chain reaction

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chain reaction

Christine Wolfe

I have an image morph X on top of which I have added two other morphs: A and B.  I want to be able to click on morph A and have it move and at the end of its motion, automatically trigger the movement of morph B.


Here’s my dilemma.


A, B, and X are all instances of different classes of morphs that I defined.


X has two instance variables, a and b to which I assign new instances of the classes A and B.


a responds to the mouse down event by moving – that part works.


Now I want B to move too without the user having to do any more clicking.


If I try to add a method to A that calls a movement method in B, it doesn’t know what B is – I assume because at this point, I’m just defining the classes and they don’t know about the instance names of other objects.


I will greatly appreciate it if you can help me think of a way to make a chain reaction and a group of morphs based on clicking only one of the morphs.



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Re: chain reaction

Markus Gälli-3

"on top of which I have added two other morphs:"

If that means that you have added a and b as submorphs of X then you  
are fine:
each morph knows its owner and can access it via "owner".
So you could tell the instance of A to call its owner X to trigger the  
instance of B.

As X knows both of them you can write sth. along the lines of

A >> move
        "now I am ready"
        self owner triggerActionsAfterAHasMoved

X >> triggerActionsAfterAHasMoved
        b move

Hope that helps



Am 06.11.2009 um 16:36 schrieb Christine Wolfe:

> I have an image morph X on top of which I have added two other  
> morphs: A and B.  I want to be able to click on morph A and have it  
> move and at the end of its motion, automatically trigger the  
> movement of morph B.
> Here’s my dilemma.
> A, B, and X are all instances of different classes of morphs that I  
> defined.
> X has two instance variables, a and b to which I assign new  
> instances of the classes A and B.
> a responds to the mouse down event by moving – that part works.
> Now I want B to move too without the user having to do any more  
> clicking.
> If I try to add a method to A that calls a movement method in B, it  
> doesn’t know what B is – I assume because at this point, I’m just  
> defining the classes and they don’t know about the instance names of  
> other objects.
> I will greatly appreciate it if you can help me think of a way to  
> make a chain reaction and a group of morphs based on clicking only  
> one of the morphs.
> Thanks!
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RE: chain reaction

Christine Wolfe
Oh Markus!!! You are a genius!!!

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Markus
Sent: Friday, November 06, 2009 10:54 AM
To: A friendly place to get answers to even the most basic questions about
Subject: Re: [Newbies] chain reaction


"on top of which I have added two other morphs:"

If that means that you have added a and b as submorphs of X then you  
are fine:
each morph knows its owner and can access it via "owner".
So you could tell the instance of A to call its owner X to trigger the  
instance of B.

As X knows both of them you can write sth. along the lines of

A >> move
        "now I am ready"
        self owner triggerActionsAfterAHasMoved

X >> triggerActionsAfterAHasMoved
        b move

Hope that helps



Am 06.11.2009 um 16:36 schrieb Christine Wolfe:

> I have an image morph X on top of which I have added two other  
> morphs: A and B.  I want to be able to click on morph A and have it  
> move and at the end of its motion, automatically trigger the  
> movement of morph B.
> Here’s my dilemma.
> A, B, and X are all instances of different classes of morphs that I  
> defined.
> X has two instance variables, a and b to which I assign new  
> instances of the classes A and B.
> a responds to the mouse down event by moving – that part works.
> Now I want B to move too without the user having to do any more  
> clicking.
> If I try to add a method to A that calls a movement method in B, it  
> doesn’t know what B is – I assume because at this point, I’m just  
> defining the classes and they don’t know about the instance names of  
> other objects.
> I will greatly appreciate it if you can help me think of a way to  
> make a chain reaction and a group of morphs based on clicking only  
> one of the morphs.
> Thanks!
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