(igor) Help for 1.1: condenseChanges does not work anymore

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(igor) Help for 1.1: condenseChanges does not work anymore

Stéphane Ducasse

We cannot do Smalltalk condenseChanges and this is a showStopper for 1.1 beta.

After some hours of debugging, Lukas has the intuition that this is related to methodTrailer.

I did some stupid tests... and apparently the problem occured between 11117 and 11128

If you take 11117 and run
        Utilities readServerUpdatesThrough: 3922 saveLocally: true updateImage: true
and in a 11120 image
        Smalltalk condenseChanges is working.

So the problem is somehow related to methodTrailer.

Igor can you have a look?


-  Issue 1701: ArchiveViewer now works on Pharo
-  Issue 1679: InputEventSensor refers to defunct class InputSensor
-  Issue 1703: Closing last windows raise error
-  Issue 1698: Enhancement: trunk #collect:as: is a must
- Issue 1711: Cleaning host menu'
- Cleaning some tests.
        #testSort, #testRestoreDefaultFonts
- Issue 1691: Adding some tests for formalParameterAt: from nicolas
- Moved FixedIdentitySet to Collections-Unordered
- Better comments.
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- Issue 1713: Clean Duplication in widthOfString:from:to:
- Issue 1690: New Method Trailer part 1 (cs 1_ and 2_)
- Issue 1690: New Method Trailer part 2 (cs 3 merged)
- Issue 1690: New Method Trailer part 3 (cs 4 no conflict)
- Issue 1690: New Method Trailer part 4 (cs 5)
- Issue 1690: New Method Trailer part 5 (cs 6 + postscript cs7)
- Issue 1690: New Method Trailer part 6 (cs 8 - trailer)
- Issue 1690: New Method Trailer part 7 (cs 9)
- Issue 1690: New Method Trailer post clean up :)
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Re: (igor) Help for 1.1: condenseChanges does not work anymore

Igor Stasenko
I made a little investigation..

The changes file condensing works fine.
Except that there something wrong with destroying source pointers of
not-installed methods.

After commenting a following line:
" CompiledMethod allInstancesDo: [:e | e isInstalled ifFalse: [e
destroySourcePointer]]. "

It were able to run to an end, and by running this check:

| empty |
empty := Set new.
Smalltalk allClassesAndTraitsDo: [:classOrTrait |
 empty addAll: ( classOrTrait methodDict select: [:m | m sourcePointer =0 ])
empty isEmpty
-->> prints true

which means there is no installed methods with sourcePointer = 0 (and
hence with no source code) after condensing the changes.

But what makes me really suspicious is following:

CompiledMethod allInstances size 55797
(CompiledMethod allInstances reject: #isInstalled) size  12586

it looks like #isInstalled is buggy, or otherwise indicating that
there is problem with image,
which keeps so many non-installed methods hanging around.
I would simply put a following at the beginning of #condenseChanges:

(CompiledMethod allInstances reject: #isInstalled) size > 0 ifTrue: [
self error: 'first, get rid of any uninstalled methods' ].

So, then you would not need to use #destroySourcePointer :)

Here an alternative version of #destroySourcePointer. But it doesn't
makes any big difference.


        "We can't change the trailer of existing method, since
        it could have completely different format. Therefore we need to
        generate a copy with new trailer, and then #become it"
        | copy |
        copy := self copyWithTrailerBytes: CompiledMethodTrailer empty.
        self becomeForward: copy.
        ^ copy

P.S. runned it on 1.1-11343-UNSTABLE

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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Re: (igor) Help for 1.1: condenseChanges does not work anymore

Igor Stasenko
Here's another calculation:

| size |
size := 0.
Smalltalk allClassesAndTraitsDo: [:classOrTrait |
         size := size + classOrTrait methodDict size
size 37516

so, it looks like there really about 12k methods hanging around and
not installed anywhere .. :)

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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Re: (igor) Help for 1.1: condenseChanges does not work anymore

Igor Stasenko
Oh, and i think there's no problem with #destroySourcePointer
it just takes too long, and looks like your image is hung, because you
can't wait untill it chews all 12k methods..
Just tried to do it with a random method:

CompiledMethod allInstances atRandom copy destroySourcePointer

and it works fine.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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Re: (igor) Help for 1.1: condenseChanges does not work anymore

Igor Stasenko
And the last thing...
since new trailers using #becomeForward:
no wonder that this loop turns into an infinite:

CompiledMethod allInstancesDo: [:e | e isInstalled ifFalse: [e

because #allInstancesDo: walks a heap, and assuming that there is no
new instances of it created
during walking. But destroySourcePointer creating a new instance, so
it can never finish! :)

i just replaced it with following:

(CompiledMethod allInstances reject: #isInstalled) do: [:e | e
isInstalled ifFalse: [e destroySourcePointer]].

and made it to the end.. took about 5 minutes to wait. (12k methods +
become on every method is a little time consuming ;)

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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Re: (igor) Help for 1.1: condenseChanges does not work anymore

Igor Stasenko
After condensing changes and #destroySourcePointer,
the garbage 12k methods magically disappeared, so now its just:

(CompiledMethod allInstances reject: #isInstalled) size 67

and image after saving shrunk from 14M to 13M
probably some cache somewhere not flushed..

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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Re: (igor) Help for 1.1: condenseChanges does not work anymore

Stéphane Ducasse
In reply to this post by Igor Stasenko
> Hi.
> I made a little investigation..


> The changes file condensing works fine.

Yes we got that too. And sometimes it did not finished depending on the actual changes.
The problem was in that case that after some methods were impossible to browse.

> Except that there something wrong with destroying source pointers of
> not-installed methods.
> After commenting a following line:
> " CompiledMethod allInstancesDo: [:e | e isInstalled ifFalse: [e
> destroySourcePointer]]. "
> It were able to run to an end, and by running this check:

> | empty |
> empty := Set new.
> Smalltalk allClassesAndTraitsDo: [:classOrTrait |
> empty addAll: ( classOrTrait methodDict select: [:m | m sourcePointer =0 ])
> ].
> empty isEmpty
> -->> prints true
> which means there is no installed methods with sourcePointer = 0 (and
> hence with no source code) after condensing the changes.
> But what makes me really suspicious is following:
> CompiledMethod allInstances size 55797
> (CompiledMethod allInstances reject: #isInstalled) size  12586
> it looks like #isInstalled is buggy, or otherwise indicating that
> there is problem with image,
> which keeps so many non-installed methods hanging around.
> I would simply put a following at the beginning of #condenseChanges:
> (CompiledMethod allInstances reject: #isInstalled) size > 0 ifTrue: [
> self error: 'first, get rid of any uninstalled methods' ].
> So, then you would not need to use #destroySourcePointer :)
> Here an alternative version of #destroySourcePointer. But it doesn't
> makes any big difference.
> destroySourcePointer
> "We can't change the trailer of existing method, since
> it could have completely different format. Therefore we need to
> generate a copy with new trailer, and then #become it"
> | copy |
> copy := self copyWithTrailerBytes: CompiledMethodTrailer empty.
> self becomeForward: copy.
> ^ copy
> P.S. runned it on 1.1-11343-UNSTABLE
> --
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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Re: (igor) Help for 1.1: condenseChanges does not work anymore

Stéphane Ducasse
In reply to this post by Igor Stasenko
probably flushing the cache of MC and PragmaBuilder

On May 9, 2010, at 4:02 AM, Igor Stasenko wrote:

> After condensing changes and #destroySourcePointer,
> the garbage 12k methods magically disappeared, so now its just:
> (CompiledMethod allInstances reject: #isInstalled) size 67
> and image after saving shrunk from 14M to 13M
> probably some cache somewhere not flushed..
> --
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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Re: (igor) Help for 1.1: condenseChanges does not work anymore

Stéphane Ducasse
In reply to this post by Igor Stasenko


On May 9, 2010, at 3:47 AM, Igor Stasenko wrote:

> And the last thing...
> since new trailers using #becomeForward:
> no wonder that this loop turns into an infinite:
> CompiledMethod allInstancesDo: [:e | e isInstalled ifFalse: [e
> destroySourcePointer]].
> because #allInstancesDo: walks a heap, and assuming that there is no
> new instances of it created
> during walking. But destroySourcePointer creating a new instance, so
> it can never finish! :)
> i just replaced it with following:
> (CompiledMethod allInstances reject: #isInstalled) do: [:e | e
> isInstalled ifFalse: [e destroySourcePointer]].

Yes clearly a conceptual bug.
But with the solution alain proposed ie not destroying while iterating on methods does not work
(yes it condenses well but accessing some methods is broken).
Lukas did a cool test that checks whether the we can parse the method.

> and made it to the end.. took about 5 minutes to wait. (12k methods +
> become on every method is a little time consuming ;)
> --
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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Re: (igor) Help for 1.1: condenseChanges does not work anymore

Alain Plantec-4
Hi all,
>> i just replaced it with following:
>> (CompiledMethod allInstances reject: #isInstalled) do: [:e | e
>> isInstalled ifFalse: [e destroySourcePointer]].
> Yes clearly a conceptual bug.
> But with the solution alain proposed ie not destroying while iterating on methods does not work
> (yes it condenses well but accessing some methods is broken).
yes but Igor solution is a little bit different because 'e isInstalled'
is tested twice,
one for the reject: and the second in the do: block.
But unfortunately, this solution seems to be broken to. It works one
time, but while trying to
condenseChanges again several time, my squeak process is killed without
flushing any log.

> Lukas did a cool test that checks whether the we can parse the method.
>> and made it to the end.. took about 5 minutes to wait. (12k methods +
>> become on every method is a little time consuming ;)
>> --
>> Best regards,
>> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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Re: (igor) Help for 1.1: condenseChanges does not work anymore

Stéphane Ducasse
but do you save and quit the image.
I added a fix to avoid iterate while changing the collection and we will see.

On May 9, 2010, at 12:29 PM, Alain Plantec wrote:

> Hi all,
>>> i just replaced it with following:
>>> (CompiledMethod allInstances reject: #isInstalled) do: [:e | e
>>> isInstalled ifFalse: [e destroySourcePointer]].
>> Yes clearly a conceptual bug.
>> But with the solution alain proposed ie not destroying while iterating on methods does not work
>> (yes it condenses well but accessing some methods is broken).
> yes but Igor solution is a little bit different because 'e isInstalled' is tested twice,
> one for the reject: and the second in the do: block.
> But unfortunately, this solution seems to be broken to. It works one time, but while trying to
> condenseChanges again several time, my squeak process is killed without flushing any log.
> Alain
>> Lukas did a cool test that checks whether the we can parse the method.
>>> and made it to the end.. took about 5 minutes to wait. (12k methods +
>>> become on every method is a little time consuming ;)
>>> --
>>> Best regards,
>>> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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Re: (igor) Help for 1.1: condenseChanges does not work anymore

Lukas Renggli
In reply to this post by Stéphane Ducasse
On 9 May 2010 12:06, Stéphane Ducasse <[hidden email]> wrote:
> probably flushing the cache of MC and PragmaBuilder

PragmaBuilder seems to refer to a couple of compiled methods that are
not installed in the system.


Lukas Renggli

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Re: (igor) Help for 1.1: condenseChanges does not work anymore

Stéphane Ducasse
In reply to this post by Alain Plantec-4
with the latest unstable it seems to work.
You just have to wait a lot once the progress bar is finished to display.

Then we got only 34/35 methods not installed which is ok.
I will fix condenseSources then :)

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Re: (igor) Help for 1.1: condenseChanges does not work anymore

Stéphane Ducasse

Apparently I did two condenseChanges and I get a problem with code.
I could not browse anymore condenseChanges

On May 9, 2010, at 1:09 PM, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:

> Alain
> with the latest unstable it seems to work.
> You just have to wait a lot once the progress bar is finished to display.
> Then we got only 34/35 methods not installed which is ok.
> I will fix condenseSources then :)
> Stef
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Re: (igor) Help for 1.1: condenseChanges does not work anymore

Igor Stasenko
In reply to this post by Alain Plantec-4
On 9 May 2010 13:29, Alain Plantec <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi all,
>>> i just replaced it with following:
>>> (CompiledMethod allInstances reject: #isInstalled) do: [:e | e
>>> isInstalled ifFalse: [e destroySourcePointer]].
>> Yes clearly a conceptual bug.
>> But with the solution alain proposed ie not destroying while iterating on
>> methods does not work
>> (yes it condenses well but accessing some methods is broken).
> yes but Igor solution is a little bit different because 'e isInstalled' is
> tested twice,
> one for the reject: and the second in the do: block.

This was a result of lack of attention, not my real intent. :)

In bug entry for this issue i added a method which does just:
(CompiledMethod allInstances reject: #isInstalled) do: #destroySourcePointer.

there's no way how method can become installed when you changin its trailer.
So, a single test #isInstalled is sufficient.
A more faster way is to use a mass-become.
But i think this is not a place where you need to care too much about

> But unfortunately, this solution seems to be broken to. It works one time,
> but while trying to
> condenseChanges again several time, my squeak process is killed without
> flushing any log.

You mean running #condenseChanges multiple times in a row, or
interrupting it and then start over again?
You should know, that it is important to not interrupt it in the
middle, because when you doing that,
part of your methods having old source pointers, while rest part
having new ones,
and there is no way to tell, which one is correct.

> Alain
>> Lukas did a cool test that checks whether the we can parse the method.
>>> and made it to the end.. took about 5 minutes to wait. (12k methods +
>>> become on every method is a little time consuming ;)
>>> --
>>> Best regards,
>>> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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Re: (igor) Help for 1.1: condenseChanges does not work anymore

Igor Stasenko
Probably , a more crash-proof #condenseChanges
would be to use a mass-become.
So, you are not modifying existing methods, but  making their copies
with updated source pointers
and copying their source into new changes file.
Then you do a single mass-become and so, all old methods get swapped
with new ones using a single massive blow.
In that way, its more safe, since if you interrupt the
#condenseChanges in the middle,
you can use debugger and browse the code , and if you decide to abort
it, nothing bad happen,
since methods with new source pointers is held in your temp collection
and not yet applied.

On 9 May 2010 19:48, Igor Stasenko <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On 9 May 2010 13:29, Alain Plantec <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>>>> i just replaced it with following:
>>>> (CompiledMethod allInstances reject: #isInstalled) do: [:e | e
>>>> isInstalled ifFalse: [e destroySourcePointer]].
>>> Yes clearly a conceptual bug.
>>> But with the solution alain proposed ie not destroying while iterating on
>>> methods does not work
>>> (yes it condenses well but accessing some methods is broken).
>> yes but Igor solution is a little bit different because 'e isInstalled' is
>> tested twice,
>> one for the reject: and the second in the do: block.
> This was a result of lack of attention, not my real intent. :)
> In bug entry for this issue i added a method which does just:
> (CompiledMethod allInstances reject: #isInstalled) do: #destroySourcePointer.
> there's no way how method can become installed when you changin its trailer.
> So, a single test #isInstalled is sufficient.
> A more faster way is to use a mass-become.
> But i think this is not a place where you need to care too much about
> performance.
>> But unfortunately, this solution seems to be broken to. It works one time,
>> but while trying to
>> condenseChanges again several time, my squeak process is killed without
>> flushing any log.
> You mean running #condenseChanges multiple times in a row, or
> interrupting it and then start over again?
> You should know, that it is important to not interrupt it in the
> middle, because when you doing that,
> part of your methods having old source pointers, while rest part
> having new ones,
> and there is no way to tell, which one is correct.
>> Alain
>>> Lukas did a cool test that checks whether the we can parse the method.
>>>> and made it to the end.. took about 5 minutes to wait. (12k methods +
>>>> become on every method is a little time consuming ;)
>>>> --
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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> --
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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Re: (igor) Help for 1.1: condenseChanges does not work anymore

Stéphane Ducasse
The problem was mainly that the UI did not show that it was destroying a lot of methods and I thought it was
blocked. So if you wait enough it seems ok. Lukas checked and reparse and check the system and it seems ok.


On May 9, 2010, at 6:55 PM, Igor Stasenko wrote:

> Probably , a more crash-proof #condenseChanges
> would be to use a mass-become.
> So, you are not modifying existing methods, but  making their copies
> with updated source pointers
> and copying their source into new changes file.
> Then you do a single mass-become and so, all old methods get swapped
> with new ones using a single massive blow.
> In that way, its more safe, since if you interrupt the
> #condenseChanges in the middle,
> you can use debugger and browse the code , and if you decide to abort
> it, nothing bad happen,
> since methods with new source pointers is held in your temp collection
> and not yet applied.
> On 9 May 2010 19:48, Igor Stasenko <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> On 9 May 2010 13:29, Alain Plantec <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>>>> i just replaced it with following:
>>>>> (CompiledMethod allInstances reject: #isInstalled) do: [:e | e
>>>>> isInstalled ifFalse: [e destroySourcePointer]].
>>>> Yes clearly a conceptual bug.
>>>> But with the solution alain proposed ie not destroying while iterating on
>>>> methods does not work
>>>> (yes it condenses well but accessing some methods is broken).
>>> yes but Igor solution is a little bit different because 'e isInstalled' is
>>> tested twice,
>>> one for the reject: and the second in the do: block.
>> This was a result of lack of attention, not my real intent. :)
>> In bug entry for this issue i added a method which does just:
>> (CompiledMethod allInstances reject: #isInstalled) do: #destroySourcePointer.
>> there's no way how method can become installed when you changin its trailer.
>> So, a single test #isInstalled is sufficient.
>> A more faster way is to use a mass-become.
>> But i think this is not a place where you need to care too much about
>> performance.
>>> But unfortunately, this solution seems to be broken to. It works one time,
>>> but while trying to
>>> condenseChanges again several time, my squeak process is killed without
>>> flushing any log.
>> You mean running #condenseChanges multiple times in a row, or
>> interrupting it and then start over again?
>> You should know, that it is important to not interrupt it in the
>> middle, because when you doing that,
>> part of your methods having old source pointers, while rest part
>> having new ones,
>> and there is no way to tell, which one is correct.
>>> Alain
>>>> Lukas did a cool test that checks whether the we can parse the method.
>>>>> and made it to the end.. took about 5 minutes to wait. (12k methods +
>>>>> become on every method is a little time consuming ;)
>>>>> --
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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>> --
>> Best regards,
>> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
> --
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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Re: (igor) Help for 1.1: condenseChanges does not work anymore

Igor Stasenko
On 9 May 2010 20:03, Stéphane Ducasse <[hidden email]> wrote:
> The problem was mainly that the UI did not show that it was destroying a lot of methods and I thought it was
> blocked. So if you wait enough it seems ok. Lukas checked and reparse and check the system and it seems ok.

Yeah, i also had some troubles with interrupting it, caused by running
an infinite loop. :)

> Stef
> On May 9, 2010, at 6:55 PM, Igor Stasenko wrote:

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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Re: (igor) Help for 1.1: condenseChanges does not work anymore

Igor Stasenko
In reply to this post by Igor Stasenko
On 9 May 2010 21:39, Alain Plantec <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Le 09/05/2010 18:48, Igor Stasenko a écrit :
>> On 9 May 2010 13:29, Alain Plantec<[hidden email]>  wrote:
>> This was a result of lack of attention, not my real intent. :)
> ok, so we have the same version
>> But unfortunately, this solution seems to be broken to. It works one time,
>>> but while trying to
>>> condenseChanges again several time, my squeak process is killed without
>>> flushing any log.
>> You mean running #condenseChanges multiple times in a row, or
>> interrupting it and then start over again?
>> You should know, that it is important to not interrupt it in the
>> middle, because when you doing that,
>> part of your methods having old source pointers, while rest part
>> having new ones,
>> and there is no way to tell, which one is correct.
> I take a fresh image.
> SmalltalkImage current condenseChanges.
> then
> I update some methods individually and save my image,
> then
> SmalltalkImage current condenseChanges.
> and it crash

Ok, i took the 11343
- fixed the #condenseChanges
- ran  Smalltalk condenseChanges
- changed the single method
- saved image
- ran   Smalltalk condenseChanges again

no crash reported.

> Alain

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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Re: (igor) Help for 1.1: condenseChanges does not work anymore

Alain Plantec-4

> Ok, i took the 11343
> - fixed the #condenseChanges
> - ran  Smalltalk condenseChanges
> - changed the single method
> - saved image
> - ran   Smalltalk condenseChanges again
> no crash reported.
Indeed, with 11343 it seems ok.
With 11326 (updated -> 11346), crash during the second condenseChanges :(
>> Alain

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