adding protogrowl to a submit button and anchor

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adding protogrowl to a submit button and anchor

Riaan van Aarde (SpeCon Eng.)
Below is my code.  

On the button submit and the cancel anchor I want to add a protoGrowl for
eg. "Any changes to this form  will be submitted" or on the cancel anchor
"Changes will be cancelled".

Like this : <script language="javascript">
  new protoGrowl({type: 'info', title: 'PLEASE NOTE', message:
'Any changes to this form  will be submitted '});

How would I alter that above to work.  The Protogrowl Lib is already called.
Its just to add the protoGrowl message.

renderScheduleTrainingOn: html
        self person ifNil: [
                html break.
                html unorderedList class: 'errors'; with:[html listItem:
'Please make sure that you select a Business, Department and a Person for
this search.']].
        self person ifNotNil:
                [ html heading: person.
                html table
                        class: 'scheduleList';
                                [ self renderScheduleTrainingTableHeaderOn:
                                self filteredTraining do:
                                        [ :each |
                                                renderScheduleFor: each
                                                on: html ].
                                html tableRow
                                        class: 'trainingViewsSubmitButton';
                                                [ html tableData
                                                        colSpan: 11;
                                                        with:[ html span
class: 'button';
title: 'Submit';
[ html submitButton
callback: [ self answer: true ];
confirm: 'Any changes to this form will be submitted. Are you sure you wish
to continue?';

text: 'Submit' ].
html text: ' or '.
                                                                html anchor
class: 'button';
callback: [self answer: false];
confirm: 'Any changes to this form will be cancelled. Are you sure you wish
to continue?';
[ html span: 'Cancel' ] ] ] ] ]
'You are about to schedule training for a person,  Click OK to confirm.'.
                                html text: ' or '.
                        html anchor callback: [self answer: false];
                with: [html image url: '/images/Images/ButtonCancel.gif';
altText: 'cancel'"

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