base64 encoding and CRs

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base64 encoding and CRs

As best I can see base64 encoding never results in the output having Character cr embedded, right?

Why would I ask such a dumb question? Because I'm looking at some code that carefully does a copyReplaceAll: on a base64 encoded String that was a bitmap, and I can't imagine how that could ever not corrupt the bitmap *if* there were any chance it did indeed include CRs.

And it's late on a Friday and to be honest, anything could be possible in 2020.

tim Rowledge; [hidden email];
Useful random insult:- His spirit guide is a three-toed sloth.

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Re: base64 encoding and CRs

Hi Tim,

our encoder might not be producing cr's, but base64 payloads in the wild often have lines no longer than 80 characters, so before decoding it makes sense to remove that. 


On Fri, Aug 21, 2020 at 6:00 PM tim Rowledge <[hidden email]> wrote:
As best I can see base64 encoding never results in the output having Character cr embedded, right?

Why would I ask such a dumb question? Because I'm looking at some code that carefully does a copyReplaceAll: on a base64 encoded String that was a bitmap, and I can't imagine how that could ever not corrupt the bitmap *if* there were any chance it did indeed include CRs.

And it's late on a Friday and to be honest, anything could be possible in 2020.

tim Rowledge; [hidden email];
Useful random insult:- His spirit guide is a three-toed sloth.

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Re: base64 encoding and CRs

Phil B
In reply to this post by timrowledge

Correct, base64 encoding only emits a subset of printable characters (see  At your option, you can also insert CR's into a base64 string which should be ignored on decoding. (as was common for various email clients to do back in the day)


On Fri, Aug 21, 2020 at 9:00 PM tim Rowledge <[hidden email]> wrote:
As best I can see base64 encoding never results in the output having Character cr embedded, right?

Why would I ask such a dumb question? Because I'm looking at some code that carefully does a copyReplaceAll: on a base64 encoded String that was a bitmap, and I can't imagine how that could ever not corrupt the bitmap *if* there were any chance it did indeed include CRs.

And it's late on a Friday and to be honest, anything could be possible in 2020.

tim Rowledge; [hidden email];
Useful random insult:- His spirit guide is a three-toed sloth.

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Re: base64 encoding and CRs


> On 2020-08-21, at 6:30 PM, Phil B <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Tim,
> Correct, base64 encoding only emits a subset of printable characters (see  At your option, you can also insert CR's into a base64 string which should be ignored on decoding. (as was common for various email clients to do back in the day)
> Phil

> On 2020-08-21, at 6:29 PM, Vanessa Freudenberg <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> our encoder might not be producing cr's, but base64 payloads in the wild often have lines no longer than 80 characters, so before decoding it makes sense to remove that.
> Vanessa

Hunh. Fascinating. So maybe there is a tiny bit of sense to the code I was peering tiredly at. Though given it was creating the base64 string right there, probably not in this case. I do love how the software word is so full of kludge upon jury-rig upon WAG!

Thanks for the enlightenment.

tim Rowledge; [hidden email];
Strange OpCodes: UDF: Use Disk for Frisbee

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Re: base64 encoding and CRs

Tobias Pape

> On 22.08.2020, at 06:35, tim Rowledge <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> On 2020-08-21, at 6:30 PM, Phil B <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Tim,
>> Correct, base64 encoding only emits a subset of printable characters (see  At your option, you can also insert CR's into a base64 string which should be ignored on decoding. (as was common for various email clients to do back in the day)
>> Phil
>> On 2020-08-21, at 6:29 PM, Vanessa Freudenberg <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Hi Tim,
>> our encoder might not be producing cr's, but base64 payloads in the wild often have lines no longer than 80 characters, so before decoding it makes sense to remove that.
>> Vanessa
> Hunh. Fascinating. So maybe there is a tiny bit of sense to the code I was peering tiredly at. Though given it was creating the base64 string right there, probably not in this case. I do love how the software word is so full of kludge upon jury-rig upon WAG!
> Thanks for the enlightenment.

Look at the raw email I'm just replying to:


From: tim Rowledge <[hidden email]>
Message-Id: <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: [squeak-dev] base64 encoding and CRs
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64



Wrapping Base64 is _extremely_ common.
Virtually half the  SSL Certificates are delivered that way… Pgp keys, signatures, SSH keys, … you name it :)

Best regards

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Re: base64 encoding and CRs

Tobias Pape

> On 22.08.2020, at 09:50, Tobias Pape <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi
>> On 22.08.2020, at 06:35, tim Rowledge <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> On 2020-08-21, at 6:30 PM, Phil B <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> Tim,
>>> Correct, base64 encoding only emits a subset of printable characters (see  At your option, you can also insert CR's into a base64 string which should be ignored on decoding. (as was common for various email clients to do back in the day)
>>> Phil
>>> On 2020-08-21, at 6:29 PM, Vanessa Freudenberg <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> Hi Tim,
>>> our encoder might not be producing cr's, but base64 payloads in the wild often have lines no longer than 80 characters, so before decoding it makes sense to remove that.
>>> Vanessa
>> Hunh. Fascinating. So maybe there is a tiny bit of sense to the code I was peering tiredly at. Though given it was creating the base64 string right there, probably not in this case. I do love how the software word is so full of kludge upon jury-rig upon WAG!
>> Thanks for the enlightenment.
> Look at the raw email I'm just replying to:
> =-=-=-=
> From: tim Rowledge <[hidden email]>
> Message-Id: <[hidden email]>
> Subject: Re: [squeak-dev] base64 encoding and CRs
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
> bT4gd3JvdGU6Cj4gCj4gVGltLAo+IAo+IENvcnJlY3QsIGJhc2U2NCBlbmNvZGluZyBvbmx5IGVt
> aXRzIGEgc3Vic2V0IG9mIHByaW50YWJsZSBjaGFyYWN0ZXJzIChzZWUgaHR0cHM6Ly9lbi53aWtp
> cGVkaWEub3JnL3dpa2kvQmFzZTY0I0Jhc2U2NF90YWJsZSkgIEF0IHlvdXIgb3B0aW9uLCB5b3Ug
> Y2FuIGFsc28gaW5zZXJ0IENSJ3MgaW50byBhIGJhc2U2NCBzdHJpbmcgd2hpY2ggc2hvdWxkIGJl
> IGlnbm9yZWQgb24gZGVjb2RpbmcuIChhcyB3YXMgY29tbW9uIGZvciB2YXJpb3VzIGVtYWlsIGNs
> aWVudHMgdG8gZG8gYmFjayBpbiB0aGUgZGF5KQo+IAo+IFBoaWwKCgo+IE9uIDIwMjAtMDgtMjEs
> IGF0IDY6MjkgUE0sIFZhbmVzc2EgRnJldWRlbmJlcmcgPHZhbmVzc2FAY29kZWZyYXUubmV0PiB3
> cm90ZToKPiAKPiBIaSBUaW0sCj4gCj4gb3VyIGVuY29kZXIgbWlnaHQgbm90IGJlIHByb2R1Y2lu
> ZyBjcidzLCBidXQgYmFzZTY0IHBheWxvYWRzIGluIHRoZSB3aWxkIG9mdGVuIGhhdmUgbGluZXMg
> bm8gbG9uZ2VyIHRoYW4gODAgY2hhcmFjdGVycywgc28gYmVmb3JlIGRlY29kaW5nIGl0IG1ha2Vz
> U28gbWF5YmUgdGhlcmUgaXMgYSB0aW55IGJpdCBvZiBzZW5zZSB0byB0aGUgY29kZSBJIHdhcyBw
> ZWVyaW5nIHRpcmVkbHkgYXQuIFRob3VnaCBnaXZlbiBpdCB3YXMgY3JlYXRpbmcgdGhlIGJhc2U2
> NCBzdHJpbmcgcmlnaHQgdGhlcmUsIHByb2JhYmx5IG5vdCBpbiB0aGlzIGNhc2UuIEkgZG8gbG92
> ZSBob3cgdGhlIHNvZnR3YXJlIHdvcmQgaXMgc28gZnVsbCBvZiBrbHVkZ2UgdXBvbiBqdXJ5LXJp
> ZyB1cG9uIFdBRyEKClRoYW5rcyBmb3IgdGhlIGVubGlnaHRlbm1lbnQuIAoKdGltCi0tCnRpbSBS
> b3dsZWRnZTsgdGltQHJvd2xlZGdlLm9yZzsgaHR0cDovL3d3dy5yb3dsZWRnZS5vcmcvdGltClN0
> cmFuZ2UgT3BDb2RlczogVURGOiBVc2UgRGlzayBmb3IgRnJpc2JlZQoKCgo=
> =-=-=-=-=
> Wrapping Base64 is _extremely_ common.
> Virtually half the  SSL Certificates are delivered that way… Pgp keys, signatures, SSH keys, … you name it :)

Best regards

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Re: base64 encoding and CRs

David T. Lewis
In reply to this post by timrowledge
On Fri, Aug 21, 2020 at 09:35:42PM -0700, tim Rowledge wrote:

> > On 2020-08-21, at 6:30 PM, Phil B <[hidden email]> wrote:
> >
> > Tim,
> >
> > Correct, base64 encoding only emits a subset of printable characters (see  At your option, you can also insert CR's into a base64 string which should be ignored on decoding. (as was common for various email clients to do back in the day)
> >
> > Phil
> > On 2020-08-21, at 6:29 PM, Vanessa Freudenberg <[hidden email]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Tim,
> >
> > our encoder might not be producing cr's, but base64 payloads in the wild often have lines no longer than 80 characters, so before decoding it makes sense to remove that.
> >
> > Vanessa
> Hunh. Fascinating. So maybe there is a tiny bit of sense to the code I was peering tiredly at. Though given it was creating the base64 string right there, probably not in this case. I do love how the software word is so full of kludge upon jury-rig upon WAG!
> Thanks for the enlightenment.


I fear that you have been spending too much time immersing yourself the
gratuitous improvements of modern technology. Surely you still remember
how to connect your computer with a proper rotary dial phone and acoustic
coupler. Once connected, you would use uuencode/uudecode (like base64)
to send binary stuff to the uucp network in a shar archive.

Naturally you would want to add line terminators in your encoded data,
othewise people might not be able to view it in their vi text editor or
text mail client.




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Re: base64 encoding and CRs


> On 2020-08-22, at 7:40 AM, David T. Lewis <[hidden email]> wrote:
> I fear that you have been spending too much time immersing yourself the
> gratuitous improvements of modern technology. Surely you still remember
> how to connect your computer with a proper rotary dial phone and acoustic
> coupler. Once connected, you would use uuencode/uudecode (like base64)
> to send binary stuff to the uucp network in a shar archive.

I missed that level of 'pleasure' by a couple of years but my first experiences with trying to sned data from one computer to another involved 'cables' made by soldering dress-maker's pins to wires in orderto be able to probe the DB15/25 connectors and work out which ones were the appropriate ones. Such fun!
> Naturally you would want to add line terminators in your encoded data,
> othewise people might not be able to view it in their vi text editor or
> text mail client.

Oh yea, *those* people. It's ok though, there will be at least 42 emacs modes and add-ons to handle it for you, just so long as you have the proper emacs extended edition 432 key keyboard. With the full dozen meta keys.

tim Rowledge; [hidden email];
"Bother" said Pooh, as he realised Piglet was undercooked.