can anyone remember the paper in which...

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can anyone remember the paper in which...

Eliot Miranda-2
Hi All,

   can anyone remember the paper (I think OOPSLA) in which the C++ dispatch model is inverted and instead of having a dispatch table per class indexed by selector id one has a table per selector indexed by class id?

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Re: can anyone remember the paper in which...

Jecel Assumpcao Jr

>    can anyone remember the paper (I think OOPSLA) in which the C++ dispatch
> model is inverted and instead of having a dispatch table per class indexed by
> selector id one has a table per selector indexed by class id?

Several such schemes are compared in

Message Dispatch on Pipelined Processors
Karel Driesen, Urs Hölzle, and Jan Vitek
ECOOP '95 (LNCS 952), p. 253 ff

-- Jecel