confusion 2D APPLICATIONS INSIDE 3D - Part 2 (p75 of my 249 pdf)

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confusion 2D APPLICATIONS INSIDE 3D - Part 2 (p75 of my 249 pdf)

Paul Sheldon-2
Americo broke out of a mass production style : out of what was doing object method enumerations-- into creating new classes .

After a grand (to me) victory making my very first squeak smalltalk class Cat , I worked through 2 sections on embedded applications, since I suspect this documentation is very old, in the beta croquet .

I got some confidence doing various sorts of saves this morning because I replaced changes and image files from the installer disk to do "resets". Being able to do repetitions helped me see the dance of the logic paths I was taking in greater relief so I could save an app without an obscure error message.

This way of resetting doesn't guarantee which version I am in to report troubles , but I suspect a functionality was lost with version, not gained. I am not clear enough on my saves to mess with the nonbeta version and invent a project .

So, I remark on :


said for me to "Drag the "SimpleDemo(Master)" and open a Portal to the "Movie world"."

I didn't see anything but the same world, "SimpleDemo(Master)", to go to on the menu .

To get stargate functionality on one machine, I found I have to save two images and launch them to see worlds appear to go to on menus , but entertaining this working hypothesis, I fear, further fogs up what it means to save .

To regain confidence, I tried looking at the world from another computer on wifi and I did not see the application in the mirror . That was a solid bad observation, I could not collaborate the way I had posted here and found Americo documented .

Further, I could not do the big save to modify the "Movie world" to permanently have looking glass to project . He promises to elaborate on persistance, a profound programming design concept, so I read on .