changesets for previous changes...

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changesets for previous changes...

Squeak - Dev mailing list
Hi folks,

attached are the change sets for the flatCollect: and other methods per the recent email.

AthensAbstractPaint.tty.1.cs (713 bytes) Download Attachment
ClassDescription.tty.1.cs (229 bytes) Download Attachment
Collection.tty.1.cs (1K) Download Attachment
Dictionary.tty.1.cs (584 bytes) Download Attachment
GradientPaint.tty.1.cs (2K) Download Attachment
LinearGradientPaint.tty.1.cs (1K) Download Attachment
LinearGradientPaint class.tty.1.cs (258 bytes) Download Attachment
RadialGradientPaint.tty.1.cs (1K) Download Attachment
SequenceableCollection.tty.1.cs (814 bytes) Download Attachment
SortedCollection.tty.1.cs (476 bytes) Download Attachment
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Re: changesets for previous changes...

Hi Timothy,

thanks for doing this! See #gather: and #collect:as: which is already in Trunk. Maybe also take a look at #flatten(ed). I suppose there is no need for a #flatCollect:.


Am 24.10.2020 15:16:10 schrieb gettimothy via Squeak-dev <[hidden email]>:

Hi folks,

attached are the change sets for the flatCollect: and other methods per the recent email.