I'm sure this must be addressed somewhere, but searching the archives for "morph local point" didn't produce anything helpful…
I have a PasteUpMorph that represents a scaled down world. So when a morph sets its position to e.g. 0@0, I want to set it to the topLeft corner of the pasteUp. I can use align:with:, but I thought some of the following might have some usefulness, but all returned 0@0. None of them have tests...
screen globalPointToLocal: (0@0).
screen localPointToGlobal: (0@0).
screen pointInWorld: (0@0).
screen referencePositionInWorld: (0@0).
screen point: 0@0 from: screen.
Is there an easy built-in way to convert points from World to the bounds of another (assume rectangular) morph?