croquet private projects

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croquet private projects

Paul Sheldon-2
You can not share any aspect of a project, if you don't even allow
knowledge of its existance to another person. There are multiple
features possible in "voiding" the single word "private", that is
"sharing a project"; only one is "knowing its existance". For example,
one might wish to "own" ie. "take responsibility for" a change in a
project and not "share" that. When I had, in the tutorial 1, made
changes in object oriented programming classes, I signed them (I had
authority and responsibility).

This e mail continues with the notion of private project.

I was reading tutorials 1 of Americo and got to section :

The concluding paragraph said (a for o : his knowledge of English verbs
slightly off but what is unspoken speaking volumes) :
"A visitor can came to your island. If he has not a copy of the
"private" project at his machine he will see its 2D window empty."

Long ago, I had thought, when I looked through a looking glass to see a
project, that I finally understood how to collaborate on projects and
why croquet was one step beyond wonderland (I even presented a song,
"WhosTurn", celebrating what I supposed a grand gestalt), but then,
later, I was embarrassed to not see the project when I looked from
another computer into a looking glass into it. This evidently was not a
bug, but lack of agreed upon co-knowing of it.

I now speculate on an "intent" of croquet (as yet buggy and beta) that
only were a project to be "sent" and thence non-private and visible
across the internet that collaborators, with shared system events (mouse
clicks, insertions, etc.), could sync changes.