I have a problem relating to Color: (In both Squeak 5.2 and 5.3)
If I invoke: Color colorNames sorted
I get the result:
#(#aluminum #aluminum #aqua #aqua #asparagus #asparagus #banana
#banana #black #blue #blueberry #blueberry #brown #bubblegum
#bubblegum #cantaloupe #cantaloupe #carnation #carnation #cayenne
#cayenne #clover #clover #cyan #darkGray #eggplant #eggplant #fern
#fern #flora #flora #grape #grape #gray #green #honeydew #honeydew
#ice #ice #iron #iron #lavender #lavender #lead #lead #lemon #licorice
#lightBlue #lightBrown #lightCyan #lightGray #lightGreen #lightMagenta
#lightOrange #lightRed #lightYellow #lime #lime #magenta #magenta
#magnesium #magnesium #maraschino #maroon #maroon #mercury #mercury
#midnight #midnight #mocha #mocha #moss #moss #nickel #nickel #ocean
#ocean #orange #orchid #orchid #paleBlue #paleBuff #paleGreen
#paleMagenta #paleOrange #palePeach #paleRed #paleTan #paleYellow
#pantonePurpleU #plum #plum #red #salmon #salmon #seaFoam #seaFoam
#silver #silver #sky #sky #snow #spindrift #spindrift #spring #spring
#steel #steel #strawberry #strawberry #tangerine #tangerine #teal
#teal #tin #tin #transparent #tungsten #tungsten #turquoise #turquoise
#veryDarkGray #veryLightGray #veryPaleRed #veryVeryDarkGray
#veryVeryLightGray #white #yellow)
Note that there are numerous duplicates. Most of the duplicates are
Crayon names but
are new are not.
Note that Color colorNames size = 128
but: Color colorNames asSet size = 84
so 40 duplicates
I determined that the Color class variable ColorNames contains 80
named colors, all except
(licorice snow maraschino lemon).
Ralph Boland