how can I send midi output from within squeak to other apps on linux (via alsa midi)?

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how can I send midi output from within squeak to other apps on linux (via alsa midi)?

Cesare Marilungo
I'm a squeak newbie (discovered it two days ago), just joined the list
and this is my first question for you:

I've seen squeak listed in the page of apps supported by alsa and want
to know how to send midi output from within squeak to other apps on linux.

Thanks in advance,


SqueakAudio mailing list
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Re: how can I send midi output from within squeak to other apps on linux (via alsa midi)?

Stephen Travis Pope

Hello there!

I haven't used Squeak in a while (I moved back to the free version of VisualWorks Smalltalk), but at one time, Squeak supported MIDI output via the serial port objects.

If you need it, there is a VisualWorks API to PortMIDI that's part of the Siren package; I'll attach the source files to this letter.


  Stephen Travis Pope -- Santa Barbara, California, USA

Begin forwarded message:

From: Cesare Marilungo <[hidden email]>

Date: March 15, 2006 4:28:13 AM PST

To: [hidden email]

Subject: [SqueakAudio] how can I send midi output from within squeak to other apps on linux (via alsa midi)? 


I'm a squeak newbie (discovered it two days ago), just joined the list and this is my first question for you:

I've seen squeak listed in the page of apps supported by alsa and want to know how to send midi output from within squeak to other apps on linux.

Thanks in advance,



SqueakAudio mailing list
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