check out my blog "This Context" for Spoon and Naiad news

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check out my blog "This Context" for Spoon and Naiad news


Hi all--

     Spoon 3 is nearing release (scheduled for the moment of equinox on
20 March), featuring the first usable version of Naiad, Spoon's change
management system. Please check out my blog "This Context"[1] for news,
and the Spoon IRC channel[2] and mailing list[3] for discussion.



[2] irc://

Craig Latta
+ 31 020 894 6247
+  1 415 287 3547

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Re: check out my blog "This Context" for Spoon and Naiad news

Edgar De Cleene

On 1/26/11 11:13 AM, "Craig Latta" <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi all--
>      Spoon 3 is nearing release (scheduled for the moment of equinox on
> 20 March), featuring the first usable version of Naiad, Spoon's change
> management system. Please check out my blog "This Context"[1] for news,
> and the Spoon IRC channel[2] and mailing list[3] for discussion.
>      thanks!
> -C
> [1]
> [2] irc://
> [3]
> --
> Craig Latta
> + 31 020 894 6247
> +  1 415 287 3547

This is a great news !!!.
Very happy of Spoon is alive and healthy , check all as have time.

Very thanks for your work


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Re: check out my blog "This Context" for Spoon and Naiad news

In reply to this post by ccrraaiigg

     Oh, and of course the Spoon website for artifacts:

     thanks again,


Craig Latta
+ 31 020 894 6247
+  1 415 287 3547

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Re: check out my blog "This Context" for Spoon and Naiad news

Chris Cunnington
In reply to this post by ccrraaiigg
This is exciting. I look forward to it.


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Re: check out my blog "This Context" for Spoon and Naiad news

Juan Vuletich-4
In reply to this post by ccrraaiigg
Craig Latta wrote:

> Hi all--
>      Spoon 3 is nearing release (scheduled for the moment of equinox on
> 20 March), featuring the first usable version of Naiad, Spoon's change
> management system. Please check out my blog "This Context"[1] for news,
> and the Spoon IRC channel[2] and mailing list[3] for discussion.
>      thanks!
> -C
> [1]
> [2] irc://
> [3]
> --
> Craig Latta
> + 31 020 894 6247
> +  1 415 287 3547

It is great to know Spoon is alive!

Juan Vuletich