current steps for Mac VM build?

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current steps for Mac VM build?

Jay Hardesty-2
Hi - I've built VM's numerous times in the past, but currently having
no luck trying to build a Mac Carbon VM on a Intel Mac running 10.5.6,
using Xcode 3.1.3.

In short (more detail below), I get a link error: library not found
for lcrt1.10.5.o

Details for the 3.8-image-6665 src-rev-1444 attempt (leaving aside
details of the previous attempt using a 3.10 image src-rev-1963 that
ended up with sqVirtualMachine.o undefined's):

Following the readme (platforms/Mac OS/vm/Documentation/readme.txt) I
took a basic 3.8 image version 6665, installed Balloon3D, and

Downloaded version 1444 of the svn source tree (based on the comment
in the VMMaker 3.8b6 changeset).

Filed in (removing line-feeds as needed):
( is not in the source tree, and don't see
it in my change sets - any case left out)

Generated sources (after setting plugins etc as directed), , renamed
the result from "src32" to "src", and then gnuified.

Placed SqueakVMUNIXPATHS.xcodeproj, resources, and Squeak VM
Universal-Info.plist in the directory containing "src' and

Selected "Deployment" as target in xcode and compiled, with result:
 "library not found for lcrt1.10.5.o"

Some questions:
Which "Base SDK" setting: 10.3.9. 10.4, 10.5?  (tried clean builds with each)
Should I really (still) be using version 1444 of the source?
Ditto for Squeak 3.8 6665 (versus a 3.9 or 3.9 image)?

Thanks for any help,
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Re: current steps for Mac VM build?

Ken G. Brown
At 1:36 AM +0100 4/15/09, Jay Hardesty apparently wrote:

>Hi - I've built VM's numerous times in the past, but currently having
>no luck trying to build a Mac Carbon VM on a Intel Mac running 10.5.6,
>using Xcode 3.1.3.
>In short (more detail below), I get a link error: library not found
>for lcrt1.10.5.o
>Details for the 3.8-image-6665 src-rev-1444 attempt (leaving aside
>details of the previous attempt using a 3.10 image src-rev-1963 that
>ended up with sqVirtualMachine.o undefined's):
>Following the readme (platforms/Mac OS/vm/Documentation/readme.txt) I
>took a basic 3.8 image version 6665, installed Balloon3D, and
>Downloaded version 1444 of the svn source tree (based on the comment
>in the VMMaker 3.8b6 changeset).
>Filed in (removing line-feeds as needed):
>( is not in the source tree, and don't see
>it in my change sets - any case left out)
>Generated sources (after setting plugins etc as directed), , renamed
>the result from "src32" to "src", and then gnuified.
>Placed SqueakVMUNIXPATHS.xcodeproj, resources, and Squeak VM
>Universal-Info.plist in the directory containing "src' and
>Selected "Deployment" as target in xcode and compiled, with result:
> "library not found for lcrt1.10.5.o"
>Some questions:
>Which "Base SDK" setting: 10.3.9. 10.4, 10.5?  (tried clean builds with each)
>Should I really (still) be using version 1444 of the source?
>Ditto for Squeak 3.8 6665 (versus a 3.9 or 3.9 image)?
>Thanks for any help,

Latest VMMaker is on Squeaksource now.
See this message below from John McIntosh on April 11, 2009:
Later images should work fine as far as I know. I haven't built a VM lately tho but did successfully awhile back with 3.10 dev images.
What OS X do you intend to deploy on? I'm guessing the base SDK would need to match since it would need to reside on the target OS.

Ken G. Brown

At 3:01 PM -0700 4/11/09, John M McIntosh apparently wrote:

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>Subject: Re: [Vm-dev] VM team
>Date: Sat, 11 Apr 2009 15:01:44 -0700
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>On 11-Apr-09, at 10:56 AM, Andreas Raab wrote:
>>Sounds good to me. I see this more as a formalization of the arrangement we already have, since you have been taking Tim's role lately with doing most of the integration etc. So you've got my support here.
>>In terms of what to do I think what we most need is a bit more clarity for people. For example, how does one actually set up a VMMaker image? You kinda need bits from the four corners of the world and I don't think the process is described anywhere. The shorthand in my VMMaker image says:
>>* Load Speech from
>>* Load FFI from Universes
>>* Load VMMaker from
>>* Load Balloon3D-Constants, Balloon3D-Plugins from
>>* Load Freetype somehow
>>This could certainly be improved. The simulator is another piece of the story where we should spend enough time that it can actually be used for simulation of various aspects. And then maybe fix the cruel and unusal UI for VMMaker ;-)
>> - Andreas
>Well having pointers to everything on would help.
>People still load a 3.8 vmmaker from squeaksource for example, so a bit more of where do I start if I have this platform would help
>mac carbon VM build instructions here
>John M. McIntosh <[hidden email]>
>Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd.