blender unites forward and inverse kinematics

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blender unites forward and inverse kinematics

Paul Sheldon-2
I fooled with Maya PLE and saw creating active and passive rigid bodies
. One sort of body gets choreographed while the other sort falls into it
with the physics of gravity, bouncing, etc.

There was this wierd movie on a 3D ecember electronic "party", "Lots of
Robots". It ended with a cliffhanger with the modern day digital artist
Michael Angelo looking for a Duke of Milan patron.

The robot baby was looking at all these brain bottles knowing he was
going to be the next experiment .

I worried what happened to the digital artist (perhaps identifying with
such a thing) and looked him up :

"Automatron is born!!! Learn more..."

Oh, good, not so gruesome, but it did look a bit gruesome having seen
the movie (my mother hated it).


I thought of sending the link to my piano playing cynic to music
engineering much less GA's to mix music. It reminded me of the jamnet
guys link on the prerelationship agreement that gulled him into his
favorite reprise "Those engineers actually listen to such lawyers". I
left it alone.


The baby still looks miserable with a whole lot more knobs, now involved
with crowd control, lots and lots of robots! To get a crowds used to
take AI interface. Now a lone ranger seems to be doing it (but from
within some very expensive software to be used by users of expensive

What really got me interested was a statement :
"Advanced IK Blending System ~ Blend from forward kinematics to IK with
multiple predefined IK targets".

There's some sort of trick I vaguely remember where you don't actually
choreograph an arm motion but, I think, tell it where it wants to go.
Teleology not causality in digital art . A new take on passive and active.

But blending between teleology and causality. And python with their IK
handles used blender ....

Graphics has all sorts of crazy wild ideas in it that make physicists
get an unhealthy palor in their face :
1. quaternion trackballs coded (complete with bugs) by later writers of
posix man pages (what a trip)
2. was Davies in "Cosmic Blueprint" fooling in words what graphic
artists were visualizing with blender?
3. I got shook when Maya edited "work history".
Does Hawking know that digital art software is making the universe
unsafe for historians
sophisticating the saving of files to a whole new meaning?