[commit] r2410 - Merging support files from cogvm branch.

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[commit] r2410 - Merging support files from cogvm branch.

Author: andreas
Date: 2011-06-09 01:22:15 -0700 (Thu, 09 Jun 2011)
New Revision: 2410

Merging support files from cogvm branch.

Added: trunk/platforms/Cross/plugins/BochsIA32Plugin/BochsIA32Plugin.h
--- trunk/platforms/Cross/plugins/BochsIA32Plugin/BochsIA32Plugin.h                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/platforms/Cross/plugins/BochsIA32Plugin/BochsIA32Plugin.h 2011-06-09 08:22:15 UTC (rev 2410)
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+/* Bochs seems to use error code 1 for execution errors.
+ * So we use > 1 for various errors
+ */
+#define NoError 0
+#define ExecutionError 1
+#define BadCPUInstance 2
+#define MemoryBoundsError 3
+#define PanicError 4
+#define UnsupportedOperationError 5
+#define SomethingLoggedError 6
+#if !defined(ulong)
+typedef unsigned long ulong;
+ * Answer a pointer to a new Bochs IA32 CPU (an instance of C++ class bx_cpu_c)
+ */
+extern void *newCPU();
+ * reset the cpu to register contents 0, protected 32-bit mode.
+ */
+extern int   resetCPU(void *cpu);
+ * Single-step *cpu (a bx_cpu_c instance) using memory as its memory.
+ * Answer 0 on success, or an integer error code if something went awry.
+ */
+extern int  singleStepCPUInSizeMinAddrReadWrite(void *cpu, void *memory,
+ ulong byteSize, ulong minReadAddr, ulong minWriteAddr);
+ * Run *cpu (a bx_cpu_c instance) using memory as its memory.
+ * Answer an integer error code when the processor hits some exception.
+ * Answer 0 when it is interrupted.
+ */
+extern int runCPUInSizeMinAddrReadWrite(void *cpu, void *memory,
+ ulong byteSize, ulong minReadAddr, ulong minWriteAddr);
+ * Flush any icache entries from start to end
+ */
+extern void flushICacheFromTo(void *cpu, ulong strt, ulong nd);
+ * force runCPUInSize to exit asap.  Used by interrupts.
+ */
+extern void forceStopRunning(void);
+ * The previous entry in the interruptCheckChain so forceStopRunning can chain.
+ */
+extern void (*prevInterruptCheckChain)();
+ * Disassemble the instruction at address in memory, writing the output to the
+ * log.
+ */
+extern int disassembleForAtInSize(void *cpu, ulong laddr,
+ void *memory, ulong byteSize);
+ * The saved error if the previous singleStepIn failed.
+ */
+extern int   errorAcorn();
+ * The current log (if singleStep failed with SomethingLoggedError).
+ */
+extern char *getlog(long *len);

Added: trunk/platforms/Cross/plugins/BochsIA32Plugin/sqBochsIA32Plugin.cpp
--- trunk/platforms/Cross/plugins/BochsIA32Plugin/sqBochsIA32Plugin.cpp                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/platforms/Cross/plugins/BochsIA32Plugin/sqBochsIA32Plugin.cpp 2011-06-09 08:22:15 UTC (rev 2410)
@@ -0,0 +1,572 @@
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#define COG 1
+#define FOR_COG_PLUGIN 1
+// Requires per-target include paths:
+// ../../processors/IA32/bochs ../../processors/IA32/bochs/instrument/stubs
+#include <bochs.h>
+#include <cpu/cpu.h>
+#include <iodev/iodev.h>
+#define min(a,b) ((a)<=(b)?(a):(b))
+ * Define setjmp and longjmp to be the most minimal setjmp/longjmp available
+ * on the platform.
+ */
+#if !WIN32
+# define setjmp(jb) _setjmp(jb)
+# define longjmp(jb,v) _longjmp(jb,v)
+extern "C" {
+#include "BochsIA32Plugin.h"
+static int            cpu_has_been_reset = 0;
+#define LOGSIZE 4096
+static char           bochs_log[LOGSIZE + 1];
+static int            blidx = 0;
+static unsigned char *theMemory = 0;
+static unsigned long  theMemorySize;
+static unsigned long  minReadAddress;
+static unsigned long  minWriteAddress;
+static int            theErrorAcorn;
+static bx_address     last_read_address = (bx_address)-1; /* for RMW cycles */
+   void (*prevInterruptCheckChain)() = 0;
+       int            resetCPU(void *cpu);
+ void *
+ newCPU()
+ {
+ if (!cpu_has_been_reset) {
+ resetCPU(&bx_cpu);
+ cpu_has_been_reset = 1;
+ }
+ return &bx_cpu;
+ }
+ int
+ resetCPU(void *cpu)
+ {
+ BX_CPU_C *anx86 = (BX_CPU_C *)cpu;
+ if (anx86 != &bx_cpu)
+ return BadCPUInstance;
+ blidx = 0;
+ bx_cpu.reset(RESET_FROM_COG);
+ bx_cpu.SetCR0(0x80000001); // Enter protected mode
+ // Origin the code, data & stack segments at 0
+ bx_cpu.parse_selector(0x0000,&bx_cpu.sregs[BX_SEG_REG_CS].selector);
+ bx_cpu.sregs[BX_SEG_REG_CS].cache.u.segment.base = 0;
+ bx_cpu.sregs[BX_SEG_REG_CS].cache.u.segment.d_b  = 1; // 32-bit seg
+ bx_cpu.sregs[BX_SEG_REG_CS].cache.u.segment.limit = 0xffff;
+ bx_cpu.sregs[BX_SEG_REG_CS].cache.u.segment.limit_scaled = 0xffffffff;
+ bx_cpu.parse_selector(0x0000,&bx_cpu.sregs[BX_SEG_REG_DS].selector);
+ bx_cpu.sregs[BX_SEG_REG_DS].cache.u.segment.base = 0;
+ bx_cpu.sregs[BX_SEG_REG_DS].cache.u.segment.d_b  = 1; // 32-bit seg
+ bx_cpu.sregs[BX_SEG_REG_DS].cache.u.segment.limit = 0xffff;
+ bx_cpu.sregs[BX_SEG_REG_DS].cache.u.segment.limit_scaled = 0xffffffff;
+ bx_cpu.parse_selector(0x0000,&bx_cpu.sregs[BX_SEG_REG_SS].selector);
+ bx_cpu.sregs[BX_SEG_REG_SS].cache.u.segment.base = 0;
+ bx_cpu.sregs[BX_SEG_REG_SS].cache.u.segment.d_b  = 1; // 32-bit seg
+ bx_cpu.sregs[BX_SEG_REG_SS].cache.u.segment.limit = 0xffff;
+ bx_cpu.sregs[BX_SEG_REG_SS].cache.u.segment.limit_scaled = 0xffffffff;
+ bx_cpu.gen_reg[BX_32BIT_REG_EDX].dword.erx = 0;
+ bx_cpu.gen_reg[BX_32BIT_REG_EIP].dword.erx = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int
+ singleStepCPUInSizeMinAddressReadWrite(void *cpu,
+ void *memory, ulong byteSize,
+ ulong minAddr, ulong minWriteMaxExecAddr)
+ {
+ BX_CPU_C *anx86 = (BX_CPU_C *)cpu;
+ if (anx86 != &bx_cpu)
+ return BadCPUInstance;
+ theMemory = (unsigned char *)memory;
+ theMemorySize = byteSize;
+ minReadAddress = minAddr;
+ minWriteAddress = minWriteMaxExecAddr;
+ if ((theErrorAcorn = setjmp(anx86->jmp_buf_env)) != 0) {
+ anx86->gen_reg[BX_32BIT_REG_EIP].dword.erx = anx86->prev_rip;
+ return theErrorAcorn;
+ }
+ blidx = 0;
+ bx_cpu.sregs[BX_SEG_REG_CS].cache.u.segment.limit_scaled
+ = minWriteMaxExecAddr > 0 ? minWriteMaxExecAddr - 1 : 0;
+ bx_cpu.sregs[BX_SEG_REG_DS].cache.u.segment.limit_scaled =
+ bx_cpu.sregs[BX_SEG_REG_SS].cache.u.segment.limit_scaled = byteSize;
+ bx_cpu.sregs[BX_SEG_REG_CS].cache.u.segment.limit = minWriteMaxExecAddr >> 16;
+ bx_cpu.sregs[BX_SEG_REG_DS].cache.u.segment.limit =
+ bx_cpu.sregs[BX_SEG_REG_SS].cache.u.segment.limit = byteSize >> 16;
+ anx86->eipFetchPtr = theMemory;
+ anx86->eipPageWindowSize = minWriteMaxExecAddr;
+ anx86->cpu_single_step();
+ return blidx == 0 ? 0 : SomethingLoggedError;
+ }
+ int
+ runCPUInSizeMinAddressReadWrite(void *cpu, void *memory, ulong byteSize,
+ ulong minAddr, ulong minWriteMaxExecAddr)
+ {
+ BX_CPU_C *anx86 = (BX_CPU_C *)cpu;
+ if (anx86 != &bx_cpu)
+ return BadCPUInstance;
+ theMemory = (unsigned char *)memory;
+ theMemorySize = byteSize;
+ minReadAddress = minAddr;
+ minWriteAddress = minWriteMaxExecAddr;
+ if ((theErrorAcorn = setjmp(anx86->jmp_buf_env)) != 0) {
+ anx86->gen_reg[BX_32BIT_REG_EIP].dword.erx = anx86->prev_rip;
+ return theErrorAcorn;
+ }
+ blidx = 0;
+ bx_cpu.sregs[BX_SEG_REG_CS].cache.u.segment.limit_scaled
+ = minWriteMaxExecAddr > 0 ? minWriteMaxExecAddr - 1 : 0;
+ bx_cpu.sregs[BX_SEG_REG_DS].cache.u.segment.limit_scaled =
+ bx_cpu.sregs[BX_SEG_REG_SS].cache.u.segment.limit_scaled = byteSize;
+ bx_cpu.sregs[BX_SEG_REG_CS].cache.u.segment.limit = minWriteMaxExecAddr >> 16;
+ bx_cpu.sregs[BX_SEG_REG_DS].cache.u.segment.limit =
+ bx_cpu.sregs[BX_SEG_REG_SS].cache.u.segment.limit = byteSize >> 16;
+ anx86->eipFetchPtr = theMemory;
+ anx86->eipPageWindowSize = minWriteMaxExecAddr;
+ bx_pc_system.kill_bochs_request = 0;
+ anx86->cpu_loop(0 /* = "run forever" until exception or interupt */);
+ if (anx86->stop_reason != STOP_NO_REASON) {
+ anx86->gen_reg[BX_32BIT_REG_EIP].dword.erx = anx86->prev_rip;
+ if (theErrorAcorn == NoError)
+ theErrorAcorn = ExecutionError;
+ return theErrorAcorn;
+ }
+ return blidx == 0 ? 0 : SomethingLoggedError;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Currently a dummy for Bochs.
+ */
+ void
+ flushICacheFromTo(void *cpu, ulong saddr, ulong eaddr)
+ {
+# error not yet implemented
+ }
+ int
+ disassembleForAtInSize(void *cpu, ulong laddr,
+ void *memory, ulong byteSize)
+ {
+ BX_CPU_C *anx86 = (BX_CPU_C *)cpu;
+ Bit8u  instr_buf[16];
+ size_t i=0;
+ static char letters[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
+ static disassembler bx_disassemble;
+ long remainsInPage = byteSize - laddr;
+ if (remainsInPage < 0) {
+ theErrorAcorn = MemoryBoundsError;
+ return -MemoryBoundsError;
+ }
+ memcpy(instr_buf, (char *)memory + laddr, min(15,byteSize - laddr));
+ i = sprintf(bochs_log, "%08lx: ", laddr);
+ bx_disassemble.set_syntax_att();
+ unsigned isize = bx_disassemble.disasm(
+ anx86->sregs[BX_SEG_REG_CS].cache.u.segment.d_b,
+ anx86->cpu_mode == BX_MODE_LONG_64,
+ anx86->get_segment_base(BX_SEG_REG_CS), laddr,
+ instr_buf,
+ bochs_log+i);
+ if (isize <= remainsInPage) {
+  i=strlen(bochs_log);
+  bochs_log[i++] = ' ';
+  bochs_log[i++] = ':';
+  bochs_log[i++] = ' ';
+  for (unsigned j=0; j<isize; j++) {
+ bochs_log[i++] = letters[(instr_buf[j] >> 4) & 0xf];
+ bochs_log[i++] = letters[(instr_buf[j] >> 0) & 0xf];
+ bochs_log[i++] = ' ';
+  }
+ }
+ bochs_log[blidx = i] = 0;
+ return isize;
+ }
+ void
+ forceStopRunning(void)
+ {
+ if (prevInterruptCheckChain)
+ prevInterruptCheckChain();
+ bx_pc_system.kill_bochs_request = 1;
+ bx_cpu.async_event = 1;
+ }
+ int
+ errorAcorn(void) { return theErrorAcorn; }
+ char *
+ getlog(long *len)
+ {
+ *len = blidx;
+ return bochs_log;
+ }
+} // extern "C"
+ * With COG we implement the paging access_read/write_linear level here
+ * to access data to/from the current Bitmap memory object.  This is hence
+ * a simplified subset of cpu/paging.cc.
+ */
+#define BX_PHY_ADDRESS_MASK ((((Bit64u)(1)) << BX_PHY_ADDRESS_WIDTH) - 1)
+      (~BX_PHY_ADDRESS_MASK & BX_CONST64(0xfffffffffffff))
+// bit [11] of the TLB lpf used for TLB_HostPtr valid indication
+#define TLB_LPFOf(laddr) AlignedAccessLPFOf(laddr, 0x7ff)
+  void BX_CPP_AttrRegparmN(2)
+BX_CPU_C::pagingCR0Changed(Bit32u oldCR0, Bit32u newCR0)
+  // Modification of PG,PE flushes TLB cache according to docs.
+  // Additionally, the TLB strategy is based on the current value of
+  // WP, so if that changes we must also flush the TLB.
+  if ((oldCR0 & 0x80010001) != (newCR0 & 0x80010001))
+    TLB_flush(); // Flush Global entries also.
+  void BX_CPP_AttrRegparmN(2)
+BX_CPU_C::pagingCR4Changed(Bit32u oldCR4, Bit32u newCR4)
+  // Modification of PGE,PAE,PSE flushes TLB cache according to docs.
+  if ((oldCR4 & 0x000000b0) != (newCR4 & 0x000000b0))
+    TLB_flush(); // Flush Global entries also.
+  void BX_CPP_AttrRegparmN(1)
+BX_CPU_C::SetCR3(bx_address val)
+  // flush TLB even if value does not change
+  if (BX_CPU_THIS_PTR cr4.get_PGE())
+    TLB_flushNonGlobal(); // Don't flush Global entries.
+  else
+    TLB_flush();          // Flush Global entries also.
+  {
+    if (val & BX_CONST64(0x000fffff00000000)) {
+      BX_PANIC(("SetCR3() 0x%08x%08x: Only 32 bit physical address space is emulated !", GET32H(val), GET32L(val)));
+    }
+      BX_ERROR(("SetCR3(): Attempt to write to reserved bits of CR3"));
+      exception(BX_GP_EXCEPTION, 0, 0);
+    }
+    BX_CPU_THIS_PTR cr3_masked = val & BX_CONST64(0x000ffffffffff000);
+  }
+  BX_CPU_THIS_PTR cr3 = val;
+// Called to initialize the TLB upon startup.
+// Unconditional initialization of all TLB entries.
+void BX_CPU_C::TLB_init(void)
+  TLB_flush();
+void BX_CPU_C::TLB_flush(void)
+void BX_CPU_C::TLB_invlpg(bx_address laddr)
+void BX_CPP_AttrRegparmN(1) BX_CPU_C::INVLPG(bxInstruction_c* i)
+#if BX_CPU_LEVEL >= 4
+    BX_ERROR(("INVLPG: priviledge check failed, generate #GP(0)"));
+    exception(BX_GP_EXCEPTION, 0, 0);
+ BX_INFO(("INVLPG: required i486, use --enable-cpu=4 option"));
+ exception(BX_UD_EXCEPTION, 0, 0);
+// error checking order - page not present, reserved bits, protection
+#define ERROR_NOT_PRESENT       0x00
+#define ERROR_PROTECTION        0x01
+#define ERROR_RESERVED          0x08
+#define ERROR_CODE_ACCESS       0x10
+/* PSE PDE4M: bits [21:17] */
+// Translate a linear address to a physical address
+bx_phy_address BX_CPU_C::translate_linear(bx_address laddr, unsigned curr_pl, unsigned rw, unsigned access_type)
+  return laddr;
+bx_bool BX_CPU_C::dbg_xlate_linear2phy(bx_address laddr, bx_phy_address *phy)
+    *phy = (bx_phy_address) laddr;
+    return 1;
+void BX_CPU_C::access_write_linear(bx_address laddr, unsigned len, unsigned curr_pl, void *data)
+  hwbreakpoint_match(laddr, len, BX_WRITE);
+ if (laddr < minWriteAddress
+ || laddr + len > theMemorySize)
+ longjmp(bx_cpu.jmp_buf_env,MemoryBoundsError);
+ memcpy(theMemory + laddr, data, len);
+void BX_CPU_C::access_read_linear(bx_address laddr, unsigned len, unsigned curr_pl, unsigned xlate_rw, void *data)
+  BX_ASSERT(xlate_rw == BX_READ || xlate_rw == BX_RW);
+ if (laddr < minReadAddress
+ || laddr + len > theMemorySize)
+ longjmp(bx_cpu.jmp_buf_env,MemoryBoundsError);
+ last_read_address = laddr; /* for RMW write cycles below */
+ memcpy(data, theMemory + laddr, len);
+ * With COG we implement the paging access_read/write_linear level here
+ * to access data to/from the current Bitmap memory object.  This is hence
+ * a simplified subset of the RMW operations in cpu/access32.cc
+ */
+  void BX_CPP_AttrRegparmN(1)
+BX_CPU_C::write_RMW_virtual_byte(Bit8u val8)
+ if (last_read_address == (bx_address)-1)
+ longjmp(bx_cpu.jmp_buf_env,PanicError);
+ memcpy(theMemory + last_read_address, &val8, 1);
+ last_read_address = (bx_address)-1;
+  void BX_CPP_AttrRegparmN(1)
+BX_CPU_C::write_RMW_virtual_word(Bit16u val16)
+ if (last_read_address == (bx_address)-1)
+ longjmp(bx_cpu.jmp_buf_env,PanicError);
+ memcpy(theMemory + last_read_address, &val16, 2);
+ last_read_address = (bx_address)-1;
+  void BX_CPP_AttrRegparmN(1)
+BX_CPU_C::write_RMW_virtual_dword(Bit32u val32)
+ if (last_read_address == (bx_address)-1)
+ longjmp(bx_cpu.jmp_buf_env,PanicError);
+ memcpy(theMemory + last_read_address, &val32, 4);
+ last_read_address = (bx_address)-1;
+  void BX_CPP_AttrRegparmN(1)
+BX_CPU_C::write_RMW_virtual_qword(Bit64u val64)
+ if (last_read_address == (bx_address)-1)
+ longjmp(bx_cpu.jmp_buf_env,PanicError);
+ memcpy(theMemory + last_read_address, &val64, 8);
+ last_read_address = (bx_address)-1;
+// Cut-down parts of memory/misc_mem.cc for cpu/debugstuff.cc
+bx_bool BX_MEM_C::dbg_fetch_mem(BX_CPU_C *cpu, bx_phy_address addr, unsigned len, Bit8u *buf)
+ if (addr + len > theMemorySize)
+ return 0;
+ memcpy(buf, theMemory + addr, len);
+ return 1;
+// Cut-down cpu/smm.cc
+void BX_CPP_AttrRegparmN(1)
+BX_CPU_C::RSM(bxInstruction_c *i)
+ BX_ERROR(("BX_CPU_C::RSM not yet implemented"));
+ theErrorAcorn = UnsupportedOperationError;
+ longjmp(bx_cpu.jmp_buf_env,1);
+ BX_ERROR(("BX_CPU_C::enter_system_management_mode not yet implemented"));
+ theErrorAcorn = UnsupportedOperationError;
+ longjmp(bx_cpu.jmp_buf_env,1);
+// Cut-down cpu/io_pro.cc
+  Bit32u BX_CPP_AttrRegparmN(2)
+bx_devices_c::inp(Bit16u addr, unsigned io_len)
+ BX_ERROR(("BX_CPU_C::inp not yet implemented"));
+ theErrorAcorn = UnsupportedOperationError;
+ longjmp(bx_cpu.jmp_buf_env,1);
+ return 0;
+  void BX_CPP_AttrRegparmN(3)
+bx_devices_c::outp(Bit16u addr, Bit32u value, unsigned io_len)
+ BX_ERROR(("BX_CPU_C::outp not yet implemented"));
+ theErrorAcorn = UnsupportedOperationError;
+ longjmp(bx_cpu.jmp_buf_env,1);
+// Cut-down gui/siminterface.cc
+static logfunctions thePluginLog;
+logfunctions *pluginlog = &thePluginLog;
+// Dummy SIM object; we don't use the SIM interface or libgui.a
+bx_simulator_interface_c *SIM = NULL;
+#undef LOG_THIS
+#define LOG_THIS bx_pc_system.
+// Dummy pc_system object; we don't have a pc, but this contains the
+//  bx_pc_system.kill_bochs_request flag we use to break out of loops.
+bx_pc_system_c bx_pc_system;
+// constructor
+  BX_ASSERT(numTimers == 0);
+  // Timer[0] is the null timer.  It is initialized as a special
+  // case here.  It should never be turned off or modified, and its
+  // duration should always remain the same.
+  ticksTotal = 0; // Reset ticks since emulator started.
+  timer[0].inUse      = 1;
+  timer[0].period     = 0xffffffff; // see NullTimerInterval in pc_system.cc
+  timer[0].active     = 1;
+  timer[0].continuous = 1;
+  timer[0].funct      = (void (*)(void *))0; // see nullTimer in pc_system.cc
+  timer[0].this_ptr   = this;
+  numTimers = 1; // So far, only the nullTimer.
+  kill_bochs_request = 0;
+int bx_pc_system_c::Reset(unsigned type)
+  BX_INFO(("bx_pc_system_c::Reset(%s) called",type==BX_RESET_HARDWARE?"HARDWARE":"SOFTWARE"));
+  // Always reset cpu
+  for (int i=0; i<BX_SMP_PROCESSORS; i++) {
+    BX_CPU(i)->reset(type);
+  }
+  return(0);
+#undef LOG_THIS
+// Cut-down bx_devices (see iodev/devices.cc)
+bx_devices_c bx_devices;
+// constructor for bx_devices_c
+  settype(DEVLOG);
+  read_port_to_handler = NULL;
+  write_port_to_handler = NULL;
+  io_read_handlers.next = NULL;
+  io_read_handlers.handler_name = NULL;
+  io_write_handlers.next = NULL;
+  io_write_handlers.handler_name = NULL;
+  for (unsigned i=0; i < BX_MAX_IRQS; i++)
+    irq_handler_name[i] = NULL;
+  // nothing needed for now
+  timer_handle = BX_NULL_TIMER_HANDLE;
+// Versions of the iofunctions that libcpu uses that log to a buffer
+// logfunctions::put(char const*)
+// logfunctions::info(char const*, ...)
+// logfunctions::panic(char const*, ...)
+// logfunctions::ldebug(char const*, ...)
+// logfunctions::settype(int)
+// logfunctions::logfunctions()
+// logfunctions::~logfunctions()
+// logfunctions::error(char const*, ...)
+logfunctions::logfunctions(void) {}
+logfunctions::~logfunctions() {}
+#define sprintlog(fmt, ap) \
+do { \
+ va_list ap; \
+ va_start(ap, fmt); \
+ int len = vsnprintf(bochs_log + blidx, LOGSIZE-blidx, fmt, ap); \
+ if ((blidx = min(blidx + len, LOGSIZE)) < LOGSIZE - 1) { \
+ bochs_log[blidx]   = '\r'; \
+ bochs_log[++blidx] = 0; \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+void logfunctions::put(const char *p)
+ int len = strlen(p);
+ strncpy(bochs_log + blidx, p, min(len,LOGSIZE-blidx));
+ blidx = min(blidx + len, LOGSIZE);
+ bochs_log[blidx] = 0;
+void logfunctions::settype(int t) {}
+void logfunctions::info(const char *fmt, ...) { sprintlog(fmt,ap); }
+void logfunctions::error(const char *fmt, ...) { sprintlog(fmt,ap); }
+void logfunctions::panic(const char *fmt, ...)
+ sprintlog(fmt,ap);
+ longjmp(bx_cpu.jmp_buf_env,PanicError);
+void logfunctions::ldebug(const char *fmt, ...) { sprintlog(fmt,ap); }