[help] How can I get a current copy of the smallland image

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[help] How can I get a current copy of the smallland image

Jerome Peace
Hi Germán,

Thanks for your reply.

Can you say more about the status of the small_land

If it is stopped how are you getting your needs met?

Yours in curiosity and service, --Jerome Peace


>Germán Arduino garduino at gmail.com
>Fri Jul 27 11:39:14 UTC 2007
>Unfortunately the project is almost stopped.
>But you can find all the work done here:
>2007/7/23, Jerome Peace <peace_the_dreamer at
>> Hi all,
>> What is the best way to get a current image for
>> smallland?
>> And what is needed in general to keep up with
>> smallland progress?

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Re: [help] How can I get a current copy of the smallland image

Hi Jerome:

I've helped in this project when was started by Diego Gómez Deck, several years ago. The most of work with the Small-Land image was from Diego and he was the only developer that was doing the hard work.

Another people (like me and others) tried to help with some things as etoys, installers, tutorials, documentation, but the Small-Land image was the work of Diego.

Another people from the list tried to spread Squeak (and SmallLand image) in educational environments here at Argentina, and I think also Chile and Perú, but slowly the interest was down, very low traffic in the list and Diego (and others like me) needing to pay the bills, the work was self-stopped.

It's all I know, may be Diego want to wrote some other details.


2007/7/27, Jerome Peace <[hidden email]>:
Hi Germán,

Thanks for your reply.

Can you say more about the status of the small_land

If it is stopped how are you getting your needs met?

Yours in curiosity and service, --Jerome Peace

>Germán Arduino garduino at gmail.com
>Fri Jul 27 11:39:14 UTC 2007
>Unfortunately the project is almost stopped.
>But you can find all the work done here:
>2007/7/23, Jerome Peace <peace_the_dreamer at
>> Hi all,
>> What is the best way to get a current image for
>> smallland?
>> And what is needed in general to keep up with
>> smallland progress?

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