I did a quick prototype for the "stereographic objects" Edusim concept
- I built it in Secondlife mainly because I am more familier with the building
tools there -
and the environment seems ideal for rapid prototyping (we have a teen grid
island but I really want this functionality in our Edusim whiteboard tool).
The results look actually fairly nice- I used the semitransparent red/blue
object shadowing - it gave the objects a nice seperation from the terrain &
One detail is that while building it is necessary to actually have the red/blue
lensed glasses on so the builder can adjust the depth as desired..... I will
work more on the SL sim and
share the SLurl with the group when it is complete to serve as a prototype of
the concept - you will need the silly red/blue glasses while navigating the sim
to get the true effect.
My ultimate goal is that this serves as a concept that will make its way into
the Edusim SMARTboard applications for the little kids..... Ill creat an whole
sim using the effect.. Ill share more as I have it
I have also included an Edusim wishlist for the record:
Edusim Wish List
(**) Platform independent (The stuff I have been cobbeling together has been
MAC only - derived from some Croquet Collaborative work)
(**) "Board Buddy" manager (similar to IM buddy lists) to allow for easy
connecting of classroom whiteboards
(**) Live Video/Audio capability (for some reason the cam/mic input from my
MacBook Pro does not work? - list of supported hardware?)
(**) CCPainter (Plopp??) replacement for Tea Painter
(**) Engaging start screen (as opposed to the red start screen - lady bug dots
filling in?)
(**) Support for Alice .a2c models
(**) Lesson package manager (educators drag one package(.zip file?) in & all
resources (.mdl/.ase/.a2c, .mp3, images, .mp4??, .rtf/html??, ) within scatter
in front to be placed in lesson location)
(**) Simple "apply behavior" to imported .mdl/.ase/.a2c (right click - apply
behavior {from a pre-defined .bhv directory?} , set pause, set durration in
(**) Stereographic filter that can be applier to objects (a menu/toggle option)