deleted scene from Squeakers DVD now online!

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deleted scene from Squeakers DVD now online!

Rita Freudenberg
Dear Squeakers,

one of the scenes, that got edited out of the DVD was the Galileo  
moment when a girl pointed out the "trick".

Now you can watch that scene here:


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Re: deleted scene from Squeakers DVD now online!

Yoshiki Ohshima-2
At Thu, 2 Jul 2009 23:02:35 +0200,
Rita Freudenberg wrote:
> Dear Squeakers,
> one of the scenes, that got edited out of the DVD was the Galileo  
> moment when a girl pointed out the "trick".
> Now you can watch that scene here:

  Thank you, Rita.

  Imagine a story line like this:

  1. Kids trying to measure the fall time by stop watches.
     - "0.99999 seconds..., measuring is so hard!"

  2. Kids are depressed, and the atmosphere goes somber.  Some kids
     started crying... (Well, some dramatization needed).

  3. Then, here comes the savior:
     - "How about if we drop two totally different ones at the same

  4. The young scientist solves the world problem!  (And that was
     practically the same idea by the pionieer of modern science.)

-- Yoshiki

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