can not install Chronos

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SM slightly messed up (was Re: can not install Chronos)

Göran Krampe

"Philippe Marschall" <[hidden email]> wrote:
> (I get a EOCD error when directly loading from SqueakMap, so I have to
> download and install by hand, but this is standard procedure for
> SqueakMap for me these days anyway)

Mmmm, I will try to fix this stuff tonight. I have been planning to, but
never got around to it.
The problem (at least with the latest release of Chronos) is that:

- When the release was registered by Alan SM tried to download the
release file from the original URL to put it in the server side cache
and to calculate an SHA checksum. The problem was that it got garbage
back (included below for anyone feeling like a detective).

- The end result is that the SHA checksum is wrong and the server cache
contains junk, not a good combo. ;)

- So when you try to download that release (you can try by doing "force
download into cache" on it in the SqueakMap Package Loader - and watch
the Transcript) the correct file from the original URL will fail
checksum check (even though it probably is perfectly correct) and the
loader will instead fall back on the server cached file - which is
totally buggered. ;)

What I intend to do is:

1. Add a small button somewhere in the web UI that says - "please
redownload the file for this release into the server cache and
recalculate the checksum because it seems to be wrong".

2. Try to come up with a script that vacuum cleans current SM and tries
to fix things. One idea is to download releases and compare with current
content in the server cache and simply take the new content depending on
some heuristics like checking if the file begins with '<HTML>' etc.

regards, Göran

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