Hi all,
today I have only something small for you, not even worth the capital letters in "[ann]". :-) In the last semester, I had the opportunity to build a radial menu implementation for Squeak together
with a fellow student in the context of a lecture about User Interfaces Programming. As a small example for the radial menu, we created a simple color chooser application. Nevertheless, our
RadialMenuMorph supports the same protocol as MenuMorph and is ToolBuilder-compatible so you can use both of them interchangeably in your image. There is also a preference (#replaceEveryMenuMorph) that allows you to use RadialMenus in the entire
image. Additionally, we also built a simple RadialSliderMorph.
It might also be worth a notice that I did not found a way to draw the required geometric objects using BitBlt at the first attempt, so I decided to build my own
ArcRingMorph class that renders every pixel on the image side by using the midpoint-circle algorithm. Unfortunately, this is very slow and does not support transparency. If I had had some extra time, I would probably have used the Form rule and instead to
create an intersection of a polygon and a circle and then have cached the result.
Nevertheless, if you are interested in our results, you can take a look at the repository here: https://github.com/LinqLover/ColorContextMenu Screenshots
are also attached.
Carpe Squeak!