2008/2/7, Alan Knight <
[hidden email]>:
> There is a parcel in VisualWorks called FileOut30 which you can load which
> should make VisualWorks recognize basic Squeak format. It's based on work
> Roel Wuyts did some time ago. I don't think it will handle things like
> underscore but it will at least do basic file-in.
As far as I understand this is not what you use to create the Seaside
port. Can these tools be found somewhere or are they secret?
> At 05:41 PM 2/7/2008, Petr Fischer wrote:
> Hello, is there any converter for export squeak packages/classes (my
> work) into VisualWorks? Is it possible?
> Thanks, pf
> --
> Alan Knight [|], Cincom Smalltalk Development
[hidden email]
[hidden email]