
> Etoys, Scratch and Tuxpaint and build a new Idea editor.
A few thoughts

My kids play The Sims 3 and Starcraft 2. The interfaces
there are quite complex and the result is a kind of programming.
It would be interesting to see if one could take these concepts a bit
longer and
make programming tools more game-like.

Maybe there could be "clip art" of ready players that give the novice less

It would be cool to get better scaling and higher speed than Etoys, to
be able to collapse players down into
each other to build complex players.
It would be great to be able to build for example make a decoder for a
video stream or a image form.

It's also hard now to share single players.

Debugging and  to be able to step trough scripts would be very good.

Better tools for locking down the interface would be nice. Authoring
would still be possible, but
presentation would also be possible with fewer mishaps and accidental
breakage of the carefully set up

It is hard to discuss tile scripts in mail lists text based forums.
Screenshots are cumbersome and often a hassle.
Scratch forums had some style scripts I think that made code render like tiles.
I'm not sure how to deal with this issue.
Maybe the discussion forums should be integrated into the programming
environment ?

+ much more :-)


> But then, we need to be able to look beyond software at the larger goal. The
> real question we should be asking is "Why aren't children acquiring fluency in
> learning with Etoys/Scratch/TuxPaint or whatchamacallit?"
> Regards .. Subbu
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Re: [IAEP] Why is Scratch more popular than Etoys?

Jecel Assumpcao Jr
In reply to this post by K K Subbu
About programming for the masses, I see two educational reasons to
insist on that. One (rather weak) reason is to demystify something that
is everywhere. People will be dealing with software all the time and if
having done one or two toy applications as a child makes them see that
it is not magic then that is nice.

A much better reason is Papert's: so the children will have an object to
think with. The idea is to learn to learn but we need a suitable way to
talk about learning strategies. Normal school tends to encourage a very
poor strategy: take a guess, see if the teacher confirms it is right and
if not take another guess. Not only is the search time long and
unbounded, you also need some external way of checking your results
which is something you won't always have.

Teaching programming is just a way to be able to teach debugging, or
successive approximation. You don't throw away incorrect attempts but
instead build on them. And you learn to figure out for yourself if they
are correct or not, and how far and in what way they are incorrect so
you know what to change.

-- Jecel

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Re: [IAEP] Why is Scratch more popular than Etoys?

Karl Ramberg
In reply to this post by K K Subbu
On Sun, Sep 18, 2011 at 10:57 PM, Jecel Assumpcao Jr.
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> About programming for the masses, I see two educational reasons to
> insist on that. One (rather weak) reason is to demystify something that
> is everywhere. People will be dealing with software all the time and if
> having done one or two toy applications as a child makes them see that
> it is not magic then that is nice.
> A much better reason is Papert's: so the children will have an object to
> think with. The idea is to learn to learn but we need a suitable way to
> talk about learning strategies. Normal school tends to encourage a very
> poor strategy: take a guess, see if the teacher confirms it is right and
> if not take another guess. Not only is the search time long and
> unbounded, you also need some external way of checking your results
> which is something you won't always have.
> Teaching programming is just a way to be able to teach debugging, or
> successive approximation. You don't throw away incorrect attempts but
> instead build on them. And you learn to figure out for yourself if they
> are correct or not, and how far and in what way they are incorrect so
> you know what to change.

With Etoy now we have few projects that challenges a notion and show
you a way to get there.
We have the project showing the most basic stuff.

I think we need more projects that features aspects of the system and
how to use them.

Of course Mr.Steve has made many nice videos :-)

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Re: [IAEP] Why is Scratch more popular than Etoys?

K K Subbu
In reply to this post by K K Subbu
On Monday 19 Sep 2011 2:27:55 AM Jecel Assumpcao Jr. wrote:
> About programming for the masses, I see two educational reasons to
> insist on that.
The debates about programmin I encounter is usually around "how" and not
> A much better reason is Papert's: so the children will have an object to
> think with. The idea is to learn to learn but we need a suitable way to
> talk about learning strategies.
Papert had a multi-modal approach to develop thinking skills in children -
using large spaces, physical movement, manipulation in three- and two-
dimensional spaces etc. Etoys collapses everything to a single dimension -
left-to-right sequence in tiles and top-bottom in scripts.

Papert's methods were more closely aligned to the way children think and act
while the gap seems to be much larger in Etoys and smaller in the case of
TuxPaint or Scratch. There is lot more in Etoys than in these two but that is
irrelevant if children cannot cross the initial chasm. Yes, a few children may
make it across the chasm on their own steam, but thinking tools should be
designed to benefit 80% of children, not just the top quintile.

Regards .. Subbu
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Re: [IAEP] Why is Scratch more popular than Etoys?

Karl Ramberg
On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 7:05 PM, K. K. Subramaniam <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On Monday 19 Sep 2011 2:27:55 AM Jecel Assumpcao Jr. wrote:
>> About programming for the masses, I see two educational reasons to
>> insist on that.
> The debates about programmin I encounter is usually around "how" and not
> "why".
>> A much better reason is Papert's: so the children will have an object to
>> think with. The idea is to learn to learn but we need a suitable way to
>> talk about learning strategies.
> Papert had a multi-modal approach to develop thinking skills in children -
> using large spaces, physical movement, manipulation in three- and two-
> dimensional spaces etc. Etoys collapses everything to a single dimension -
> left-to-right sequence in tiles and top-bottom in scripts.
> Papert's methods were more closely aligned to the way children think and act
> while the gap seems to be much larger in Etoys and smaller in the case of
> TuxPaint or Scratch. There is lot more in Etoys than in these two but that is
> irrelevant if children cannot cross the initial chasm. Yes, a few children may
> make it across the chasm on their own steam, but thinking tools should be
> designed to benefit 80% of children, not just the top quintile.

I don't think Etoys are that far behind either Scratch or Tuxpaint.
Etoys does have a steep learning curve.
But so has most stuff worth doing anyway :-)

I think we need user testing on Etoys to expose the biggest flaws.
What are the biggest stumbling blocks ?
Fix that issue and repeat the process.

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Re: [IAEP] Why is Scratch more popular than Etoys?

Steve Thomas
In reply to this post by K K Subbu
Thanks to all for an interesting discussion, I would like to review what I got out of discussion along with some comments and questions:

On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 11:03 PM, Cherry Withers <[hidden email]> wrote:
When I did my workshop on Etoys in the Philippines back in June, one kid did a "draft" of the same project in Scratch first using the pre-installed cliparts then did it in Etoys like I asked.... For him the pre-installed cliparts made it easier for him to jump right into programming rather than spend so much time drawing things. However, some kids derived more satisfaction in using their own drawings.
 To me, while it is important for kids to draw, I have seen kids who start using the clip art in Scratch and then get into the drawing. Also I have had kids using Etoys who did not feel comfortable with drawing and got "stuck" trying to do the drawings, until I either told them it was okay to use any drawing and they could change it later, or showed them how to "import' a drawing into Etoys, by dragging it in from a browser or Scratch Clip Art folder.
Incidentally, no one taught the child how to use Scratch and he didn't use it fully (never did a project in Scratch) till we got into conditional statements in Etoys.
This is perhaps the greatest compliment for the design of the Scratch UI and a goal (not for all things, but at least for the getting started part). 

He started drawing parallels with Etoys. On our 2nd and 3rd day, he would always create his draft first on Scratch then do things in Etoys. It was a lot easier for him to "find" things in Scratch he says.
Love IT!!!  Kids should learn multiple languages and the ability to switch between two languages is a wonderful skill that should be encouraged and taught. 
On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 11:31 PM, Hilaire Fernandes <[hidden email]> wrote:
Behing the more eye candy aspect of Scratch,  Scratch is also better ergonomically with a more structured UI helping confort of the kids:
color scheme, predefined purpose area.

Agreed the use of eye candy (which I take to mean great clip art that is attractive to the intended audience, in this case kids, but if you had one for adults, you could have different clip art), color and a more structured UI (which I take to mean a UI that helps guide the user as to intended use and understanding) is good.  

One thing I think could be improved upon in the Scratch UI is something that allows for what I will call the "Etoys Challenge" design where a few scripting tiles are placed on the world for the user to choose from to solve a particular problem. This helps avoid the too many choices cognitive overload and gets them to focus on what you want them to learn.

The Etoys Challenge design I think is actually a potential "low floor" enabler to help kids get up to speed (although I think other ideas like picking a few tiles for each child to explore and become and expert in so they can teach the rest of the class, is also a good idea that does not require interface changes).

However, Etoys and Scratch are very differents in purpose for me, so not really competing.
Agreed and along the lines of the work of Mark Guzdial and the great Spaghetti Sauce makers (plain, spicy, thick and chunky etc.) we need to have multiple environments for different learners (no I did not say different learning styles).

On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 11:33 PM, Alan Kay <[hidden email]> wrote:
The original Etoys interface was more like Scratch's (small area for action results, most of the screen area used for showing tools, tiles, etc.). The first Etoys was aimed at the web (at Disney), and making the start up more obvious and using more screen for it is a good idea I think.
Is there another design/way to help make start up more obvious without using more screen for it?
So when you say "use more screen for it" I assume you are referring to Scratch's dedicated scripting area and tile area.
I was thinking along the lines of a set of "Etoys Challenges" and "Etoys Castle" type projects, where only a limited set of tiles are visible and the user is asked to use them to solve problems.  Another idea is some kind of animated Quick Guides which are available from the scripting tiles themselves via halo, right click like in scratch or on hover a balloon help displays. Video tutorials (perhaps using Event Theater, which I hope stays in the next version, although one could argue for screen casting to solve the problem with that video embedded in the Scratch/Etoy project).
Personally, I think the Scratch UI is better for many things than the Etoys UI, especially first encounters, which are so important for so many beginners these days.
It is also better in the way the tiles snap together, it is a much more polished and forgiving interface with better visual clues when scripting,
And I think the Scratch people have done a fantastic job on their web presence, including their gallery, the emulator for Scratch projects so you can see what they do, their online materials, etc.
On the other hand, Scratch lacks a real media system,
Details please Antwerth.
a massively parallel particle system,
Kedama is amazing and wonderful, but the learning curve is steep. Perhaps part of it is it has a different structure to it for scripting and you have to understand patches.  Some basic tutorials (video based for the visual learners among us) would be helpful but I need to play with Kedama more.
and many other features that are really needed and useful for learning things beyond simple programming.
Well my short list would include: Player Variables, Holders/Playfields, Collections that hold anything not just numbers or strings.
What's on your short list?
But I think in the world we live in, it is initial experiences that count in a non-classical culture (and this is most cultures around the world including the US).
As to how many features to include, this is a tricky one.

Etoys has fewer built in features because part of the "real deal" is to learn how to make your own features.
The problem is its a lot of work and time to do the "real deal" and while it would be ideal, sadly most folks don't do it.  And part of the curriculum design is deciding what to make easy and what to make hard, but without the "productivity tools" everything is hard.

It could have clip art, but we left it out because it is cognitively a good thing for children to learn how to draw. This is good for a "learning tool", but is not good for a "productivity tool".
So part of the argument is that clip art was left out because we want kids to draw.  I agree its a good thing for children to learn to draw. But I do not agree that having clip art included will prevent this.  Look at some of the Scratch projects where kids do amazing drawings (although their drawing tool, could be improved by allowing the color picker to pick a color from anywhere within the Scratch environment not just the current drawing).

On Sat, Sep 3, 2011 at 8:56 AM, Alan Kay <[hidden email]> wrote:
One thing that hasn't been mentioned (but I should have) is not just the initial experiences and learning curve for children/students, but also for the adults who are trying to help them.
 Agreed and I think Hilaire is on the right track for helping the adults who are trying to help children.  Providing a set of pre-built tools/projcts that teachers can use would greatly help acceptance and usage (and hopefully the kids learning as well ;) 

I think this is where the relative opacity of Etoys really hurts its acceptance, and why the intro UI should be set up differently.
Its also the bugs (few as they are now) and the unforgivingness of the system (see Karl's example on losing a graphic).

On Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 5:14 PM, Dr. Gerald Ardito <[hidden email]> wrote:
I have been using Scratch and Etoys with students in grades 5-8 for the past 4 years or so. In this work, I have seen an interesting pattern. The younger students (5th and 6th graders) ALWAYS prefer Etoys to Scratch. (I am talking here about first exposure).They love the drawing component and then being able to make their drawings move or do something. The older students ALWAYS prefer Scratch. They get the bricks metaphor right away and so can get things done very quickly.
Okay, so this comment blew away my preconceived notions (thanks!!!).   So my question is why?  Perhaps it is that the Etoys drawing tool is simpler and more accesible and the Scratch scripting environment is simpler and has an easier on ramp. 

And sometimes students using Etoys get frustrated because there are so many options and choices and opportunities for functionality.
So again I think a series of Etoys challenges may be part of the answer. Another could be the ability to specify which scripting tiles are visible and which are not on a project basis. Of course that would put an extra load on the parents trying to help the kids and thus lead to less usage.
What is also interesting is the degree to which the tools are owned by the students. Whichever one they are using starts to become a powerful form of expression for them so that, if given the opportunity, they will use it to complete projects and presentations, etc.
Yes both Scratch and Etoys can be improved in the "Power Point" replacement area.

On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 3:29 AM, Hilaire Fernandes <[hidden email]> wrote:
I am pretty sure at 100% that if Etoys came with huge libraries of such artefact, specialised for various domains, ready to use by educators, Etoys will have a tremendous impact both in the teaching communities and the educative content producers.
I agreed whole heartedly with Hilaire.  We need libraries of artifacts for teachers including but not limited to Etoys Challenges to teach specific topics, Tools to Teach with (cuisenaire rods, fraction tools, pattern blocks, etc) videos demonstrating how to use Etoys  (for students and teachers) and curriculum guides and other OERs.  This is no small task but worth starting. 

On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 9:20 AM, K. K. Subramaniam <[hidden email]> wrote:
Another aspect of Etoys will become apparent if you get kids to use Etoys in a
language foreign to them (or say in dingbat fonts). Though the UI is graphical
it still has a heavy text bias. I noticed this when helping children,
illiterate in English, use Etoys.
I think graphical animated help could help here.  For example: if kids hover over a tile (or right click) a balloon shows up with an animation of what the tile does.  Or perhaps better a quiz where the child guesses what the tile does and then tests there guess by firing that tiles action all within the ballon quick guide/help.

For instance, compose sketches by long-pressing (embed) one Morph on another.
Suzanne Guyader, author of Art and Etoys, had many nice ideas for easing

Yes this is a wonderful project and hopefully Subbu's changes to support this will be included in the next release.
We need something that takes the best parts of
Etoys, Scratch and Tuxpaint and build a new Idea editor.
But then, we need to be able to look beyond software at the larger goal. The
real question we should be asking is "Why aren't children acquiring fluency in
learning with Etoys/Scratch/TuxPaint or whatchamacallit?"
Well save that for another email chain ;)

On Sun, Sep 18, 2011 at 12:22 PM, karl ramberg <[hidden email]> wrote:
My kids play The Sims 3 and Starcraft 2. The interfaces
there are quite complex and the result is a kind of programming.
But kids are motivated and motivation conquers all (well until frustration trumps it).
It would be interesting to see if one could take these concepts a bit longer and make programming tools more game-like.
I think some game mechanics help, but I also think they have their limits.  I was listening to some game programmers at a NYU Games for Change conference. They were hired to work with the educators to help develop "learning games".  The comment they made that stuck with me was "every time they try and make it educational it becomes boring". 

Maybe there could be "clip art" of ready players that give the novice less digressions.
It would be great to be able to build for example make a decoder for a
video stream or a image form.
Image editing (along the lines of Mark Guzdial's course where kids can program their own photoshop like effects) and video would be a great addition. 
It's also hard now to share single players.
Sharing of players and scripts across project would be a good addition.
I would add something along the lines of the Scratch Remote Connections Protocol where you can setup a mesh network of Scratch and Etoys projects which can exchange messages with each other (see Koji Yokokawa: http://www.squeaksource.com/ScratchConnect.html for the Etoys connection code).  Ideally we could also send players and scripts.

On Sun, Sep 18, 2011 at 4:57 PM, Jecel Assumpcao Jr. <[hidden email]> wrote:
A much better reason is Papert's: so the children will have an object to
think with.
The idea is to learn to learn but we need a suitable way to
talk about learning strategies.
Normal school tends to encourage a very
poor strategy: take a guess, see if the teacher confirms it is right and
if not take another guess. Not only is the search time long and
unbounded, you also need some external way of checking your results
which is something you won't always have.

Teaching programming is just a way to be able to teach debugging, or
successive approximation
. You don't throw away incorrect attempts but
instead build on them
. And you learn to figure out for yourself if they
are correct or not
, and how far and in what way they are incorrect so
you know what to change.
Jecel, wonderfully stated, please provide details and specific examples we can use in classrooms ;)

On Sun, Sep 18, 2011 at 6:09 PM, karl ramberg <[hidden email]> wrote:
With Etoy now we have few projects that challenges a notion and show you a way to get there.
We have the project showing the most basic stuff.

I think we need more projects that features aspects of the system and
how to use them.
Etoys Illinois has a number of good projects. 
 On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 1:05 PM, K. K. Subramaniam <[hidden email]> wrote:
Papert had a multi-modal approach to develop thinking skills in children -
using large spaces, physical movement, manipulation in three- and two-
dimensional spaces etc.
I think a lot is lost in the OLPC/Scratch/Etoys discussions where too much emphasis is placed on what can be done with the technology and not enough complimentary work on the large spaces, physical movement, etc that can be done outside of the computer.  Here I think Maria's work at Natural Math is a good compliment.
Papert's methods were more closely aligned to the way children think and act
while the gap seems to be much larger in Etoys and smaller in the case of
TuxPaint or Scratch. There is lot more in Etoys than in these two but that is
irrelevant if children cannot cross the initial chasm. Yes, a few children may
make it across the chasm on their own steam, but thinking tools should be
designed to benefit 80% of children, not just the top quintile.
+1 we need to better understand how children think and learn when designing curriculum and learning tools.
And its not just the tools, but coming up with the appropriate metaphors, experiences, problems and questions ...
to help kids cross the chasm that I struggle with.

Thanks to all for their thoughts and time,

squeakland mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: [IAEP] Why is Scratch more popular than Etoys?

Harness, Kathleen
Wow! Thanks for putting this together!
A comment before I go to work. . .

Have you noticed that the education system is quite resistant to change? It has become more resistant and rigid in the past few years with the national emphasis on testing basic skills. This emphasis has devalued creative thinking by students and by their teachers. The timelines, benchmarks, pre/post tests and the high stakes spring test marathon for our children consume huge amount of time in schools days that are already quite short and an academic year that has not increased to take advantage of the fact that we are no longer an agrarian society.
I am certain Etoys need to be in schools but I don't think programming is on the national agenda. Some schools don't even teach art and music which have long traditions but are considered frills rather than essentials.

From: [hidden email] [[hidden email]] on behalf of Steve Thomas [[hidden email]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 12:10 AM
To: iaep; squeakland; [hidden email]; [hidden email]
Subject: Re: [squeakland] [IAEP] Why is Scratch more popular than Etoys?

Thanks to all for an interesting discussion, I would like to review what I got out of discussion along with some comments and questions:

On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 11:03 PM, Cherry Withers <[hidden email]> wrote:
When I did my workshop on Etoys in the Philippines back in June, one kid did a "draft" of the same project in Scratch first using the pre-installed cliparts then did it in Etoys like I asked.... For him the pre-installed cliparts made it easier for him to jump right into programming rather than spend so much time drawing things. However, some kids derived more satisfaction in using their own drawings.
 To me, while it is important for kids to draw, I have seen kids who start using the clip art in Scratch and then get into the drawing. Also I have had kids using Etoys who did not feel comfortable with drawing and got "stuck" trying to do the drawings, until I either told them it was okay to use any drawing and they could change it later, or showed them how to "import' a drawing into Etoys, by dragging it in from a browser or Scratch Clip Art folder.
Incidentally, no one taught the child how to use Scratch and he didn't use it fully (never did a project in Scratch) till we got into conditional statements in Etoys.
This is perhaps the greatest compliment for the design of the Scratch UI and a goal (not for all things, but at least for the getting started part). 

He started drawing parallels with Etoys. On our 2nd and 3rd day, he would always create his draft first on Scratch then do things in Etoys. It was a lot easier for him to "find" things in Scratch he says.
Love IT!!!  Kids should learn multiple languages and the ability to switch between two languages is a wonderful skill that should be encouraged and taught. 
On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 11:31 PM, Hilaire Fernandes <[hidden email]> wrote:
Behing the more eye candy aspect of Scratch,  Scratch is also better ergonomically with a more structured UI helping confort of the kids:
color scheme, predefined purpose area.

Agreed the use of eye candy (which I take to mean great clip art that is attractive to the intended audience, in this case kids, but if you had one for adults, you could have different clip art), color and a more structured UI (which I take to mean a UI that helps guide the user as to intended use and understanding) is good.  

One thing I think could be improved upon in the Scratch UI is something that allows for what I will call the "Etoys Challenge" design where a few scripting tiles are placed on the world for the user to choose from to solve a particular problem. This helps avoid the too many choices cognitive overload and gets them to focus on what you want them to learn.

The Etoys Challenge design I think is actually a potential "low floor" enabler to help kids get up to speed (although I think other ideas like picking a few tiles for each child to explore and become and expert in so they can teach the rest of the class, is also a good idea that does not require interface changes).

However, Etoys and Scratch are very differents in purpose for me, so not really competing.
Agreed and along the lines of the work of Mark Guzdial and the great Spaghetti Sauce makers (plain, spicy, thick and chunky etc.) we need to have multiple environments for different learners (no I did not say different learning styles).

On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 11:33 PM, Alan Kay <[hidden email]> wrote:
The original Etoys interface was more like Scratch's (small area for action results, most of the screen area used for showing tools, tiles, etc.). The first Etoys was aimed at the web (at Disney), and making the start up more obvious and using more screen for it is a good idea I think.
Is there another design/way to help make start up more obvious without using more screen for it?
So when you say "use more screen for it" I assume you are referring to Scratch's dedicated scripting area and tile area.
I was thinking along the lines of a set of "Etoys Challenges" and "Etoys Castle" type projects, where only a limited set of tiles are visible and the user is asked to use them to solve problems.  Another idea is some kind of animated Quick Guides which are available from the scripting tiles themselves via halo, right click like in scratch or on hover a balloon help displays. Video tutorials (perhaps using Event Theater, which I hope stays in the next version, although one could argue for screen casting to solve the problem with that video embedded in the Scratch/Etoy project).
Personally, I think the Scratch UI is better for many things than the Etoys UI, especially first encounters, which are so important for so many beginners these days.
It is also better in the way the tiles snap together, it is a much more polished and forgiving interface with better visual clues when scripting,
And I think the Scratch people have done a fantastic job on their web presence, including their gallery, the emulator for Scratch projects so you can see what they do, their online materials, etc.
On the other hand, Scratch lacks a real media system,
Details please Antwerth.
a massively parallel particle system,
Kedama is amazing and wonderful, but the learning curve is steep. Perhaps part of it is it has a different structure to it for scripting and you have to understand patches.  Some basic tutorials (video based for the visual learners among us) would be helpful but I need to play with Kedama more.
and many other features that are really needed and useful for learning things beyond simple programming.
Well my short list would include: Player Variables, Holders/Playfields, Collections that hold anything not just numbers or strings.
What's on your short list?
But I think in the world we live in, it is initial experiences that count in a non-classical culture (and this is most cultures around the world including the US).
As to how many features to include, this is a tricky one.

Etoys has fewer built in features because part of the "real deal" is to learn how to make your own features.
The problem is its a lot of work and time to do the "real deal" and while it would be ideal, sadly most folks don't do it.  And part of the curriculum design is deciding what to make easy and what to make hard, but without the "productivity tools" everything is hard.

It could have clip art, but we left it out because it is cognitively a good thing for children to learn how to draw. This is good for a "learning tool", but is not good for a "productivity tool".
So part of the argument is that clip art was left out because we want kids to draw.  I agree its a good thing for children to learn to draw. But I do not agree that having clip art included will prevent this.  Look at some of the Scratch projects where kids do amazing drawings (although their drawing tool, could be improved by allowing the color picker to pick a color from anywhere within the Scratch environment not just the current drawing).

On Sat, Sep 3, 2011 at 8:56 AM, Alan Kay <[hidden email]> wrote:
One thing that hasn't been mentioned (but I should have) is not just the initial experiences and learning curve for children/students, but also for the adults who are trying to help them.
 Agreed and I think Hilaire is on the right track for helping the adults who are trying to help children.  Providing a set of pre-built tools/projcts that teachers can use would greatly help acceptance and usage (and hopefully the kids learning as well ;) 

I think this is where the relative opacity of Etoys really hurts its acceptance, and why the intro UI should be set up differently.
Its also the bugs (few as they are now) and the unforgivingness of the system (see Karl's example on losing a graphic).

On Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 5:14 PM, Dr. Gerald Ardito <[hidden email]> wrote:
I have been using Scratch and Etoys with students in grades 5-8 for the past 4 years or so. In this work, I have seen an interesting pattern. The younger students (5th and 6th graders) ALWAYS prefer Etoys to Scratch. (I am talking here about first exposure).They love the drawing component and then being able to make their drawings move or do something. The older students ALWAYS prefer Scratch. They get the bricks metaphor right away and so can get things done very quickly.
Okay, so this comment blew away my preconceived notions (thanks!!!).   So my question is why?  Perhaps it is that the Etoys drawing tool is simpler and more accesible and the Scratch scripting environment is simpler and has an easier on ramp. 

And sometimes students using Etoys get frustrated because there are so many options and choices and opportunities for functionality.
So again I think a series of Etoys challenges may be part of the answer. Another could be the ability to specify which scripting tiles are visible and which are not on a project basis. Of course that would put an extra load on the parents trying to help the kids and thus lead to less usage.
What is also interesting is the degree to which the tools are owned by the students. Whichever one they are using starts to become a powerful form of expression for them so that, if given the opportunity, they will use it to complete projects and presentations, etc.
Yes both Scratch and Etoys can be improved in the "Power Point" replacement area.

On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 3:29 AM, Hilaire Fernandes <[hidden email]> wrote:
I am pretty sure at 100% that if Etoys came with huge libraries of such artefact, specialised for various domains, ready to use by educators, Etoys will have a tremendous impact both in the teaching communities and the educative content producers.
I agreed whole heartedly with Hilaire.  We need libraries of artifacts for teachers including but not limited to Etoys Challenges to teach specific topics, Tools to Teach with (cuisenaire rods, fraction tools, pattern blocks, etc) videos demonstrating how to use Etoys  (for students and teachers) and curriculum guides and other OERs.  This is no small task but worth starting. 

On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 9:20 AM, K. K. Subramaniam <[hidden email]> wrote:
Another aspect of Etoys will become apparent if you get kids to use Etoys in a
language foreign to them (or say in dingbat fonts). Though the UI is graphical
it still has a heavy text bias. I noticed this when helping children,
illiterate in English, use Etoys.
I think graphical animated help could help here.  For example: if kids hover over a tile (or right click) a balloon shows up with an animation of what the tile does.  Or perhaps better a quiz where the child guesses what the tile does and then tests there guess by firing that tiles action all within the ballon quick guide/help.

For instance, compose sketches by long-pressing (embed) one Morph on another.
Suzanne Guyader, author of Art and Etoys, had many nice ideas for easing

Yes this is a wonderful project and hopefully Subbu's changes to support this will be included in the next release.
We need something that takes the best parts of
Etoys, Scratch and Tuxpaint and build a new Idea editor.
But then, we need to be able to look beyond software at the larger goal. The
real question we should be asking is "Why aren't children acquiring fluency in
learning with Etoys/Scratch/TuxPaint or whatchamacallit?"
Well save that for another email chain ;)

On Sun, Sep 18, 2011 at 12:22 PM, karl ramberg <[hidden email]> wrote:
My kids play The Sims 3 and Starcraft 2. The interfaces
there are quite complex and the result is a kind of programming.
But kids are motivated and motivation conquers all (well until frustration trumps it).
It would be interesting to see if one could take these concepts a bit longer and make programming tools more game-like.
I think some game mechanics help, but I also think they have their limits.  I was listening to some game programmers at a NYU Games for Change conference. They were hired to work with the educators to help develop "learning games".  The comment they made that stuck with me was "every time they try and make it educational it becomes boring". 

Maybe there could be "clip art" of ready players that give the novice less digressions.
It would be great to be able to build for example make a decoder for a
video stream or a image form.
Image editing (along the lines of Mark Guzdial's course where kids can program their own photoshop like effects) and video would be a great addition. 
It's also hard now to share single players.
Sharing of players and scripts across project would be a good addition.
I would add something along the lines of the Scratch Remote Connections Protocol where you can setup a mesh network of Scratch and Etoys projects which can exchange messages with each other (see Koji Yokokawa: http://www.squeaksource.com/ScratchConnect.html for the Etoys connection code).  Ideally we could also send players and scripts.

On Sun, Sep 18, 2011 at 4:57 PM, Jecel Assumpcao Jr. <[hidden email]> wrote:
A much better reason is Papert's: so the children will have an object to
think with.
The idea is to learn to learn but we need a suitable way to
talk about learning strategies.
Normal school tends to encourage a very
poor strategy: take a guess, see if the teacher confirms it is right and
if not take another guess. Not only is the search time long and
unbounded, you also need some external way of checking your results
which is something you won't always have.

Teaching programming is just a way to be able to teach debugging, or
successive approximation
. You don't throw away incorrect attempts but
instead build on them
. And you learn to figure out for yourself if they
are correct or not
, and how far and in what way they are incorrect so
you know what to change.
Jecel, wonderfully stated, please provide details and specific examples we can use in classrooms ;)

On Sun, Sep 18, 2011 at 6:09 PM, karl ramberg <[hidden email]> wrote:
With Etoy now we have few projects that challenges a notion and show you a way to get there.
We have the project showing the most basic stuff.

I think we need more projects that features aspects of the system and
how to use them.
Etoys Illinois has a number of good projects. 
 On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 1:05 PM, K. K. Subramaniam <[hidden email]> wrote:
Papert had a multi-modal approach to develop thinking skills in children -
using large spaces, physical movement, manipulation in three- and two-
dimensional spaces etc.
I think a lot is lost in the OLPC/Scratch/Etoys discussions where too much emphasis is placed on what can be done with the technology and not enough complimentary work on the large spaces, physical movement, etc that can be done outside of the computer.  Here I think Maria's work at Natural Math is a good compliment.
Papert's methods were more closely aligned to the way children think and act
while the gap seems to be much larger in Etoys and smaller in the case of
TuxPaint or Scratch. There is lot more in Etoys than in these two but that is
irrelevant if children cannot cross the initial chasm. Yes, a few children may
make it across the chasm on their own steam, but thinking tools should be
designed to benefit 80% of children, not just the top quintile.
+1 we need to better understand how children think and learn when designing curriculum and learning tools.
And its not just the tools, but coming up with the appropriate metaphors, experiences, problems and questions ...
to help kids cross the chasm that I struggle with.

Thanks to all for their thoughts and time,

squeakland mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: [IAEP] Why is Scratch more popular than Etoys?

Karl Ramberg
Maybe you can draw similar conclusion from focus on tests
as the the focus on money as incentive to accomplish tasks


I think it is very damaging to both deeper learning and also to realy
learn anything.
As students learn to score in a test and not learn to agument them self.


On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 1:07 PM, Harness, Kathleen
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> Steve,
> Wow! Thanks for putting this together!
> A comment before I go to work. . .
> Have you noticed that the education system is quite resistant to change? It
> has become more resistant and rigid in the past few years with the national
> emphasis on testing basic skills. This emphasis has devalued creative
> thinking by students and by their teachers. The timelines, benchmarks,
> pre/post tests and the high stakes spring test marathon for our children
> consume huge amount of time in schools days that are already quite short and
> an academic year that has not increased to take advantage of the fact that
> we are no longer an agrarian society.
> I am certain Etoys need to be in schools but I don't think programming is on
> the national agenda. Some schools don't even teach art and music which have
> long traditions but are considered frills rather than essentials.
> Regards,
> Kathleen
> ________________________________
> From: [hidden email] [[hidden email]]
> on behalf of Steve Thomas [[hidden email]]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 12:10 AM
> To: iaep; squeakland; [hidden email];
> [hidden email]
> Subject: Re: [squeakland] [IAEP] Why is Scratch more popular than Etoys?
> Thanks to all for an interesting discussion, I would like to review what I
> got out of discussion along with some comments and questions:
> On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 11:03 PM, Cherry
> Withers <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> When I did my workshop on Etoys in the Philippines back in June, one kid
>> did a "draft" of the same project in Scratch first using the pre-installed
>> cliparts then did it in Etoys like I asked.... For him the pre-installed
>> cliparts made it easier for him to jump right into programming rather than
>> spend so much time drawing things. However, some kids derived more
>> satisfaction in using their own drawings.
>  To me, while it is important for kids to draw, I have seen kids who start
> using the clip art in Scratch and then get into the drawing. Also I have had
> kids using Etoys who did not feel comfortable with drawing and got "stuck"
> trying to do the drawings, until I either told them it was okay to use any
> drawing and they could change it later, or showed them how to "import' a
> drawing into Etoys, by dragging it in from a browser or Scratch Clip Art
> folder.
>> Incidentally, no one taught the child how to use Scratch and he didn't use
>> it fully (never did a project in Scratch) till we got into conditional
>> statements in Etoys.
> This is perhaps the greatest compliment for the design of the Scratch UI and
> a goal (not for all things, but at least for the getting started part).
>> He started drawing parallels with Etoys. On our 2nd and 3rd day, he would
>> always create his draft first on Scratch then do things in Etoys. It was a
>> lot easier for him to "find" things in Scratch he says.
> Love IT!!!  Kids should learn multiple languages and the ability to switch
> between two languages is a wonderful skill that should be encouraged and
> taught.
> On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 11:31 PM, Hilaire
> Fernandes <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Behing the more eye candy aspect of Scratch,  Scratch is also
>> better ergonomically with a more structured UI helping confort of the kids:
>> color scheme, predefined purpose area.
> Agreed the use of eye candy (which I take to mean great clip art that is
> attractive to the intended audience, in this case kids, but if you had one
> for adults, you could have different clip art), color and a more structured
> UI (which I take to mean a UI that helps guide the user as to intended use
> and understanding) is good.
> One thing I think could be improved upon in the Scratch UI is something that
> allows for what I will call the "Etoys Challenge" design where a few
> scripting tiles are placed on the world for the user to choose from to solve
> a particular problem. This helps avoid the too many choices cognitive
> overload and gets them to focus on what you want them to learn.
> The Etoys Challenge design I think is actually a potential "low floor"
> enabler to help kids get up to speed (although I think other ideas like
> picking a few tiles for each child to explore and become and expert in so
> they can teach the rest of the class, is also a good idea that does not
> require interface changes).
>> However, Etoys and Scratch are very differents in purpose for me, so
>> not really competing.
> Agreed and along the lines of the work of Mark Guzdial and the great
> Spaghetti Sauce makers (plain, spicy, thick and chunky etc.) we need to have
> multiple environments for different learners (no I did not say different
> learning styles).
> On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 11:33 PM, Alan Kay <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> The original Etoys interface was more like Scratch's (small area for
>> action results, most of the screen area used for showing tools, tiles,
>> etc.). The first Etoys was aimed at the web (at Disney), and making the
>> start up more obvious and using more screen for it is a good idea I think.
> Is there another design/way to help make start up more obvious without using
> more screen for it?
> So when you say "use more screen for it" I assume you are referring to
> Scratch's dedicated scripting area and tile area.
> I was thinking along the lines of a set of "Etoys Challenges" and "Etoys
> Castle" type projects, where only a limited set of tiles are visible and the
> user is asked to use them to solve problems.  Another idea is some kind of
> animated Quick Guides which are available from the scripting tiles
> themselves via halo, right click like in scratch or on hover a balloon help
> displays. Video tutorials (perhaps using Event Theater, which I hope stays
> in the next version, although one could argue for screen casting to solve
> the problem with that video embedded in the Scratch/Etoy project).
>> Personally, I think the Scratch UI is better for many things than the
>> Etoys UI, especially first encounters, which are so important for so many
>> beginners these days.
> It is also better in the way the tiles snap together, it is a much more
> polished and forgiving interface with better visual clues when scripting,
>> And I think the Scratch people have done a fantastic job on their web
>> presence, including their gallery, the emulator for Scratch projects so you
>> can see what they do, their online materials, etc.
> +1
>> On the other hand, Scratch lacks a real media system,
> Details please Antwerth.
>> a massively parallel particle system,
> Kedama is amazing and wonderful, but the learning curve is steep. Perhaps
> part of it is it has a different structure to it for scripting and you have
> to understand patches.  Some basic tutorials (video based for the visual
> learners among us) would be helpful but I need to play with Kedama more.
>> and many other features that are really needed and useful for learning
>> things beyond simple programming.
> Well my short list would include: Player Variables, Holders/Playfields,
> Collections that hold anything not just numbers or strings.
> What's on your short list?
>> But I think in the world we live in, it is initial experiences that count
>> in a non-classical culture (and this is most cultures around the world
>> including the US).
> +1
>> As to how many features to include, this is a tricky one.
> Yup.
>> Etoys has fewer built in features because part of the "real deal" is to
>> learn how to make your own features.
> The problem is its a lot of work and time to do the "real deal" and while it
> would be ideal, sadly most folks don't do it.  And part of
> the curriculum design is deciding what to make easy and what to make hard,
> but without the "productivity tools" everything is hard.
>> It could have clip art, but we left it out because it is cognitively a
>> good thing for children to learn how to draw. This is good for a "learning
>> tool", but is not good for a "productivity tool".
> So part of the argument is that clip art was left out because we want kids
> to draw.  I agree its a good thing for children to learn to draw. But I do
> not agree that having clip art included will prevent this.  Look at some of
> the Scratch projects where kids do amazing drawings (although their drawing
> tool, could be improved by allowing the color picker to pick a color from
> anywhere within the Scratch environment not just the current drawing).
> On Sat, Sep 3, 2011 at 8:56 AM, Alan Kay <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> One thing that hasn't been mentioned (but I should have) is not just the
>> initial experiences and learning curve for children/students, but also for
>> the adults who are trying to help them.
>  Agreed and I think Hilaire is on the right track for helping the adults who
> are trying to help children.  Providing a set of pre-built tools/projcts
> that teachers can use would greatly help acceptance and usage (and hopefully
> the kids learning as well ;)
>> I think this is where the relative opacity of Etoys really hurts its
>> acceptance, and why the intro UI should be set up differently.
> Its also the bugs (few as they are now) and the unforgivingness of the
> system (see Karl's example on losing a graphic).
> On Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 5:14 PM, Dr. Gerald
> Ardito <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> I have been using Scratch and Etoys with students in grades 5-8 for the
>> past 4 years or so. In this work, I have seen an interesting pattern. The
>> younger students (5th and 6th graders) ALWAYS prefer Etoys to Scratch. (I am
>> talking here about first exposure).They love the drawing component and then
>> being able to make their drawings move or do something. The older students
>> ALWAYS prefer Scratch. They get the bricks metaphor right away and so can
>> get things done very quickly.
> Okay, so this comment blew away my preconceived notions (thanks!!!).   So my
> question is why?  Perhaps it is that the Etoys drawing tool is simpler and
> more accesible and the Scratch scripting environment is simpler and has an
> easier on ramp.
>> And sometimes students using Etoys get frustrated because there are so
>> many options and choices and opportunities for functionality.
> So again I think a series of Etoys challenges may be part of the answer.
> Another could be the ability to specify which scripting tiles are visible
> and which are not on a project basis. Of course that would put an extra load
> on the parents trying to help the kids and thus lead to less usage.
>> What is also interesting is the degree to which the tools are owned by the
>> students. Whichever one they are using starts to become a powerful form of
>> expression for them so that, if given the opportunity, they will use it to
>> complete projects and presentations, etc.
> Yes both Scratch and Etoys can be improved in the "Power Point" replacement
> area.
> On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 3:29 AM, Hilaire
> Fernandes <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> I am pretty sure at 100% that if Etoys came with huge libraries of such
>> artefact, specialised for various domains, ready to use by educators, Etoys
>> will have a tremendous impact both in the teaching communities and the
>> educative content producers.
> I agreed whole heartedly with Hilaire.  We need libraries of artifacts for
> teachers including but not limited to Etoys Challenges to teach specific
> topics, Tools to Teach with (cuisenaire rods, fraction tools, pattern
> blocks, etc) videos demonstrating how to use Etoys  (for students and
> teachers) and curriculum guides and other OERs.  This is no small task but
> worth starting.
> On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 9:20 AM, K. K.
> Subramaniam <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Another aspect of Etoys will become apparent if you get kids to use Etoys
>> in a
>> language foreign to them (or say in dingbat fonts). Though the UI is
>> graphical
>> it still has a heavy text bias. I noticed this when helping children,
>> illiterate in English, use Etoys.
> I think graphical animated help could help here.  For example: if kids hover
> over a tile (or right click) a balloon shows up with an animation of what
> the tile does.  Or perhaps better a quiz where the child guesses what the
> tile does and then tests there guess by firing that tiles action all within
> the ballon quick guide/help.
>> For instance, compose sketches by long-pressing (embed) one Morph on
>> another.
>> Suzanne Guyader, author of Art and Etoys, had many nice ideas for easing
>> compositions.
> Yes this is a wonderful project and hopefully Subbu's changes to support
> this will be included in the next release.
>> We need something that takes the best parts of
>> Etoys, Scratch and Tuxpaint and build a new Idea editor.
> +1
>> But then, we need to be able to look beyond software at the larger goal.
>> The
>> real question we should be asking is "Why aren't children acquiring
>> fluency in
>> learning with Etoys/Scratch/TuxPaint or whatchamacallit?"
> Well save that for another email chain ;)
> On Sun, Sep 18, 2011 at 12:22 PM, karl
> ramberg <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> My kids play The Sims 3 and Starcraft 2. The interfaces
>> there are quite complex and the result is a kind of programming.
> But kids are motivated and motivation conquers all (well until frustration
> trumps it).
>> It would be interesting to see if one could take these concepts a
>> bit longer and make programming tools more game-like.
> I think some game mechanics help, but I also think they have their limits.
>  I was listening to some game programmers at a NYU Games for Change
> conference. They were hired to work with the educators to help develop
> "learning games".  The comment they made that stuck with me was "every time
> they try and make it educational it becomes boring".
>> Maybe there could be "clip art" of ready players that give the novice
>> less digressions.
> +1
>> It would be great to be able to build for example make a decoder for a
>> video stream or a image form.
> Image editing (along the lines of Mark Guzdial's course where kids can
> program their own photoshop like effects) and video would be a great
> addition.
>> It's also hard now to share single players.
> Sharing of players and scripts across project would be a good addition.
> I would add something along the lines of the Scratch Remote Connections
> Protocol where you can setup a mesh network of Scratch and Etoys projects
> which can exchange messages with each other (see Koji
> Yokokawa: http://www.squeaksource.com/ScratchConnect.html for the Etoys
> connection code).  Ideally we could also send players and scripts.
> On Sun, Sep 18, 2011 at 4:57 PM, Jecel Assumpcao
> Jr. <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> A much better reason is Papert's: so the children will have an object to
>> think with. The idea is to learn to learn but we need a suitable way to
>> talk about learning strategies. Normal school tends to encourage a very
>> poor strategy: take a guess, see if the teacher confirms it is right and
>> if not take another guess. Not only is the search time long and
>> unbounded, you also need some external way of checking your results
>> which is something you won't always have.
>> Teaching programming is just a way to be able to teach debugging, or
>> successive approximation. You don't throw away incorrect attempts but
>> instead build on them. And you learn to figure out for yourself if they
>> are correct or not, and how far and in what way they are incorrect so
>> you know what to change.
> Jecel, wonderfully stated, please provide details and specific examples we
> can use in classrooms ;)
> On Sun, Sep 18, 2011 at 6:09 PM, karl ramberg <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> With Etoy now we have few projects that challenges a notion and show you a
>> way to get there.
>> We have the project showing the most basic stuff.
>> I think we need more projects that features aspects of the system and
>> how to use them.
> Etoys Illinois has a number of good projects.
>  On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 1:05 PM, K. K.
> Subramaniam <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Papert had a multi-modal approach to develop thinking skills in children -
>> using large spaces, physical movement, manipulation in three- and two-
>> dimensional spaces etc.
> I think a lot is lost in the OLPC/Scratch/Etoys discussions where too much
> emphasis is placed on what can be done with the technology and not enough
> complimentary work on the large spaces, physical movement, etc that can be
> done outside of the computer.  Here I think Maria's work at Natural Math is
> a good compliment.
>> Papert's methods were more closely aligned to the way children think and
>> act
>> while the gap seems to be much larger in Etoys and smaller in the case of
>> TuxPaint or Scratch. There is lot more in Etoys than in these two but that
>> is
>> irrelevant if children cannot cross the initial chasm. Yes, a few children
>> may
>> make it across the chasm on their own steam, but thinking tools should be
>> designed to benefit 80% of children, not just the top quintile.
> +1 we need to better understand how children think and learn when
> designing curriculum and learning tools.
> And its not just the tools, but coming up with the appropriate metaphors,
> experiences, problems and questions ...
> to help kids cross the chasm that I struggle with.
> Thanks to all for their thoughts and time,
> Stephen
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Re: [IAEP] Why is Scratch more popular than Etoys?

K K Subbu
In reply to this post by K K Subbu
On Wednesday 21 Sep 2011 11:51:15 AM Hilaire Fernandes wrote:

> Le 19/09/2011 19:05, K. K. Subramaniam a écrit :
> > On Monday 19 Sep 2011 2:27:55 AM Jecel Assumpcao Jr. wrote:
> >> About programming for the masses, I see two educational reasons to
> >> insist on that.
> >
> > The debates about programmin I encounter is usually around "how" and not
> > "why".
> I am not really sure programming should be the focus point. In Scratch
> it is but,
> is not connecting ideas and concepts the focus point in Etoys, and
> programming a small mean to get there?
"Programming" is just a common way of referring to the process of giving shape
to ideas on a computer. Such a process is very error-prone (due in no small
part to the crude tools available) and requires a person to apply both
inductive and deductive ("debugging") skills to perfect the creation. The
creation becomes important in a business context but not in an educational

Programming in Etoys is like juggling. What is the end-product of juggling?
Why are people fascinated by juggling?

A village school teacher related an incident of a 4th grader with poor writing
skills who, after spending a few weeks typesetting letter shapes using
LatexMorph, broke into a torrent of writing. I have also come across other
cases where Etoys (once past the initial chasm) triggered a big jump in
learning levels. To me, this is the most fascinating aspect of Etoys.

Regards .. Subbu
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