education team attends Google Doc Camp!!

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education team attends Google Doc Camp!!

Rita Freudenberg
The education team of Squeakland got selected to attend Google Doc Camp 2012 in San Francisco [1]! This is a wonderful opportunity for us to create introductory material for teachers to be used in the classroom.
We'll spend a week writing new material, using the existing resources and vast experiences of our fellow Etoys activists! I'm so excited to meet with the members of our group face-to-face, it's been some time since we talked directly instead of Skype or Google hangout.
I expect this to be a busy, but successful week for us and for Squeakland.



Rita Freudenberg
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Re: education team attends Google Doc Camp!!

Karl Ramberg
Great news :-)

It would be nice if we could start the Etoys User Manual as well as
finishing the reference manual.


On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 10:57 AM, Rita Freudenberg
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> The education team of Squeakland got selected to attend Google Doc Camp 2012 in San Francisco [1]! This is a wonderful opportunity for us to create introductory material for teachers to be used in the classroom.
> We'll spend a week writing new material, using the existing resources and vast experiences of our fellow Etoys activists! I'm so excited to meet with the members of our group face-to-face, it's been some time since we talked directly instead of Skype or Google hangout.
> I expect this to be a busy, but successful week for us and for Squeakland.
> Greetings,
> Rita
> [1]
> Rita Freudenberg
> [hidden email]
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