I followed the instructions on https://github.com/dalehenrich/filetree/blob/master/doc/PharoInstall.md and installed into an unmolested Pharo-1.4 image. When I attempt to create a repo I get the error I pasted below There are no subclasses of MCFileTreeFileUtils in my image and most of the methods in that class claim that they will be implemented by a subclass. What should I attempt to fix this? Thanks Paul 10 September 2012 9:09:30.819 am VM: unix - i686 - linux-gnu - CoInterpreter VMMaker.oscog-eem.201 uuid: 56cdd078-6771-401a-8bed-68402a0e283d Aug 14 2012, StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker.oscog-eem.201 uuid: 56cdd078-6771-401a-8bed-68402a0e283d Aug 14 2012, VM: r2585 http://www.squeakvm.org/svn/squeak/branches/Cog Plugins: r2545 http://squeakvm.org/svn/squeak/trunk/platforms/Cross/plugins Image: Pharo1.4 [Latest update: #14457] UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #directoryExists: Receiver: nil Arguments and temporary variables: aMessage: directoryExists: UnixFileDirectory on '/opt/git/statsd' exception: MessageNotUnderstood: receiver of "directoryExists:" is nil resumeValue: nil Receiver's instance variables: nil MCFileTreeRepository>>repositoryProperties Receiver: a MCFileTreeRepository(filetree:///opt/git/statsd) Arguments and temporary variables: configEntry: nil Receiver's instance variables: creationTemplate: nil storeDiffs: nil cache: nil allFileNames: nil directory: UnixFileDirectory on '/opt/git/statsd' readonly: nil repositoryProperties: a Dictionary() MCFileTreeRepository>>directory: Receiver: a MCFileTreeRepository(filetree:///opt/git/statsd) Arguments and temporary variables: aDirectory: UnixFileDirectory on '/opt/git/statsd' Receiver's instance variables: creationTemplate: nil storeDiffs: nil cache: nil allFileNames: nil directory: UnixFileDirectory on '/opt/git/statsd' readonly: nil repositoryProperties: a Dictionary() MCFileTreeRepository class(MCDirectoryRepository class)>>morphicConfigure Receiver: MCFileTreeRepository Arguments and temporary variables: directory: UnixFileDirectory on '/opt/git/statsd' Receiver's instance variables: superclass: MCDirectoryRepository methodDict: a MethodDictionary(#allFileNames->(MCFileTreeRepository>>#allFileNa...etc... format: 144 instanceVariables: #('readonly' 'repositoryProperties') organization: ('as yet unclassified' allFileNames basicStoreVersion: cachedFile...etc... subclasses: nil name: #MCFileTreeRepository classPool: nil sharedPools: nil environment: a SystemDictionary(lots of globals) category: #'MonticelloFileTree-Core' traitComposition: {} localSelectors: nil defaultPackageExtension: nil MCWorkingCopyBrowser>>newRepository Receiver: a MCWorkingCopyBrowser Arguments and temporary variables: types: {MCGOODSRepository. MCSMReleaseRepository. MCSmtpRepository. MCDirectory...etc... index: 8 Receiver's instance variables: morph: a SystemWindow(283639808) label: nil modal: false modalValue: nil workingCopy: nil workingCopyWrapper: nil repository: nil defaults: nil order: 2 repositoryPattern: nil workingCopyPattern: nil MCWorkingCopyBrowser>>addRepository Receiver: a MCWorkingCopyBrowser Arguments and temporary variables: repos: nil Receiver's instance variables: morph: a SystemWindow(283639808) label: nil modal: false modalValue: nil workingCopy: nil workingCopyWrapper: nil repository: nil defaults: nil order: 2 repositoryPattern: nil workingCopyPattern: nil MCWorkingCopyBrowser(MCTool)>>performButtonAction:enabled: Receiver: a MCWorkingCopyBrowser Arguments and temporary variables: anActionSelector: #addRepository anEnabledSelector: #buttonEnabled Receiver's instance variables: morph: a SystemWindow(283639808) label: nil modal: false modalValue: nil workingCopy: nil workingCopyWrapper: nil repository: nil defaults: nil order: 2 repositoryPattern: nil workingCopyPattern: nil PluggableButtonMorph>>performAction: Receiver: a PluggableButtonMorph(5505024) Arguments and temporary variables: event: [(494@369) mouseUp 180312 nil] Receiver's instance variables: bounds: (430.0@353.0) corner: (532.0@379.0) owner: a PanelMorph(571211776) submorphs: an Array(an AlignmentMorph(886833152)) fullBounds: (430@353) corner: (532@379) color: (Color r: 0.8190000000000001 g: 0.8170000000000001 b: 0.8170000000000001...etc... extension: a MorphExtension (31981568) [balloonText] [other: (lastState -> fa...etc... borderWidth: 1 borderColor: #simple model: a MCWorkingCopyBrowser label: '+Repository' getStateSelector: #buttonState actionSelector: #performButtonAction:enabled: getLabelSelector: nil getMenuSelector: nil shortcutCharacter: nil askBeforeChanging: false triggerOnMouseDown: false offColor: nil onColor: nil feedbackColor: nil showSelectionFeedback: false allButtons: nil arguments: #(#addRepository #buttonEnabled) argumentsProvider: nil argumentsSelector: nil gradientLook: true enabled: true actionBlock: nil getColorSelector: nil getEnabledSelector: #buttonEnabled [:m | (m containsPoint: evt cursorPoint) ifTrue: [m enabled ifTrue: [m performAction: evt]]] in PluggableButtonMorph>>mouseUp: Receiver: a PluggableButtonMorph(5505024) Arguments and temporary variables: evt: a PluggableButtonMorph(5505024) m: [(494@369) mouseUp 180312 nil] Receiver's instance variables: bounds: (430.0@353.0) corner: (532.0@379.0) owner: a PanelMorph(571211776) submorphs: an Array(an AlignmentMorph(886833152)) fullBounds: (430@353) corner: (532@379) color: (Color r: 0.8190000000000001 g: 0.8170000000000001 b: 0.8170000000000001...etc... extension: a MorphExtension (31981568) [balloonText] [other: (lastState -> fa...etc... borderWidth: 1 borderColor: #simple model: a MCWorkingCopyBrowser label: '+Repository' getStateSelector: #buttonState actionSelector: #performButtonAction:enabled: getLabelSelector: nil getMenuSelector: nil shortcutCharacter: nil askBeforeChanging: false triggerOnMouseDown: false offColor: nil onColor: nil feedbackColor: nil showSelectionFeedback: false allButtons: nil arguments: #(#addRepository #buttonEnabled) argumentsProvider: nil argumentsSelector: nil gradientLook: true enabled: true actionBlock: nil getColorSelector: nil getEnabledSelector: #buttonEnabled Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do: Receiver: an Array(a PluggableButtonMorph(654049280) a PluggableButtonMorph(931659776) a PluggableBu...etc... Arguments and temporary variables: aBlock: [:m | (m containsPoint: evt cursorPoint) ifTrue: [m enabled ifTru...etc... index: 6 indexLimiT: 8 Receiver's instance variables: an Array(a PluggableButtonMorph(654049280) a PluggableButtonMorph(931659776) a PluggableBu...etc... PluggableButtonMorph>>mouseUp: Receiver: a PluggableButtonMorph(5505024) Arguments and temporary variables: evt: [(494@369) mouseUp 180312 nil] all: an Array(a PluggableButtonMorph(654049280) a PluggableButtonMorph(93165977...etc... Receiver's instance variables: bounds: (430.0@353.0) corner: (532.0@379.0) owner: a PanelMorph(571211776) submorphs: an Array(an AlignmentMorph(886833152)) fullBounds: (430@353) corner: (532@379) color: (Color r: 0.8190000000000001 g: 0.8170000000000001 b: 0.8170000000000001...etc... extension: a MorphExtension (31981568) [balloonText] [other: (lastState -> fa...etc... borderWidth: 1 borderColor: #simple model: a MCWorkingCopyBrowser label: '+Repository' getStateSelector: #buttonState actionSelector: #performButtonAction:enabled: getLabelSelector: nil getMenuSelector: nil shortcutCharacter: nil askBeforeChanging: false triggerOnMouseDown: false offColor: nil onColor: nil feedbackColor: nil showSelectionFeedback: false allButtons: nil arguments: #(#addRepository #buttonEnabled) argumentsProvider: nil argumentsSelector: nil gradientLook: true enabled: true actionBlock: nil getColorSelector: nil getEnabledSelector: #buttonEnabled PluggableButtonMorph(Morph)>>handleMouseUp: Receiver: a PluggableButtonMorph(5505024) Arguments and temporary variables: anEvent: [(494@369) mouseUp 180312 nil] handler: nil Receiver's instance variables: bounds: (430.0@353.0) corner: (532.0@379.0) owner: a PanelMorph(571211776) submorphs: an Array(an AlignmentMorph(886833152)) fullBounds: (430@353) corner: (532@379) color: (Color r: 0.8190000000000001 g: 0.8170000000000001 b: 0.8170000000000001...etc... extension: a MorphExtension (31981568) [balloonText] [other: (lastState -> fa...etc... borderWidth: 1 borderColor: #simple model: a MCWorkingCopyBrowser label: '+Repository' getStateSelector: #buttonState actionSelector: #performButtonAction:enabled: getLabelSelector: nil getMenuSelector: nil shortcutCharacter: nil askBeforeChanging: false triggerOnMouseDown: false offColor: nil onColor: nil feedbackColor: nil showSelectionFeedback: false allButtons: nil arguments: #(#addRepository #buttonEnabled) argumentsProvider: nil argumentsSelector: nil gradientLook: true enabled: true actionBlock: nil getColorSelector: nil getEnabledSelector: #buttonEnabled MouseButtonEvent>>sentTo: Receiver: [(494@369) mouseUp 180312 nil] Arguments and temporary variables: anObject: a PluggableButtonMorph(5505024) Receiver's instance variables: timeStamp: 180312 source: a HandMorph(843055104) windowIndex: nil type: #mouseUp buttons: 0 position: (494@369) handler: nil wasHandled: true whichButton: 4 PluggableButtonMorph(Morph)>>handleEvent: Receiver: a PluggableButtonMorph(5505024) Arguments and temporary variables: anEvent: [(494@369) mouseUp 180312 nil] Receiver's instance variables: bounds: (430.0@353.0) corner: (532.0@379.0) owner: a PanelMorph(571211776) submorphs: an Array(an AlignmentMorph(886833152)) fullBounds: (430@353) corner: (532@379) color: (Color r: 0.8190000000000001 g: 0.8170000000000001 b: 0.8170000000000001...etc... extension: a MorphExtension (31981568) [balloonText] [other: (lastState -> fa...etc... borderWidth: 1 borderColor: #simple model: a MCWorkingCopyBrowser label: '+Repository' getStateSelector: #buttonState actionSelector: #performButtonAction:enabled: getLabelSelector: nil getMenuSelector: nil shortcutCharacter: nil askBeforeChanging: false triggerOnMouseDown: false offColor: nil onColor: nil feedbackColor: nil showSelectionFeedback: false allButtons: nil arguments: #(#addRepository #buttonEnabled) argumentsProvider: nil argumentsSelector: nil gradientLook: true enabled: true actionBlock: nil getColorSelector: nil getEnabledSelector: #buttonEnabled PluggableButtonMorph(Morph)>>handleFocusEvent: Receiver: a PluggableButtonMorph(5505024) Arguments and temporary variables: anEvent: [(494@369) mouseUp 180312 nil] Receiver's instance variables: bounds: (430.0@353.0) corner: (532.0@379.0) owner: a PanelMorph(571211776) submorphs: an Array(an AlignmentMorph(886833152)) fullBounds: (430@353) corner: (532@379) color: (Color r: 0.8190000000000001 g: 0.8170000000000001 b: 0.8170000000000001...etc... extension: a MorphExtension (31981568) [balloonText] [other: (lastState -> fa...etc... borderWidth: 1 borderColor: #simple model: a MCWorkingCopyBrowser label: '+Repository' getStateSelector: #buttonState actionSelector: #performButtonAction:enabled: getLabelSelector: nil getMenuSelector: nil shortcutCharacter: nil askBeforeChanging: false triggerOnMouseDown: false offColor: nil onColor: nil feedbackColor: nil showSelectionFeedback: false allButtons: nil arguments: #(#addRepository #buttonEnabled) argumentsProvider: nil argumentsSelector: nil gradientLook: true enabled: true actionBlock: nil getColorSelector: nil getEnabledSelector: #buttonEnabled [ActiveHand := self. ActiveEvent := anEvent. result := focusHolder handleFocusEvent: (anEvent transformedBy: (focusHolder transformedFrom: self))] in HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear: Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104) Arguments and temporary variables: anEvent: [(494@369) mouseUp 180312 nil] focusHolder: a PluggableButtonMorph(5505024) result: #(nil) Receiver's instance variables: bounds: (297@580) corner: (313@596) owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] submorphs: #() fullBounds: (297@580) corner: (313@596) color: Color blue extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] mouseFocus: nil keyboardFocus: nil eventListeners: nil mouseListeners: nil keyboardListeners: nil mouseClickState: nil mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler lastMouseEvent: [(297@580) mouseUp 235528 nil] targetOffset: (47.0@10.0) damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder cacheCanvas: nil cachedCanvasHasHoles: true temporaryCursor: nil temporaryCursorOffset: nil hardwareCursor: nil hasChanged: true savedPatch: nil lastEventBuffer: #(1 235528 297 580 0 0 0 1) lastKeyScanCode: 31 combinedChar: nil eventSource: nil lastSystemEvent: nil captureBlock: nil recentModifiers: 0 [aBlock value] in PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: Receiver: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] Arguments and temporary variables: aBlock: [ActiveHand := self. ActiveEvent := anEvent. result := focusHolder ...etc... Receiver's instance variables: bounds: (0@0) corner: (958@1061) owner: nil submorphs: an Array(a TaskbarMorph(984088576) a SystemWindow(53215232) a System...etc... fullBounds: nil color: (Color r: 0.97 g: 0.98 b: 1.0) extension: a MorphExtension (666632192) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] [othe...etc... borderWidth: 0 borderColor: (Color r: 0.03 g: 0.02 b: 0.0) backgroundMorph: nil worldState: a WorldState griddingOn: nil BlockClosure>>on:do: Receiver: [aBlock value] Arguments and temporary variables: exception: Error handlerAction: [:ex | ActiveWorld := priorWorld. ActiveEvent := priorEvent. ...etc... handlerActive: false Receiver's instance variables: outerContext: PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: startpc: 67 numArgs: 0 PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: Receiver: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] Arguments and temporary variables: aBlock: [ActiveHand := self. ActiveEvent := anEvent. result := focusHolder ...etc... priorWorld: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] priorHand: a HandMorph(843055104) priorEvent: [(494@369) mouseOver red nil nil] Receiver's instance variables: bounds: (0@0) corner: (958@1061) owner: nil submorphs: an Array(a TaskbarMorph(984088576) a SystemWindow(53215232) a System...etc... fullBounds: nil color: (Color r: 0.97 g: 0.98 b: 1.0) extension: a MorphExtension (666632192) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] [othe...etc... borderWidth: 0 borderColor: (Color r: 0.03 g: 0.02 b: 0.0) backgroundMorph: nil worldState: a WorldState griddingOn: nil HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear: Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104) Arguments and temporary variables: anEvent: [(494@369) mouseUp 180312 nil] focusHolder: a PluggableButtonMorph(5505024) aBlock: [self mouseFocus: nil] w: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] result: #(nil) Receiver's instance variables: bounds: (297@580) corner: (313@596) owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] submorphs: #() fullBounds: (297@580) corner: (313@596) color: Color blue extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] mouseFocus: nil keyboardFocus: nil eventListeners: nil mouseListeners: nil keyboardListeners: nil mouseClickState: nil mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler lastMouseEvent: [(297@580) mouseUp 235528 nil] targetOffset: (47.0@10.0) damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder cacheCanvas: nil cachedCanvasHasHoles: true temporaryCursor: nil temporaryCursorOffset: nil hardwareCursor: nil hasChanged: true savedPatch: nil lastEventBuffer: #(1 235528 297 580 0 0 0 1) lastKeyScanCode: 31 combinedChar: nil eventSource: nil lastSystemEvent: nil captureBlock: nil recentModifiers: 0 HandMorph>>sendEvent:focus:clear: Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104) Arguments and temporary variables: anEvent: [(494@369) mouseUp 180312 nil] focusHolder: a PluggableButtonMorph(5505024) aBlock: [self mouseFocus: nil] result: nil Receiver's instance variables: bounds: (297@580) corner: (313@596) owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] submorphs: #() fullBounds: (297@580) corner: (313@596) color: Color blue extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] mouseFocus: nil keyboardFocus: nil eventListeners: nil mouseListeners: nil keyboardListeners: nil mouseClickState: nil mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler lastMouseEvent: [(297@580) mouseUp 235528 nil] targetOffset: (47.0@10.0) damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder cacheCanvas: nil cachedCanvasHasHoles: true temporaryCursor: nil temporaryCursorOffset: nil hardwareCursor: nil hasChanged: true savedPatch: nil lastEventBuffer: #(1 235528 297 580 0 0 0 1) lastKeyScanCode: 31 combinedChar: nil eventSource: nil lastSystemEvent: nil captureBlock: nil recentModifiers: 0 HandMorph>>sendMouseEvent: Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104) Arguments and temporary variables: anEvent: [(494@369) mouseUp 180312 nil] Receiver's instance variables: bounds: (297@580) corner: (313@596) owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] submorphs: #() fullBounds: (297@580) corner: (313@596) color: Color blue extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] mouseFocus: nil keyboardFocus: nil eventListeners: nil mouseListeners: nil keyboardListeners: nil mouseClickState: nil mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler lastMouseEvent: [(297@580) mouseUp 235528 nil] targetOffset: (47.0@10.0) damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder cacheCanvas: nil cachedCanvasHasHoles: true temporaryCursor: nil temporaryCursorOffset: nil hardwareCursor: nil hasChanged: true savedPatch: nil lastEventBuffer: #(1 235528 297 580 0 0 0 1) lastKeyScanCode: 31 combinedChar: nil eventSource: nil lastSystemEvent: nil captureBlock: nil recentModifiers: 0 HandMorph>>handleEvent: Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104) Arguments and temporary variables: anEvent: [(494@369) mouseUp 180312 nil] evt: [(494@369) mouseUp 180312 nil] ofs: nil Receiver's instance variables: bounds: (297@580) corner: (313@596) owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] submorphs: #() fullBounds: (297@580) corner: (313@596) color: Color blue extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] mouseFocus: nil keyboardFocus: nil eventListeners: nil mouseListeners: nil keyboardListeners: nil mouseClickState: nil mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler lastMouseEvent: [(297@580) mouseUp 235528 nil] targetOffset: (47.0@10.0) damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder cacheCanvas: nil cachedCanvasHasHoles: true temporaryCursor: nil temporaryCursorOffset: nil hardwareCursor: nil hasChanged: true savedPatch: nil lastEventBuffer: #(1 235528 297 580 0 0 0 1) lastKeyScanCode: 31 combinedChar: nil eventSource: nil lastSystemEvent: nil captureBlock: nil recentModifiers: 0 HandMorph>>processEvents Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104) Arguments and temporary variables: evt: [(494@369) mouseUp 180312 nil] evtBuf: #(1 180312 494 369 0 0 0 1) type: 1 hadAny: false Receiver's instance variables: bounds: (297@580) corner: (313@596) owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] submorphs: #() fullBounds: (297@580) corner: (313@596) color: Color blue extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] mouseFocus: nil keyboardFocus: nil eventListeners: nil mouseListeners: nil keyboardListeners: nil mouseClickState: nil mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler lastMouseEvent: [(297@580) mouseUp 235528 nil] targetOffset: (47.0@10.0) damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder cacheCanvas: nil cachedCanvasHasHoles: true temporaryCursor: nil temporaryCursorOffset: nil hardwareCursor: nil hasChanged: true savedPatch: nil lastEventBuffer: #(1 235528 297 580 0 0 0 1) lastKeyScanCode: 31 combinedChar: nil eventSource: nil lastSystemEvent: nil captureBlock: nil recentModifiers: 0 [:h | ActiveHand := h. h processEvents. ActiveHand := nil] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor: Receiver: a WorldState Arguments and temporary variables: h: a HandMorph(843055104) Receiver's instance variables: hands: an Array(a HandMorph(843055104)) viewBox: (0@0) corner: (958@1061) canvas: a FormCanvas on: DisplayScreen(958x1061x32) damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder stepList: a Heap(StepMessage(#stepAt: -> a SearchMorph(954204160))(a SearchMorp...etc... lastStepTime: 235514 lastStepMessage: nil lastCycleTime: 235534 alarms: a Heap() lastAlarmTime: 235514 menuBuilder: a PragmaMenuBuilder ( nil ) Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do: Receiver: an Array(a HandMorph(843055104)) Arguments and temporary variables: aBlock: [:h | ActiveHand := h. h processEvents. ActiveHand := nil] index: 1 indexLimiT: 1 Receiver's instance variables: an Array(a HandMorph(843055104)) WorldState>>handsDo: Receiver: a WorldState Arguments and temporary variables: aBlock: [:h | ActiveHand := h. h processEvents. ActiveHand := nil] Receiver's instance variables: hands: an Array(a HandMorph(843055104)) viewBox: (0@0) corner: (958@1061) canvas: a FormCanvas on: DisplayScreen(958x1061x32) damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder stepList: a Heap(StepMessage(#stepAt: -> a SearchMorph(954204160))(a SearchMorp...etc... lastStepTime: 235514 lastStepMessage: nil lastCycleTime: 235534 alarms: a Heap() lastAlarmTime: 235514 menuBuilder: a PragmaMenuBuilder ( nil ) WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor: Receiver: a WorldState Arguments and temporary variables: aWorld: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] Receiver's instance variables: hands: an Array(a HandMorph(843055104)) viewBox: (0@0) corner: (958@1061) canvas: a FormCanvas on: DisplayScreen(958x1061x32) damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder stepList: a Heap(StepMessage(#stepAt: -> a SearchMorph(954204160))(a SearchMorp...etc... lastStepTime: 235514 lastStepMessage: nil lastCycleTime: 235534 alarms: a Heap() lastAlarmTime: 235514 menuBuilder: a PragmaMenuBuilder ( nil ) WorldState>>doOneCycleFor: Receiver: a WorldState Arguments and temporary variables: aWorld: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] Receiver's instance variables: hands: an Array(a HandMorph(843055104)) viewBox: (0@0) corner: (958@1061) canvas: a FormCanvas on: DisplayScreen(958x1061x32) damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder stepList: a Heap(StepMessage(#stepAt: -> a SearchMorph(954204160))(a SearchMorp...etc... lastStepTime: 235514 lastStepMessage: nil lastCycleTime: 235534 alarms: a Heap() lastAlarmTime: 235514 menuBuilder: a PragmaMenuBuilder ( nil ) PasteUpMorph>>doOneCycle Receiver: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] Arguments and temporary variables: Receiver's instance variables: bounds: (0@0) corner: (958@1061) owner: nil submorphs: an Array(a TaskbarMorph(984088576) a SystemWindow(53215232) a System...etc... fullBounds: nil color: (Color r: 0.97 g: 0.98 b: 1.0) extension: a MorphExtension (666632192) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] [othe...etc... borderWidth: 0 borderColor: (Color r: 0.03 g: 0.02 b: 0.0) backgroundMorph: nil worldState: a WorldState griddingOn: nil [[World doOneCycle. Processor yield. false] whileFalse. nil] in MorphicUIManager>>spawnNewProcess Receiver: a MorphicUIManager Arguments and temporary variables: Receiver's instance variables: interactiveParser: nil [self value. Processor terminateActive] in BlockClosure>>newProcess Receiver: [[World doOneCycle. Processor yield. false] whileFalse. nil] Arguments and temporary variables: Receiver's instance variables: outerContext: MorphicUIManager>>spawnNewProcess startpc: 57 numArgs: 0 --- The full stack --- UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #directoryExists: MCFileTreeRepository>>repositoryProperties MCFileTreeRepository>>directory: MCFileTreeRepository class(MCDirectoryRepository class)>>morphicConfigure MCWorkingCopyBrowser>>newRepository MCWorkingCopyBrowser>>addRepository MCWorkingCopyBrowser(MCTool)>>performButtonAction:enabled: PluggableButtonMorph>>performAction: [:m | (m containsPoint: evt cursorPoint) ifTrue: [m enabled ifTrue: [m performAction: evt]]] in PluggableButtonMorph>>mouseUp: Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do: PluggableButtonMorph>>mouseUp: PluggableButtonMorph(Morph)>>handleMouseUp: MouseButtonEvent>>sentTo: PluggableButtonMorph(Morph)>>handleEvent: PluggableButtonMorph(Morph)>>handleFocusEvent: [ActiveHand := self. ActiveEvent := anEvent. result := focusHolder handleFocusEvent: (anEvent transformedBy: (focusHolder transformedFrom: self))] in HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear: [aBlock value] in PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: BlockClosure>>on:do: PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear: HandMorph>>sendEvent:focus:clear: HandMorph>>sendMouseEvent: HandMorph>>handleEvent: HandMorph>>processEvents [:h | ActiveHand := h. h processEvents. ActiveHand := nil] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor: Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do: WorldState>>handsDo: WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor: WorldState>>doOneCycleFor: PasteUpMorph>>doOneCycle [[World doOneCycle. Processor yield. false] whileFalse. nil] in MorphicUIManager>>spawnNewProcess [self value. Processor terminateActive] in BlockClosure>>newProcess |
Oops! I haven't updated the README since porting to Pharo2.0 ... The package MonticelloFileTree-FileDirectory-Utilities supplies the missing platform-specific implementation. The docs (on the master branch) should be correct now. Thanks for the report, Dale ----- Original Message ----- | From: "Paul DeBruicker" <[hidden email]> | To: [hidden email] | Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 9:17:25 AM | Subject: [Metacello] filetree + Pharo 1.4 (Summer) - error when creating filetree repo | | | | | I followed the instructions on | https://github.com/dalehenrich/filetree/blob/master/doc/PharoInstall.md | and installed into an unmolested Pharo-1.4 image. When I attempt to | create a repo I get the error I pasted below | | | There are no subclasses of MCFileTreeFileUtils in my image and most | of | the methods in that class claim that they will be implemented by a | subclass. | | | What should I attempt to fix this? | | Thanks | | Paul | | | | 10 September 2012 9:09:30.819 am | | VM: unix - i686 - linux-gnu - CoInterpreter VMMaker.oscog-eem.201 | uuid: | 56cdd078-6771-401a-8bed-68402a0e283d Aug 14 2012, | StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker.oscog-eem.201 uuid: | 56cdd078-6771-401a-8bed-68402a0e283d Aug 14 2012, VM: r2585 | http://www.squeakvm.org/svn/squeak/branches/Cog Plugins: r2545 | http://squeakvm.org/svn/squeak/trunk/platforms/Cross/plugins | Image: Pharo1.4 [Latest update: #14457] | | UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #directoryExists: | Receiver: nil | Arguments and temporary variables: | aMessage: directoryExists: UnixFileDirectory on '/opt/git/statsd' | exception: MessageNotUnderstood: receiver of "directoryExists:" is | nil | resumeValue: nil | Receiver's instance variables: | nil | | MCFileTreeRepository>>repositoryProperties | Receiver: a MCFileTreeRepository(filetree:///opt/git/statsd) | Arguments and temporary variables: | configEntry: nil | Receiver's instance variables: | creationTemplate: nil | storeDiffs: nil | cache: nil | allFileNames: nil | directory: UnixFileDirectory on '/opt/git/statsd' | readonly: nil | repositoryProperties: a Dictionary() | | MCFileTreeRepository>>directory: | Receiver: a MCFileTreeRepository(filetree:///opt/git/statsd) | Arguments and temporary variables: | aDirectory: UnixFileDirectory on '/opt/git/statsd' | Receiver's instance variables: | creationTemplate: nil | storeDiffs: nil | cache: nil | allFileNames: nil | directory: UnixFileDirectory on '/opt/git/statsd' | readonly: nil | repositoryProperties: a Dictionary() | | MCFileTreeRepository class(MCDirectoryRepository | class)>>morphicConfigure | Receiver: MCFileTreeRepository | Arguments and temporary variables: | directory: UnixFileDirectory on '/opt/git/statsd' | Receiver's instance variables: | superclass: MCDirectoryRepository | methodDict: a | MethodDictionary(#allFileNames->(MCFileTreeRepository>>#allFileNa...etc... | format: 144 | instanceVariables: #('readonly' 'repositoryProperties') | organization: ('as yet unclassified' allFileNames | basicStoreVersion: | cachedFile...etc... | subclasses: nil | name: #MCFileTreeRepository | classPool: nil | sharedPools: nil | environment: a SystemDictionary(lots of globals) | category: #'MonticelloFileTree-Core' | traitComposition: {} | localSelectors: nil | defaultPackageExtension: nil | | MCWorkingCopyBrowser>>newRepository | Receiver: a MCWorkingCopyBrowser | Arguments and temporary variables: | types: {MCGOODSRepository. MCSMReleaseRepository. | MCSmtpRepository. | MCDirectory...etc... | index: 8 | Receiver's instance variables: | morph: a SystemWindow(283639808) | label: nil | modal: false | modalValue: nil | workingCopy: nil | workingCopyWrapper: nil | repository: nil | defaults: nil | order: 2 | repositoryPattern: nil | workingCopyPattern: nil | | MCWorkingCopyBrowser>>addRepository | Receiver: a MCWorkingCopyBrowser | Arguments and temporary variables: | repos: nil | Receiver's instance variables: | morph: a SystemWindow(283639808) | label: nil | modal: false | modalValue: nil | workingCopy: nil | workingCopyWrapper: nil | repository: nil | defaults: nil | order: 2 | repositoryPattern: nil | workingCopyPattern: nil | | MCWorkingCopyBrowser(MCTool)>>performButtonAction:enabled: | Receiver: a MCWorkingCopyBrowser | Arguments and temporary variables: | anActionSelector: #addRepository | anEnabledSelector: #buttonEnabled | Receiver's instance variables: | morph: a SystemWindow(283639808) | label: nil | modal: false | modalValue: nil | workingCopy: nil | workingCopyWrapper: nil | repository: nil | defaults: nil | order: 2 | repositoryPattern: nil | workingCopyPattern: nil | | PluggableButtonMorph>>performAction: | Receiver: a PluggableButtonMorph(5505024) | Arguments and temporary variables: | event: [(494@369) mouseUp 180312 nil] | Receiver's instance variables: | bounds: (430.0@353.0) corner: (532.0@379.0) | owner: a PanelMorph(571211776) | submorphs: an Array(an AlignmentMorph(886833152)) | fullBounds: (430@353) corner: (532@379) | color: (Color r: 0.8190000000000001 g: 0.8170000000000001 b: | 0.8170000000000001...etc... | extension: a MorphExtension (31981568) [balloonText] [other: | (lastState -> fa...etc... | borderWidth: 1 | borderColor: #simple | model: a MCWorkingCopyBrowser | label: '+Repository' | getStateSelector: #buttonState | actionSelector: #performButtonAction:enabled: | getLabelSelector: nil | getMenuSelector: nil | shortcutCharacter: nil | askBeforeChanging: false | triggerOnMouseDown: false | offColor: nil | onColor: nil | feedbackColor: nil | showSelectionFeedback: false | allButtons: nil | arguments: #(#addRepository #buttonEnabled) | argumentsProvider: nil | argumentsSelector: nil | gradientLook: true | enabled: true | actionBlock: nil | getColorSelector: nil | getEnabledSelector: #buttonEnabled | | [:m | (m containsPoint: evt cursorPoint) | ifTrue: [m enabled | ifTrue: [m performAction: evt]]] in | PluggableButtonMorph>>mouseUp: | Receiver: a PluggableButtonMorph(5505024) | Arguments and temporary variables: | evt: a PluggableButtonMorph(5505024) | m: [(494@369) mouseUp 180312 nil] | Receiver's instance variables: | bounds: (430.0@353.0) corner: (532.0@379.0) | owner: a PanelMorph(571211776) | submorphs: an Array(an AlignmentMorph(886833152)) | fullBounds: (430@353) corner: (532@379) | color: (Color r: 0.8190000000000001 g: 0.8170000000000001 b: | 0.8170000000000001...etc... | extension: a MorphExtension (31981568) [balloonText] [other: | (lastState -> fa...etc... | borderWidth: 1 | borderColor: #simple | model: a MCWorkingCopyBrowser | label: '+Repository' | getStateSelector: #buttonState | actionSelector: #performButtonAction:enabled: | getLabelSelector: nil | getMenuSelector: nil | shortcutCharacter: nil | askBeforeChanging: false | triggerOnMouseDown: false | offColor: nil | onColor: nil | feedbackColor: nil | showSelectionFeedback: false | allButtons: nil | arguments: #(#addRepository #buttonEnabled) | argumentsProvider: nil | argumentsSelector: nil | gradientLook: true | enabled: true | actionBlock: nil | getColorSelector: nil | getEnabledSelector: #buttonEnabled | | Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do: | Receiver: an Array(a PluggableButtonMorph(654049280) a | PluggableButtonMorph(931659776) a PluggableBu...etc... | Arguments and temporary variables: | aBlock: [:m | (m containsPoint: evt cursorPoint) | ifTrue: [m enabled | ifTru...etc... | index: 6 | indexLimiT: 8 | Receiver's instance variables: | an Array(a PluggableButtonMorph(654049280) a | PluggableButtonMorph(931659776) a PluggableBu...etc... | | PluggableButtonMorph>>mouseUp: | Receiver: a PluggableButtonMorph(5505024) | Arguments and temporary variables: | evt: [(494@369) mouseUp 180312 nil] | all: an Array(a PluggableButtonMorph(654049280) a | PluggableButtonMorph(93165977...etc... | Receiver's instance variables: | bounds: (430.0@353.0) corner: (532.0@379.0) | owner: a PanelMorph(571211776) | submorphs: an Array(an AlignmentMorph(886833152)) | fullBounds: (430@353) corner: (532@379) | color: (Color r: 0.8190000000000001 g: 0.8170000000000001 b: | 0.8170000000000001...etc... | extension: a MorphExtension (31981568) [balloonText] [other: | (lastState -> fa...etc... | borderWidth: 1 | borderColor: #simple | model: a MCWorkingCopyBrowser | label: '+Repository' | getStateSelector: #buttonState | actionSelector: #performButtonAction:enabled: | getLabelSelector: nil | getMenuSelector: nil | shortcutCharacter: nil | askBeforeChanging: false | triggerOnMouseDown: false | offColor: nil | onColor: nil | feedbackColor: nil | showSelectionFeedback: false | allButtons: nil | arguments: #(#addRepository #buttonEnabled) | argumentsProvider: nil | argumentsSelector: nil | gradientLook: true | enabled: true | actionBlock: nil | getColorSelector: nil | getEnabledSelector: #buttonEnabled | | PluggableButtonMorph(Morph)>>handleMouseUp: | Receiver: a PluggableButtonMorph(5505024) | Arguments and temporary variables: | anEvent: [(494@369) mouseUp 180312 nil] | handler: nil | Receiver's instance variables: | bounds: (430.0@353.0) corner: (532.0@379.0) | owner: a PanelMorph(571211776) | submorphs: an Array(an AlignmentMorph(886833152)) | fullBounds: (430@353) corner: (532@379) | color: (Color r: 0.8190000000000001 g: 0.8170000000000001 b: | 0.8170000000000001...etc... | extension: a MorphExtension (31981568) [balloonText] [other: | (lastState -> fa...etc... | borderWidth: 1 | borderColor: #simple | model: a MCWorkingCopyBrowser | label: '+Repository' | getStateSelector: #buttonState | actionSelector: #performButtonAction:enabled: | getLabelSelector: nil | getMenuSelector: nil | shortcutCharacter: nil | askBeforeChanging: false | triggerOnMouseDown: false | offColor: nil | onColor: nil | feedbackColor: nil | showSelectionFeedback: false | allButtons: nil | arguments: #(#addRepository #buttonEnabled) | argumentsProvider: nil | argumentsSelector: nil | gradientLook: true | enabled: true | actionBlock: nil | getColorSelector: nil | getEnabledSelector: #buttonEnabled | | MouseButtonEvent>>sentTo: | Receiver: [(494@369) mouseUp 180312 nil] | Arguments and temporary variables: | anObject: a PluggableButtonMorph(5505024) | Receiver's instance variables: | timeStamp: 180312 | source: a HandMorph(843055104) | windowIndex: nil | type: #mouseUp | buttons: 0 | position: (494@369) | handler: nil | wasHandled: true | whichButton: 4 | | PluggableButtonMorph(Morph)>>handleEvent: | Receiver: a PluggableButtonMorph(5505024) | Arguments and temporary variables: | anEvent: [(494@369) mouseUp 180312 nil] | Receiver's instance variables: | bounds: (430.0@353.0) corner: (532.0@379.0) | owner: a PanelMorph(571211776) | submorphs: an Array(an AlignmentMorph(886833152)) | fullBounds: (430@353) corner: (532@379) | color: (Color r: 0.8190000000000001 g: 0.8170000000000001 b: | 0.8170000000000001...etc... | extension: a MorphExtension (31981568) [balloonText] [other: | (lastState -> fa...etc... | borderWidth: 1 | borderColor: #simple | model: a MCWorkingCopyBrowser | label: '+Repository' | getStateSelector: #buttonState | actionSelector: #performButtonAction:enabled: | getLabelSelector: nil | getMenuSelector: nil | shortcutCharacter: nil | askBeforeChanging: false | triggerOnMouseDown: false | offColor: nil | onColor: nil | feedbackColor: nil | showSelectionFeedback: false | allButtons: nil | arguments: #(#addRepository #buttonEnabled) | argumentsProvider: nil | argumentsSelector: nil | gradientLook: true | enabled: true | actionBlock: nil | getColorSelector: nil | getEnabledSelector: #buttonEnabled | | PluggableButtonMorph(Morph)>>handleFocusEvent: | Receiver: a PluggableButtonMorph(5505024) | Arguments and temporary variables: | anEvent: [(494@369) mouseUp 180312 nil] | Receiver's instance variables: | bounds: (430.0@353.0) corner: (532.0@379.0) | owner: a PanelMorph(571211776) | submorphs: an Array(an AlignmentMorph(886833152)) | fullBounds: (430@353) corner: (532@379) | color: (Color r: 0.8190000000000001 g: 0.8170000000000001 b: | 0.8170000000000001...etc... | extension: a MorphExtension (31981568) [balloonText] [other: | (lastState -> fa...etc... | borderWidth: 1 | borderColor: #simple | model: a MCWorkingCopyBrowser | label: '+Repository' | getStateSelector: #buttonState | actionSelector: #performButtonAction:enabled: | getLabelSelector: nil | getMenuSelector: nil | shortcutCharacter: nil | askBeforeChanging: false | triggerOnMouseDown: false | offColor: nil | onColor: nil | feedbackColor: nil | showSelectionFeedback: false | allButtons: nil | arguments: #(#addRepository #buttonEnabled) | argumentsProvider: nil | argumentsSelector: nil | gradientLook: true | enabled: true | actionBlock: nil | getColorSelector: nil | getEnabledSelector: #buttonEnabled | | [ActiveHand := self. | ActiveEvent := anEvent. | result := focusHolder | handleFocusEvent: (anEvent | transformedBy: (focusHolder transformedFrom: self))] in | HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear: | Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104) | Arguments and temporary variables: | anEvent: [(494@369) mouseUp 180312 nil] | focusHolder: a PluggableButtonMorph(5505024) | result: #(nil) | Receiver's instance variables: | bounds: (297@580) corner: (313@596) | owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] | submorphs: #() | fullBounds: (297@580) corner: (313@596) | color: Color blue | extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an | EventHandler] | mouseFocus: nil | keyboardFocus: nil | eventListeners: nil | mouseListeners: nil | keyboardListeners: nil | mouseClickState: nil | mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler | lastMouseEvent: [(297@580) mouseUp 235528 nil] | targetOffset: (47.0@10.0) | damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder | cacheCanvas: nil | cachedCanvasHasHoles: true | temporaryCursor: nil | temporaryCursorOffset: nil | hardwareCursor: nil | hasChanged: true | savedPatch: nil | lastEventBuffer: #(1 235528 297 580 0 0 0 1) | lastKeyScanCode: 31 | combinedChar: nil | eventSource: nil | lastSystemEvent: nil | captureBlock: nil | recentModifiers: 0 | | [aBlock value] in PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: | Receiver: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] | Arguments and temporary variables: | aBlock: [ActiveHand := self. | ActiveEvent := anEvent. | result := focusHolder | ...etc... | Receiver's instance variables: | bounds: (0@0) corner: (958@1061) | owner: nil | submorphs: an Array(a TaskbarMorph(984088576) a | SystemWindow(53215232) a System...etc... | fullBounds: nil | color: (Color r: 0.97 g: 0.98 b: 1.0) | extension: a MorphExtension (666632192) [eventHandler = an | EventHandler] [othe...etc... | borderWidth: 0 | borderColor: (Color r: 0.03 g: 0.02 b: 0.0) | backgroundMorph: nil | worldState: a WorldState | griddingOn: nil | | BlockClosure>>on:do: | Receiver: [aBlock value] | Arguments and temporary variables: | exception: Error | handlerAction: [:ex | | ActiveWorld := priorWorld. | ActiveEvent := priorEvent. | ...etc... | handlerActive: false | Receiver's instance variables: | outerContext: PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: | startpc: 67 | numArgs: 0 | | PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: | Receiver: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] | Arguments and temporary variables: | aBlock: [ActiveHand := self. | ActiveEvent := anEvent. | result := focusHolder | ...etc... | priorWorld: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] | priorHand: a HandMorph(843055104) | priorEvent: [(494@369) mouseOver red nil nil] | Receiver's instance variables: | bounds: (0@0) corner: (958@1061) | owner: nil | submorphs: an Array(a TaskbarMorph(984088576) a | SystemWindow(53215232) a System...etc... | fullBounds: nil | color: (Color r: 0.97 g: 0.98 b: 1.0) | extension: a MorphExtension (666632192) [eventHandler = an | EventHandler] [othe...etc... | borderWidth: 0 | borderColor: (Color r: 0.03 g: 0.02 b: 0.0) | backgroundMorph: nil | worldState: a WorldState | griddingOn: nil | | HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear: | Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104) | Arguments and temporary variables: | anEvent: [(494@369) mouseUp 180312 nil] | focusHolder: a PluggableButtonMorph(5505024) | aBlock: [self mouseFocus: nil] | w: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] | result: #(nil) | Receiver's instance variables: | bounds: (297@580) corner: (313@596) | owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] | submorphs: #() | fullBounds: (297@580) corner: (313@596) | color: Color blue | extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an | EventHandler] | mouseFocus: nil | keyboardFocus: nil | eventListeners: nil | mouseListeners: nil | keyboardListeners: nil | mouseClickState: nil | mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler | lastMouseEvent: [(297@580) mouseUp 235528 nil] | targetOffset: (47.0@10.0) | damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder | cacheCanvas: nil | cachedCanvasHasHoles: true | temporaryCursor: nil | temporaryCursorOffset: nil | hardwareCursor: nil | hasChanged: true | savedPatch: nil | lastEventBuffer: #(1 235528 297 580 0 0 0 1) | lastKeyScanCode: 31 | combinedChar: nil | eventSource: nil | lastSystemEvent: nil | captureBlock: nil | recentModifiers: 0 | | HandMorph>>sendEvent:focus:clear: | Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104) | Arguments and temporary variables: | anEvent: [(494@369) mouseUp 180312 nil] | focusHolder: a PluggableButtonMorph(5505024) | aBlock: [self mouseFocus: nil] | result: nil | Receiver's instance variables: | bounds: (297@580) corner: (313@596) | owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] | submorphs: #() | fullBounds: (297@580) corner: (313@596) | color: Color blue | extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an | EventHandler] | mouseFocus: nil | keyboardFocus: nil | eventListeners: nil | mouseListeners: nil | keyboardListeners: nil | mouseClickState: nil | mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler | lastMouseEvent: [(297@580) mouseUp 235528 nil] | targetOffset: (47.0@10.0) | damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder | cacheCanvas: nil | cachedCanvasHasHoles: true | temporaryCursor: nil | temporaryCursorOffset: nil | hardwareCursor: nil | hasChanged: true | savedPatch: nil | lastEventBuffer: #(1 235528 297 580 0 0 0 1) | lastKeyScanCode: 31 | combinedChar: nil | eventSource: nil | lastSystemEvent: nil | captureBlock: nil | recentModifiers: 0 | | HandMorph>>sendMouseEvent: | Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104) | Arguments and temporary variables: | anEvent: [(494@369) mouseUp 180312 nil] | Receiver's instance variables: | bounds: (297@580) corner: (313@596) | owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] | submorphs: #() | fullBounds: (297@580) corner: (313@596) | color: Color blue | extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an | EventHandler] | mouseFocus: nil | keyboardFocus: nil | eventListeners: nil | mouseListeners: nil | keyboardListeners: nil | mouseClickState: nil | mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler | lastMouseEvent: [(297@580) mouseUp 235528 nil] | targetOffset: (47.0@10.0) | damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder | cacheCanvas: nil | cachedCanvasHasHoles: true | temporaryCursor: nil | temporaryCursorOffset: nil | hardwareCursor: nil | hasChanged: true | savedPatch: nil | lastEventBuffer: #(1 235528 297 580 0 0 0 1) | lastKeyScanCode: 31 | combinedChar: nil | eventSource: nil | lastSystemEvent: nil | captureBlock: nil | recentModifiers: 0 | | HandMorph>>handleEvent: | Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104) | Arguments and temporary variables: | anEvent: [(494@369) mouseUp 180312 nil] | evt: [(494@369) mouseUp 180312 nil] | ofs: nil | Receiver's instance variables: | bounds: (297@580) corner: (313@596) | owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] | submorphs: #() | fullBounds: (297@580) corner: (313@596) | color: Color blue | extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an | EventHandler] | mouseFocus: nil | keyboardFocus: nil | eventListeners: nil | mouseListeners: nil | keyboardListeners: nil | mouseClickState: nil | mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler | lastMouseEvent: [(297@580) mouseUp 235528 nil] | targetOffset: (47.0@10.0) | damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder | cacheCanvas: nil | cachedCanvasHasHoles: true | temporaryCursor: nil | temporaryCursorOffset: nil | hardwareCursor: nil | hasChanged: true | savedPatch: nil | lastEventBuffer: #(1 235528 297 580 0 0 0 1) | lastKeyScanCode: 31 | combinedChar: nil | eventSource: nil | lastSystemEvent: nil | captureBlock: nil | recentModifiers: 0 | | HandMorph>>processEvents | Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104) | Arguments and temporary variables: | evt: [(494@369) mouseUp 180312 nil] | evtBuf: #(1 180312 494 369 0 0 0 1) | type: 1 | hadAny: false | Receiver's instance variables: | bounds: (297@580) corner: (313@596) | owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] | submorphs: #() | fullBounds: (297@580) corner: (313@596) | color: Color blue | extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an | EventHandler] | mouseFocus: nil | keyboardFocus: nil | eventListeners: nil | mouseListeners: nil | keyboardListeners: nil | mouseClickState: nil | mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler | lastMouseEvent: [(297@580) mouseUp 235528 nil] | targetOffset: (47.0@10.0) | damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder | cacheCanvas: nil | cachedCanvasHasHoles: true | temporaryCursor: nil | temporaryCursorOffset: nil | hardwareCursor: nil | hasChanged: true | savedPatch: nil | lastEventBuffer: #(1 235528 297 580 0 0 0 1) | lastKeyScanCode: 31 | combinedChar: nil | eventSource: nil | lastSystemEvent: nil | captureBlock: nil | recentModifiers: 0 | | [:h | | ActiveHand := h. | h processEvents. | ActiveHand := nil] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor: | Receiver: a WorldState | Arguments and temporary variables: | h: a HandMorph(843055104) | Receiver's instance variables: | hands: an Array(a HandMorph(843055104)) | viewBox: (0@0) corner: (958@1061) | canvas: a FormCanvas on: DisplayScreen(958x1061x32) | damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder | stepList: a Heap(StepMessage(#stepAt: -> a | SearchMorph(954204160))(a | SearchMorp...etc... | lastStepTime: 235514 | lastStepMessage: nil | lastCycleTime: 235534 | alarms: a Heap() | lastAlarmTime: 235514 | menuBuilder: a PragmaMenuBuilder ( nil ) | | Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do: | Receiver: an Array(a HandMorph(843055104)) | Arguments and temporary variables: | aBlock: [:h | | ActiveHand := h. | h processEvents. | ActiveHand := nil] | index: 1 | indexLimiT: 1 | Receiver's instance variables: | an Array(a HandMorph(843055104)) | | WorldState>>handsDo: | Receiver: a WorldState | Arguments and temporary variables: | aBlock: [:h | | ActiveHand := h. | h processEvents. | ActiveHand := nil] | Receiver's instance variables: | hands: an Array(a HandMorph(843055104)) | viewBox: (0@0) corner: (958@1061) | canvas: a FormCanvas on: DisplayScreen(958x1061x32) | damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder | stepList: a Heap(StepMessage(#stepAt: -> a | SearchMorph(954204160))(a | SearchMorp...etc... | lastStepTime: 235514 | lastStepMessage: nil | lastCycleTime: 235534 | alarms: a Heap() | lastAlarmTime: 235514 | menuBuilder: a PragmaMenuBuilder ( nil ) | | WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor: | Receiver: a WorldState | Arguments and temporary variables: | aWorld: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] | Receiver's instance variables: | hands: an Array(a HandMorph(843055104)) | viewBox: (0@0) corner: (958@1061) | canvas: a FormCanvas on: DisplayScreen(958x1061x32) | damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder | stepList: a Heap(StepMessage(#stepAt: -> a | SearchMorph(954204160))(a | SearchMorp...etc... | lastStepTime: 235514 | lastStepMessage: nil | lastCycleTime: 235534 | alarms: a Heap() | lastAlarmTime: 235514 | menuBuilder: a PragmaMenuBuilder ( nil ) | | WorldState>>doOneCycleFor: | Receiver: a WorldState | Arguments and temporary variables: | aWorld: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] | Receiver's instance variables: | hands: an Array(a HandMorph(843055104)) | viewBox: (0@0) corner: (958@1061) | canvas: a FormCanvas on: DisplayScreen(958x1061x32) | damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder | stepList: a Heap(StepMessage(#stepAt: -> a | SearchMorph(954204160))(a | SearchMorp...etc... | lastStepTime: 235514 | lastStepMessage: nil | lastCycleTime: 235534 | alarms: a Heap() | lastAlarmTime: 235514 | menuBuilder: a PragmaMenuBuilder ( nil ) | | PasteUpMorph>>doOneCycle | Receiver: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] | Arguments and temporary variables: | | Receiver's instance variables: | bounds: (0@0) corner: (958@1061) | owner: nil | submorphs: an Array(a TaskbarMorph(984088576) a | SystemWindow(53215232) a System...etc... | fullBounds: nil | color: (Color r: 0.97 g: 0.98 b: 1.0) | extension: a MorphExtension (666632192) [eventHandler = an | EventHandler] [othe...etc... | borderWidth: 0 | borderColor: (Color r: 0.03 g: 0.02 b: 0.0) | backgroundMorph: nil | worldState: a WorldState | griddingOn: nil | | [[World doOneCycle. | Processor yield. | false] whileFalse. | nil] in MorphicUIManager>>spawnNewProcess | Receiver: a MorphicUIManager | Arguments and temporary variables: | | Receiver's instance variables: | interactiveParser: nil | | [self value. | Processor terminateActive] in BlockClosure>>newProcess | Receiver: [[World doOneCycle. | Processor yield. | false] whileFalse. | nil] | Arguments and temporary variables: | | Receiver's instance variables: | outerContext: MorphicUIManager>>spawnNewProcess | startpc: 57 | numArgs: 0 | | | --- The full stack --- | UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #directoryExists: | MCFileTreeRepository>>repositoryProperties | MCFileTreeRepository>>directory: | MCFileTreeRepository class(MCDirectoryRepository | class)>>morphicConfigure | MCWorkingCopyBrowser>>newRepository | MCWorkingCopyBrowser>>addRepository | MCWorkingCopyBrowser(MCTool)>>performButtonAction:enabled: | PluggableButtonMorph>>performAction: | [:m | (m containsPoint: evt cursorPoint) | ifTrue: [m enabled | ifTrue: [m performAction: evt]]] in | PluggableButtonMorph>>mouseUp: | Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do: | PluggableButtonMorph>>mouseUp: | PluggableButtonMorph(Morph)>>handleMouseUp: | MouseButtonEvent>>sentTo: | PluggableButtonMorph(Morph)>>handleEvent: | PluggableButtonMorph(Morph)>>handleFocusEvent: | [ActiveHand := self. | ActiveEvent := anEvent. | result := focusHolder | handleFocusEvent: (anEvent | transformedBy: (focusHolder transformedFrom: self))] in | HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear: | [aBlock value] in PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: | BlockClosure>>on:do: | PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: | HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear: | HandMorph>>sendEvent:focus:clear: | HandMorph>>sendMouseEvent: | HandMorph>>handleEvent: | HandMorph>>processEvents | [:h | | ActiveHand := h. | h processEvents. | ActiveHand := nil] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor: | Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do: | WorldState>>handsDo: | WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor: | WorldState>>doOneCycleFor: | PasteUpMorph>>doOneCycle | [[World doOneCycle. | Processor yield. | false] whileFalse. | nil] in MorphicUIManager>>spawnNewProcess | [self value. | Processor terminateActive] in BlockClosure>>newProcess | |
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