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Eliot Miranda-2
Hi All,

    the "find method with string literals containing..." command, command-E does /not/ look inside Symbol literals.  Here's a case where I specifically wanted it to, I wanted to find the reference to CogSimStackEntry in

instVarNamesAndTypesForTranslationDo: aBinaryBlock
"enumerate aBinaryBlock with the names and C type strings for the inst vars to include in a CogSSOptStatus struct."

self instVarNames do:
value: ivn
value: (ivn = 'ssEntry'
ifTrue: [#'CogSimStackEntry *']
ifFalse: [#sqInt])]

The method in question is

SystemNavigation>>browseMethodsWithString: aString matchCase: caseSensitive
"Launch a browser on all methods that contain string literals with aString as a substring. Make the search case-sensitive or insensitive as dictated by the caseSensitive boolean parameter"

self browseAllSelect:
[:method |
method  hasLiteralSuchThat: [:lit |
(lit isString and: [lit isSymbol not]) and:
[lit includesSubstring: aString caseSensitive: caseSensitive]]]
name:  'Methods with string ', aString printString, (caseSensitive ifTrue: [' (case-sensitive)'] ifFalse: [' (case-insensitive)'])
autoSelect: aString

Would people object if I changed this?  One way to change it is to exclude Symbol literals that are also messages in the receiver.  So, e.g...

browseMethodsWithString: aString matchCase: caseSensitive
"Launch a browser on all methods that contain string literals with aString as a substring. Make the search case-sensitive or insensitive as dictated by the caseSensitive boolean parameter"

self browseAllSelect:
[:method |
method hasLiteralSuchThat:
[:lit |
lit isString
and: [(lit includesSubstring: aString caseSensitive: caseSensitive)
and: [lit isSymbol
ifTrue: [(method messages includes: lit) not]
ifFalse: [true]]]]]
name:  'Methods with string ', aString printString, (caseSensitive ifTrue: [' (case-sensitive)'] ifFalse: [' (case-insensitive)'])
autoSelect: aString

Would anyone object to me committing this definition?

best, Eliot

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Re: command-E

Chris Muller-3
I believe this feature was intended to help humans find methods from
seeing them in labels on the UI.  Symbols would not normally concern
that use-case.

Having said that, one could argue that Symbols are Strings, and
therefore a Symbol used as a literal in a method is a String used as a
literal in a method, and the function is, "find a string literal".

For example, even in this case, we have a Symbol is referenced which
we intend to perform:

  selectorToPerform := someCondition ifTrue: [ #add: ] ifFalse: [ #remove: ]

Then searching for the string 'add' would regard that a hit.

It seems like it shouldn't be a big deal even for the first use-case..

On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 6:35 PM, Eliot Miranda <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi All,
>     the "find method with string literals containing..." command, command-E
> does /not/ look inside Symbol literals.  Here's a case where I specifically
> wanted it to, I wanted to find the reference to CogSimStackEntry in
> instVarNamesAndTypesForTranslationDo: aBinaryBlock
> "enumerate aBinaryBlock with the names and C type strings for the inst vars
> to include in a CogSSOptStatus struct."
> self instVarNames do:
> [:ivn|
> aBinaryBlock
> value: ivn
> value: (ivn = 'ssEntry'
> ifTrue: [#'CogSimStackEntry *']
> ifFalse: [#sqInt])]
> The method in question is
> SystemNavigation>>browseMethodsWithString: aString matchCase: caseSensitive
> "Launch a browser on all methods that contain string literals with aString
> as a substring. Make the search case-sensitive or insensitive as dictated by
> the caseSensitive boolean parameter"
> self browseAllSelect:
> [:method |
> method  hasLiteralSuchThat: [:lit |
> (lit isString and: [lit isSymbol not]) and:
> [lit includesSubstring: aString caseSensitive: caseSensitive]]]
> name:  'Methods with string ', aString printString, (caseSensitive ifTrue:
> [' (case-sensitive)'] ifFalse: [' (case-insensitive)'])
> autoSelect: aString
> Would people object if I changed this?  One way to change it is to exclude
> Symbol literals that are also messages in the receiver.  So, e.g...
> browseMethodsWithString: aString matchCase: caseSensitive
> "Launch a browser on all methods that contain string literals with aString
> as a substring. Make the search case-sensitive or insensitive as dictated by
> the caseSensitive boolean parameter"
> self browseAllSelect:
> [:method |
> method hasLiteralSuchThat:
> [:lit |
> lit isString
> and: [(lit includesSubstring: aString caseSensitive: caseSensitive)
> and: [lit isSymbol
> ifTrue: [(method messages includes: lit) not]
> ifFalse: [true]]]]]
> name:  'Methods with string ', aString printString, (caseSensitive ifTrue:
> [' (case-sensitive)'] ifFalse: [' (case-insensitive)'])
> autoSelect: aString
> Would anyone object to me committing this definition?
> _,,,^..^,,,_
> best, Eliot

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Re: command-E

In reply to this post by Eliot Miranda-2
Hi Eliot,

just search "method source containing...". In VMMaker, searching for "CogSimStackEntry" only yields 25 results. :-) There is no keyboard shortcut for that.
