(drawing) doesNotUnderstand fillRectangle

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(drawing) doesNotUnderstand fillRectangle

Filip Malczak
I continue working on my stave-and-tabulature program(some older, but not very older version is in one of last mails). And I still cant really draw my object. Its rectangle (subclass of RectangleMorph) with submorph StringMorph - just a easy button. Here I have its drawOn:

drawOn: aCanvas
super drawOn: aCanvas.
label:=self findA: StringMorph.
label center: self center.
label drawOn: self.

When I try to

but:=TempoButton new.
but drawOn: World.

in Workspace and doIt, I have debugger with:

PasteUpMorph(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #fillRectangle:fillStyle:borderStyle

So I think it goes up in superclass chain, and finds out drawOn: of Morph, but for some reason it doesnt really understands it. Why?
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