education meeting notes

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education meeting notes

Rita Freudenberg
Hi all,

to let you know what we did talk about on our meeting yesterday here are
the notes:



1. Upcoming events (conferences, who plans to attend? who would like to
submit a paper? what about the panel at SXSW) A list of conferences is
at the wiki here^

for CUE conference: contact Mulholland Middle school
NECC: Kathleen Harness plans to go and present, Tim plans to got, has
high priority
Constructionism: we will submit a paper, let us know when you would like
to co-write. Focus: what is special about Etoys? What can be done with
Etoys but not with other construcionist tools like Alice, Scratch, Logo
etc. We should start brainstorming that on the mailing list, put the
results on the wiki
Northern Virginia Home Education Conference: Randy will ask friends
about this conference, we will find out more about home schooling
community and how to get involved, which conferences to attend etc.

2. start organizing next Squeakfest - what do you think we should/could
do early?
Date for next year Squeakfest should be scheduled, Tim will take care of
As soon as the date is fixed we shoudl send announcements to local
schools and advertise it. Cherry proposed: How about a Squeak Fare?
Where the kids from NC can show off/demo their work?

3. Template for courseware. Randy used Kathleens template with one of
his projects, we can talk if that will be the template to describe the
courseware. If so, we could start writing the other courseware
components ...

Randy did use the template. We will talk to Kathleen Harness about his
ideas. Tim proposed to send Randys project to Bruno and Marta to get
feedback. We talked about which standards to use in the project description.
Cherry did ask which standards we use:
NETS for students:^

We will look up UNESCO and other sources to find more international
standards (ask people from Plan Ceibal, OLPC etc.)^^

4. OLPC book sprint next week in Washington^

Plans are that Rita and Bruno from Brazl will participate. Rita will
contact Carlos about that to get one more chapter about use of Etoys on
the XO.

5. Consider whether we should bundle DrGeo II with this month's Etoys
release, perhaps as a main item in the Supply Bin. The software team is
generally in favor of it.

The education team also likes the idea. Tim told us about release dates:
Etoys 4.0 ... Sep 16th; Etoys 4.1 ... Feb 21st; Etoys 4.2 ... July 21st;
Etoys 4.3 ... Dec 21st; Etoys 4.4 ... June 21st

6. showcase categorization

regions and subjects are ok. Randy suggested instead of ages: concrete
learning, transitional learning, abstract learning
All categories should allow multiselection, because there are
cross-subject projects, projects suitable for all age groups, even
projects from participants from different countries. Tim will talk with
the software team about that.
Tim asked about ranking projects? Will be done manually by the education
team, rank will not not be shown, it's just a sorting criterion. Will we
have tagging? Rita would like to have it on the public showcase, not on
the official one. We will talk about that when we can see the showcaes
and try things out.
Comments for projects will be enabled, but moderated.

7. update on John Stout's Nigerian project.

Randy believes it has great possibilities for broader application.

His idea: "I believe we can go beyond developing courseware just for
Nigeria and create a general introductory set of lessons that help
students learn to use those tools in etoys that are useful in working
with GIS information to better understand their country, help solve some
of its problems and become skilled in using GIS data. They can use those
tools to work with data on their country's resources, economics,
politics, social systems, environment, climate, etc. If we use gobal GIS
data in the courseware, the units could be a starting point for learners
in any country are they could develop a better understanding of their
country from a global perspective. This has the potential to produce
some very skilled and productive citizens that could make valuable
contributions to their country's future. Does anyone know if there are
any OLPC projects with this focus using etoys? If not, I believe we
should consider this approach. I would appreciate any comments.

Randy did some more sample projects for John Stout, just with Etoys, no
Squeak programming needed yet. Cherry told us about an exhibition in
Santa Barbara museum about water contingencies all over the world. Could
be a partner for us? Here's the project that she mentioned during the

8. Talk about any changes we want in the Etoys gallery of projects . . .
might be nice to include projects from other sources such as
EtoysIllinois and USeIT. What would you remove? What would you replace
it with?

The projects meant are these which come with Etoys. Next release is Spe
16th, so which projects wpould you like to see? We will ask people who
presented great projects at Squeakfest, would like to have not just
english projects, but at least one multi-language project: daemon
castle. Who will help us translate it? We then talked about where to put
DrGeo and started talking about names of categories in the object
catalogue. That will be something to talk about for release in Feb.

Next meeting next week, doodle to find a date.

Rita Freudenberg
Squeakland Foundation

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Re: education meeting notes

Yoshiki Ohshima-2
At Fri, 04 Sep 2009 11:26:09 +0200,
Rita Freudenberg wrote:
> Hi all,
> 1. Upcoming events (conferences, who plans to attend? who would like to
> submit a paper? what about the panel at SXSW) A list of conferences is
> at the wiki here^

  The line up of the project may resemble the one at CHI 2009:

I'm not going to attend but whoever goes there and participate the
panel (if approved), I can shar some thoughts on the other projects
with the presenter.

-- Yoshiki
squeakland mailing list
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Re: education meeting notes

Scott Wallace
In reply to this post by Rita Freudenberg
On Sep 4, 2009, at 2:26 AM, Rita Freudenberg wrote:

> 6. showcase categorization
> ...All categories should allow multiselection, because there are  
> cross-subject projects, projects suitable for all age groups, even  
> projects from participants from different countries....

I made a note of this on the relevant JIRA ticket, 

... to which I just added the following commentary:

> ...However, this request comes too late in the development cycle to  
> contemplate implementing it before the summer '09 release goes final  
> later this week.
> So as a fallback, the choice probably needs to be made among:
> (a) Stick with single-selection categories for the time being; go  
> multi later when someone can find time to implement it.
> (b) Use free-form type-ins for anything that ultimately wants multi-
> selection.
> (c) Don't include those items in the project-info dialog until multi-
> selection popups (and corresponding server-side readiness for such  
> multi-selection) can be implemented, hopefully in time for the  
> winter 2010 release.

  -- Scott

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