John M McIntosh puso en su mail :
> 141479220 143441188 3 >forgetAllGrabCommandsFrom:
> 141479220 143440912 3 >resetAllHistory
> 141479220 143439716 3 >startUp: 141479220
> 141954532 3 [] in SystemDictionary>send:toClassesNamedIn:with:
> In tracing I noticed at startup we invoke forgetAllGrabCommandsFrom:
> That looks at every object in the system and sends it isMorp,so lots
> of messages sends, very fast.
> In 3.8 it was run at shutDown: time if required
> but in 3.9 we now run it at startUp: time too
> 100 miliseconds there, 100 there, and well time passes
Smalltalk removeFromStartUpList: CommandHistory
Cures this and I could use the Minimal with your VMs
As I said before, you are not only a master, you are indispensable Squeaker
So Pavel, Stephane, take note for last minute changes in normal and in build
Now we could rip Speech , Flash, StarSqueak (no dependences or problem here)
and declare this Minimal the start point for 3.10 quest of Etoys and
Nebraska safer rip ?
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