And was tired of problems if you wish copy files between two ?
Here a Squeak solution what Windows XP and OS X don't have.
You could save as and use in any Squeak.
"" For using on OS X
| listaArchivos newName badChars oldFolder newFolder |
badChars := #( $: $< $> $| $/ $\ $? $* $") asSet.
oldFolder _ FileDirectory default.
newFolder _ FileList2 modalFolderSelector.
FileDirectory setDefaultDirectory: newFolder pathName.
listaArchivos _ FileDirectory default fileNames copyWithout: ( FileDirectory
default fileNames first).
listaArchivos do: [:fName | (fName includesAnyOf: badChars )ifTrue:[newName
:= fName copyWithoutAll: badChars.FileDirectory default rename: fName toBe:
FileDirectory setDefaultDirectory: oldFolder pathName.
Hope could be useful to someone
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