getting squeak-launcher to git.

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getting squeak-launcher to git.

Squeak - Dev mailing list
Hi Jakob

Marcel suggested This repository could be easily created:

Should I get this to my github account and then ask you folks to clone it?

Also, I will need to get the changes we have made into a repo and I don't know how to do that on Pharo.


"No" is a good answer if you are too busy.



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Re: getting squeak-launcher to git.

Jakob Reschke
Hi Timothy,

I don't have time for this at the moment, but you may put it in your
own fork for now. In Pharo you would use IceBerg instead of the Git
Browser to deal with Git projects. I have not used it myself though,
so I cannot help any further without learning it myself (which is one
of the aspects of also why I don't have time for this project).

My hack of the launcher is no sustainable solution. Because after
applying the hack you can no longer launch Pharo images. That's why I
would not commit it to OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-launcher if it

The "right" solution would rather need more work to be able to
distinguish between Squeak and Pharo and use appropriate VM executable
names. Or add further text entries in the GUI so this is not all
forcibly-automatically determined, but can also be overridden

Or we create a genuine fork of the launcher and bend it officially for
Squeak, but I would not like this. For one it would be odd to use a
Pharo-built app as the semi-official Squeak launcher, and most
importantly Sean DeNigris initially changed the launcher in an effort
to foster more companionship between Squeak and Pharo again.

Kind regards,

Am So., 4. Okt. 2020 um 15:48 Uhr schrieb gettimothy <[hidden email]>:

> Hi Jakob
> Marcel suggested This repository could be easily created:
> Should I get this to my github account and then ask you folks to clone it?
> Also, I will need to get the changes we have made into a repo and I don't know how to do that on Pharo.
> Ideas?
> "No" is a good answer if you are too busy.
> cordially,
> t

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Re: getting squeak-launcher to git.

Squeak - Dev mailing list


Thank you.

I agree with all your points.

For an interim "squeak only" version, I will figure out how to "iceberg" it up to my github account.

From that, I can start hacking it to be truly interoperable and automated.



---- On Sun, 04 Oct 2020 10:06:01 -0400 Jakob Reschke <[hidden email]> wrote ----

Hi Timothy,

I don't have time for this at the moment, but you may put it in your
own fork for now. In Pharo you would use IceBerg instead of the Git
Browser to deal with Git projects. I have not used it myself though,
so I cannot help any further without learning it myself (which is one
of the aspects of also why I don't have time for this project).

My hack of the launcher is no sustainable solution. Because after
applying the hack you can no longer launch Pharo images. That's why I
would not commit it to OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-launcher if it

The "right" solution would rather need more work to be able to
distinguish between Squeak and Pharo and use appropriate VM executable
names. Or add further text entries in the GUI so this is not all
forcibly-automatically determined, but can also be overridden

Or we create a genuine fork of the launcher and bend it officially for
Squeak, but I would not like this. For one it would be odd to use a
Pharo-built app as the semi-official Squeak launcher, and most
importantly Sean DeNigris initially changed the launcher in an effort
to foster more companionship between Squeak and Pharo again.

Kind regards,

Am So., 4. Okt. 2020 um 15:48 Uhr schrieb gettimothy <[hidden email]>:

> Hi Jakob
> Marcel suggested This repository could be easily created:
> Should I get this to my github account and then ask you folks to clone it?
> Also, I will need to get the changes we have made into a repo and I don't know how to do that on Pharo.
> Ideas?
> "No" is a good answer if you are too busy.
> cordially,
> t