El 3/31/07 10:01 PM, "Andrew Dabrowski" <
[hidden email]> escribió:
> (RenamedClassSourceReader is Undeclared).
RenamedClassSourceReader don't exist in 3.9 final, that't why you have
> Is this a problem with 3.9?
Maybe more as one, so we start 3.10 and you could try at
http://ftp.squeak.org/3.10alpha/Squeak3.10alpha.7073.zipAnd if some was wrong, you could complain direct to me.
As several things is changing, if you first Squeak experience , better learn
with it.
As sharing code, I like to send me via private mail your .pr and only you
In general , .pr files works fine, but not always.
And old release .pr could not work on newer images.
Exist another ways of sharing code, I prefer using .sar what let's pack all
needed files in one auto loading file.
As example , in my Rompecabezas (puzzle)
http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/5861I have versions what let's guess image and load the necessary , if some is
not in the target one.
>From install/preamble of version what could load into normal 3.9 and
| misFotos listaArchivos member form str |
Smalltalk version = 'SqueakLight' ifTrue:[ self fileInMemberNamed:
self fileInMemberNamed: 'MinimalSound.2.cs'].
self fileInMemberNamed: 'Morphic-Puzzle.47.cs'.
member _ self memberNamed: 'CatClubBallooning.jpg'.
PuzzleMorph foto: (Form fromBinaryStream: member contentStream binary).
member _ self memberNamed: 'Taunt011.wav'.
PuzzleMorph sonido: (member contentStream binary).
PuzzleMorph allPieces
And you have code, picts, sound, any what was necessary. Guessing version is
a bonus track :=)
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