content from old website

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content from old website

Rita Freudenberg
Hi everyone,

at our education meeting yesterday we  have been looking at the old
Squeakland website for some reason.

I think it would be a good idea to browse the old site and list all the
things we should add to the new one, especially tutorials, documentation
and anything that helps people getting started. So have a look and let
us know what you would like to see again! It may take some time to
actually add it, because we might need to make new screenshots or change
some description to adapt to the new version.


Rita Freudenberg
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg

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Yan: content from old website

Nevit Dilmen

--- 09/10/09 Cum tarihinde Rita Freudenberg <[hidden email]> şöyle yazıyor:

> Kimden: Rita Freudenberg <[hidden email]>
> Konu: [squeakland] content from old website
> Kime: " mailing list" <[hidden email]>
> Tarihi: 9 Ekim 2009 Cuma, 14:44
> Hi everyone,
> at our education meeting yesterday we  have been
> looking at the old Squeakland website for some reason.
> I think it would be a good idea to browse the old site and
> list all the things we should add to the new one, especially
> tutorials, documentation and anything that helps people
> getting started. So have a look and let us know what you
> would like to see again! It may take some time to actually
> add it, because we might need to make new screenshots or
> change some description to adapt to the new version.
> Greetings,
> Rita


Tutorials and documentation are a must. You have spotted them correctly. Sample scripts may be added.

An alternative is to keep the site as is (in a subfolder, or in a subdomain) but trap it into a frame so that a link to current site would be always available however the user gets into the old site.  


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Re: content from old website

Timothy Falconer-3
On Oct 9, 2009, at 5:44 PM, Nevit Dilmen wrote:
> --- 09/10/09 Cum tarihinde Rita Freudenberg <[hidden email]
> > şöyle yazıyor:
>> at our education meeting yesterday we  have been
>> looking at the old Squeakland website for some reason.

Hi all,

Nearly all of the content from the old site was migrated to the new  
site last year.   Each bit of content that wasn't migrated was a  
conscious decision by Viewpoints.

Please don't make this web address more public than it is within this  
email.  Please do not link to this address.

Actually, it's too late, now that I think of it.   The link has  
probably been trawled by Google already.

Okay, I've renamed the URL above by adding the number two to the end  
(before the slash).

Please DO NOT post this URL anywhere, otherwise it will show up in  
Google searches.


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Re: content from old website

I think it would be a good idea to browse the old site and list all the
things we should add to the new one, especially tutorials, documentation
and anything that helps people getting started.

I like the "Project Guides" in particular the "Grapher" it gets them thinking about motion and provides a nice "tool to think with" I particularly like the section at the end of the Grapher Project guide called "Challenges" this should be in every project guide so the kids/parents/teachers have suggestions on how they can build upon and/or use the what they have learned and/or what they created.

The concern I have with the "Salmon Run" project, while it has some powerful ideas embedded into it, the project is more of a follow these steps and watch how I create something. The projects should be more geared towards the kids creating things. Where the guides/projects help introduce some basics to help them use the tool called eToys, but the challenges give them opportunities to do and create math/science/art/literature/history/etc. for themselves.

This is easy to say and really hard to design and facilitate, especially in the hands of folks who may never have been exposed to or do not have a good understanding of the powerful ideas you are trying to convey.

Ideally the Project Guides (for teachers, as opposed for kids and a self paced approach, which is a good idea, but presents different challenges) would provide the Teachers/Parents with a script to follow in leading learning. Then a set of cue's to look for (ie: "cognitive brick walls/dead ends" kids may go down) and how to recognize them, in concrete terms. Then for each cue, potential scripted responses that can help the child assimilate a new paradigm.

Another piece of content for the Project Guides is to include non-eToys activities as part of the project. For example Papert's having the kids "walk a geometric shape". I did this with the kids (actually I had them walk a square, and had one kid as a programmer and the other as the sprite with a piece of chalk). It not only allowed them to use their body knowledge, it also made visible some of what was going on inside their heads. I then took over as the sprite with chalk, as kids would command turn (and because the sprite kid knew the object was to draw a square, he would turn 90 degrees in the correct direction each time).

Lastly I would suggest very small snippets on how particular objects work, that the kids can explore on their own. Ideally they could access these "Event Theater" tutorials from within eToys, by selecting a menu item or some other method.

While I believe the "Demon Castle" and Etoys challenge are the best "quickstart" guides, that may be the way I learn, I have one son and one student for whom the printable "quickstart" guide on the old site would be helpful.

-------------------- m2f --------------------

(from forum)

-------------------- m2f --------------------

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Re: Re: content from old website

Timothy Falconer-3
<base href="x-msg://9/">
On Oct 13, 2009, at 12:55 AM, mrsteve wrote:

I think it would be a good idea to browse the old site and list all the
things we should add to the new one, especially tutorials, documentation
and anything that helps people getting started.

I like the "Project Guides" in particular the "Grapher" it gets them thinking about motion and provides a nice "tool to think with" I particularly like the section at the end of the Grapher Project guide called "Challenges" this should be in every project guide so the kids/parents/teachers have suggestions on how they can build upon and/or use the what they have learned and/or what they created.

FYI all, just found a "historical artifact" that speaks to this.  On the current site map:

You'll see "Activities" underneath "Tutorials".   This was meant to contain the project guides from the old site.   As I recall, we ran out of time and VPRI decided to cut the page (which is why "tutorials" is the only section with three sub-sections.)

We also couldn't quickly think up another word that wasn't "guides" (to prevent confusion with the "quick guides") and "tutorials" (which is the section name).

Our current thinking is such things will attach to the "courseware", which will show up under "tutorials".  Also, we'll someday allow PDFs to be attached to projects in the showcase as well.

Take care,

Timothy Falconer
Squeakland Foundation
"Intelligence is what you use when you don't know what to do."  ... piaget

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