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inspect returns iOf SystemWindow and not receiver

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inspect returns iOf SystemWindow and not receiver

Sabine Manaa
497 posts

while developing my app with seaside, I sometimes use inspect within any statement.
I am used from Pharo 1.4 and from other smalltalk dialects, that >>inspect returns the receiver itself.
But in Pharo 2.0 it returns an instance of SystemWindow.
I dont see any sense in that. It that with intent?

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Re: inspect returns iOf SystemWindow and not receiver

Igor Stasenko
9533 posts
On 8 June 2013 20:29, Sabine Knöfel <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi,
> while developing my app with seaside, I sometimes use inspect within any
> statement.
> I am used from Pharo 1.4 and from other smalltalk dialects, that >>inspect
> returns the receiver itself.
> But in Pharo 2.0 it returns an instance of SystemWindow.
> I dont see any sense in that. It that with intent?

I was not behind the change, but i think answering window is more
useful than just receiver.
Since you sending 'inspect' message to object you already having access to it,
and getting same object back is less useful, than inspector window,
which you can
give extra instructions (like placement etc).

> Sabine
> --
> View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/inspect-returns-iOf-SystemWindow-and-not-receiver-tp4692399.html
> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.

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Re: inspect returns iOf SystemWindow and not receiver

Clément Béra
1053 posts
I think the reason was the need of registering onWindowClose: event or closing the window by the code easily. Now you can do : 
| w |
w := Object inspect.
w onWindowClosed: [ ... ].
w close.

2013/6/9 Igor Stasenko <[hidden email]>
On 8 June 2013 20:29, Sabine Knöfel <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi,
> while developing my app with seaside, I sometimes use inspect within any
> statement.
> I am used from Pharo 1.4 and from other smalltalk dialects, that >>inspect
> returns the receiver itself.
> But in Pharo 2.0 it returns an instance of SystemWindow.
> I dont see any sense in that. It that with intent?

I was not behind the change, but i think answering window is more
useful than just receiver.
Since you sending 'inspect' message to object you already having access to it,
and getting same object back is less useful, than inspector window,
which you can
give extra instructions (like placement etc).

> Sabine
> --
> View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/inspect-returns-iOf-SystemWindow-and-not-receiver-tp4692399.html
> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.

Clément Béra
Mate Virtual Machine Engineer
Bâtiment B 40, avenue Halley 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq
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Re: inspect returns iOf SystemWindow and not receiver

Sabine Manaa
497 posts
I should give an example why this is not useful for me.

While developing, I use >>inspect to see, what is in any object AND I want the app to proceed.
E.g. while creating a report, I want to see the table columns in an inspector.
I don't want to halt and debug, I only want to see an inspector.

self currentPage add:
                (PDFDataTableWithColumnsCaptionElement new  
                        captions: self costReportDaysTableColumns inspect;
                        data: ...;

Now, I have to write it like that

self costReportDaysTableColumns inspect.
self currentPage add:
                (PDFDataTableWithColumnsCaptionElement new  
                        captions: self costReportDaysTableColumns ;
                        data: ...;

Yes, this is possible but it is not so easigoing as simply put an inspect somewhere.

1) I develop a seaside app. I am not interested in the System Window;-)
2) I cant find a selector >>onWindowClosed:
3) >>inspect is a selector which exists in every smalltalk dialect. In every smalltalk dialect I worked with, inspect returned the receiver.  It is kind of standard IMHO.
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Re: inspect returns iOf SystemWindow and not receiver

3147 posts
+1 to what Sabine says. Very useful behavior.


On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 8:03 AM, Sabine Knöfel <[hidden email]> wrote:
I should give an example why this is not useful for me.

While developing, I use >>inspect to see, what is in any object AND I want
the app to proceed.
E.g. while creating a report, I want to see the table columns in an
I don't want to halt and debug, I only want to see an inspector.

self currentPage        add:
                (PDFDataTableWithColumnsCaptionElement new
                        captions: self costReportDaysTableColumns inspect;
                        data: ...;

Now, I have to write it like that

self costReportDaysTableColumns inspect.
self currentPage add:
                (PDFDataTableWithColumnsCaptionElement new
                        captions: self costReportDaysTableColumns ;
                        data: ...;

Yes, this is possible but it is not so easigoing as simply put an inspect

1) I develop a seaside app. I am not interested in the System Window;-)
2) I cant find a selector >>onWindowClosed:
3) >>inspect is a selector which exists in every smalltalk dialect. In every
smalltalk dialect I worked with, inspect returned the receiver.  It is kind
of standard IMHO.

View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/inspect-returns-iOf-SystemWindow-and-not-receiver-tp4692399p4692430.html
Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: inspect returns iOf SystemWindow and not receiver

Marcus Denker-4
7582 posts
In reply to this post by Sabine Manaa

On Jun 8, 2013, at 8:30 PM, Sabine Knöfel <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi,
> while developing my app with seaside, I sometimes use inspect within any
> statement.
> I am used from Pharo 1.4 and from other smalltalk dialects, that >>inspect
> returns the receiver itself.
> But in Pharo 2.0 it returns an instance of SystemWindow.
> I dont see any sense in that. It that with intent?

A bug report is here:



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Re: inspect returns iOf SystemWindow and not receiver

Stéphane Ducasse
17193 posts
In reply to this post by philippeback
but halt is really a simple method

you can introduce myHalt


Halt signal.

and you are done.


On Jun 9, 2013, at 9:58 AM, [hidden email] wrote:

+1 to what Sabine says. Very useful behavior.


On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 8:03 AM, Sabine Knöfel <[hidden email]> wrote:
I should give an example why this is not useful for me.

While developing, I use >>inspect to see, what is in any object AND I want
the app to proceed.
E.g. while creating a report, I want to see the table columns in an
I don't want to halt and debug, I only want to see an inspector.

self currentPage        add:
                (PDFDataTableWithColumnsCaptionElement new
                        captions: self costReportDaysTableColumns inspect;
                        data: ...;

Now, I have to write it like that

self costReportDaysTableColumns inspect.
self currentPage add:
                (PDFDataTableWithColumnsCaptionElement new
                        captions: self costReportDaysTableColumns ;
                        data: ...;

Yes, this is possible but it is not so easigoing as simply put an inspect

1) I develop a seaside app. I am not interested in the System Window;-)
2) I cant find a selector >>onWindowClosed:
3) >>inspect is a selector which exists in every smalltalk dialect. In every
smalltalk dialect I worked with, inspect returned the receiver.  It is kind
of standard IMHO.

View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/inspect-returns-iOf-SystemWindow-and-not-receiver-tp4692399p4692430.html
Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: inspect returns iOf SystemWindow and not receiver

Igor Stasenko
9533 posts
In reply to this post by Sabine Manaa
On 9 June 2013 08:03, Sabine Knöfel <[hidden email]> wrote:

> I should give an example why this is not useful for me.
> While developing, I use >>inspect to see, what is in any object AND I want
> the app to proceed.
> E.g. while creating a report, I want to see the table columns in an
> inspector.
> I don't want to halt and debug, I only want to see an inspector.
> self currentPage        add:
>                 (PDFDataTableWithColumnsCaptionElement new
>                         captions: self costReportDaysTableColumns inspect;
>                         data: ...;
> Now, I have to write it like that
> self costReportDaysTableColumns inspect.
> self currentPage add:
>                 (PDFDataTableWithColumnsCaptionElement new
>                         captions: self costReportDaysTableColumns ;
>                         data: ...;
> Yes, this is possible but it is not so easigoing as simply put an inspect
> somewhere.
you still can use it:

 self currentPage        add:
                 (PDFDataTableWithColumnsCaptionElement new
                         captions: (self costReportDaysTableColumns
inspect; yourself);
                         data: ...;

> Remarks:
> 1) I develop a seaside app. I am not interested in the System Window;-)
> 2) I cant find a selector >>onWindowClosed:
> 3) >>inspect is a selector which exists in every smalltalk dialect. In every
> smalltalk dialect I worked with, inspect returned the receiver.  It is kind
> of standard IMHO.
> --
> View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/inspect-returns-iOf-SystemWindow-and-not-receiver-tp4692399p4692430.html
> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.

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Re: inspect returns iOf SystemWindow and not receiver

Sabine Manaa
497 posts
In reply to this post by Marcus Denker-4
Hi Marcus,

thank you. I can not see the entry because I have no access.
Is it possible to grant access for me so that I can, next time, look
if there is already a bug entry instead of starting a discussion in
the Forum?


On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 10:50 AM, Marcus Denker-4 [via Smalltalk]
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> On Jun 8, 2013, at 8:30 PM, Sabine Knöfel <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> while developing my app with seaside, I sometimes use inspect within any
>> statement.
>> I am used from Pharo 1.4 and from other smalltalk dialects, that >>inspect
>> returns the receiver itself.
>> But in Pharo 2.0 it returns an instance of SystemWindow.
>> I dont see any sense in that. It that with intent?
> A bug report is here:
>         https://pharo.fogbugz.com/f/cases/6989/Inspect-should-be-silent
>         Marcus
> ________________________________
> If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion
> below:
> http://forum.world.st/inspect-returns-iOf-SystemWindow-and-not-receiver-tp4692399p4692435.html
> To unsubscribe from inspect returns iOf SystemWindow and not receiver, click
> here.
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Re: inspect returns iOf SystemWindow and not receiver

Sabine Manaa
497 posts
In reply to this post by Stéphane Ducasse
Hi Stef,

oh yes I know about >>halt but it is not the same as getting an inspector;-)

Don't you agree with me that in this point, Pharo should have the same
behaviour as the ohter smalltalk dialects (VisualAge/IBM Smalltalk,
VisualWorks, Gemstone)?


On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 4:38 PM, Stéphane Ducasse [via Smalltalk]
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> but halt is really a simple method
> you can introduce myHalt
> Object>>myHalt
> Halt signal.
> and you are done.
> Stef
> On Jun 9, 2013, at 9:58 AM, [hidden email] wrote:
> +1 to what Sabine says. Very useful behavior.
> Phil
> On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 8:03 AM, Sabine Knöfel <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> I should give an example why this is not useful for me.
>> While developing, I use >>inspect to see, what is in any object AND I want
>> the app to proceed.
>> E.g. while creating a report, I want to see the table columns in an
>> inspector.
>> I don't want to halt and debug, I only want to see an inspector.
>> self currentPage        add:
>>                 (PDFDataTableWithColumnsCaptionElement new
>>                         captions: self costReportDaysTableColumns inspect;
>>                         data: ...;
>> Now, I have to write it like that
>> self costReportDaysTableColumns inspect.
>> self currentPage add:
>>                 (PDFDataTableWithColumnsCaptionElement new
>>                         captions: self costReportDaysTableColumns ;
>>                         data: ...;
>> Yes, this is possible but it is not so easigoing as simply put an inspect
>> somewhere.
>> Remarks:
>> 1) I develop a seaside app. I am not interested in the System Window;-)
>> 2) I cant find a selector >>onWindowClosed:
>> 3) >>inspect is a selector which exists in every smalltalk dialect. In
>> every
>> smalltalk dialect I worked with, inspect returned the receiver.  It is
>> kind
>> of standard IMHO.
>> --
>> View this message in context:
>> http://forum.world.st/inspect-returns-iOf-SystemWindow-and-not-receiver-tp4692399p4692430.html
>> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> ________________________________
> If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion
> below:
> http://forum.world.st/inspect-returns-iOf-SystemWindow-and-not-receiver-tp4692399p4692446.html
> To unsubscribe from inspect returns iOf SystemWindow and not receiver, click
> here.
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Re: inspect returns iOf SystemWindow and not receiver

Sabine Manaa
497 posts
In reply to this post by Igor Stasenko
Hi Igor,


Don't you agree with me that in this point, Pharo should have the same
behaviour as the other smalltalk dialects (VisualAge/IBM Smalltalk,
VisualWorks, Gemstone)?


On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 6:37 PM, Igor Stasenko [via Smalltalk]
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> On 9 June 2013 08:03, Sabine Knöfel <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> I should give an example why this is not useful for me.
>> While developing, I use >>inspect to see, what is in any object AND I want
>> the app to proceed.
>> E.g. while creating a report, I want to see the table columns in an
>> inspector.
>> I don't want to halt and debug, I only want to see an inspector.
>> self currentPage        add:
>>                 (PDFDataTableWithColumnsCaptionElement new
>>                         captions: self costReportDaysTableColumns inspect;
>>                         data: ...;
>> Now, I have to write it like that
>> self costReportDaysTableColumns inspect.
>> self currentPage add:
>>                 (PDFDataTableWithColumnsCaptionElement new
>>                         captions: self costReportDaysTableColumns ;
>>                         data: ...;
>> Yes, this is possible but it is not so easigoing as simply put an inspect
>> somewhere.
> you still can use it:
>  self currentPage        add:
>                  (PDFDataTableWithColumnsCaptionElement new
>                          captions: (self costReportDaysTableColumns
> inspect; yourself);
>                          data: ...;
>> Remarks:
>> 1) I develop a seaside app. I am not interested in the System Window;-)
>> 2) I cant find a selector >>onWindowClosed:
>> 3) >>inspect is a selector which exists in every smalltalk dialect. In
>> every
>> smalltalk dialect I worked with, inspect returned the receiver.  It is
>> kind
>> of standard IMHO.
>> --
>> View this message in context:
>> http://forum.world.st/inspect-returns-iOf-SystemWindow-and-not-receiver-tp4692399p4692430.html
>> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> --
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko.
> ________________________________
> If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion
> below:
> http://forum.world.st/inspect-returns-iOf-SystemWindow-and-not-receiver-tp4692399p4692470.html
> To unsubscribe from inspect returns iOf SystemWindow and not receiver, click
> here.
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Re: inspect returns iOf SystemWindow and not receiver

Igor Stasenko
9533 posts
On 10 June 2013 10:52, Sabine Knöfel <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi Igor,
> thanks!
> Don't you agree with me that in this point, Pharo should have the same
> behaviour as the other smalltalk dialects (VisualAge/IBM Smalltalk,
> VisualWorks, Gemstone)?
i don't have strong opinion on that.
for me, this is not a big deal.

> Greetings
> Sabine
> On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 6:37 PM, Igor Stasenko [via Smalltalk]
> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> On 9 June 2013 08:03, Sabine Knöfel <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> I should give an example why this is not useful for me.
>>> While developing, I use >>inspect to see, what is in any object AND I
>>> want
>>> the app to proceed.
>>> E.g. while creating a report, I want to see the table columns in an
>>> inspector.
>>> I don't want to halt and debug, I only want to see an inspector.
>>> self currentPage        add:
>>>                 (PDFDataTableWithColumnsCaptionElement new
>>>                         captions: self costReportDaysTableColumns
>>> inspect;
>>>                         data: ...;
>>> Now, I have to write it like that
>>> self costReportDaysTableColumns inspect.
>>> self currentPage add:
>>>                 (PDFDataTableWithColumnsCaptionElement new
>>>                         captions: self costReportDaysTableColumns ;
>>>                         data: ...;
>>> Yes, this is possible but it is not so easigoing as simply put an inspect
>>> somewhere.
>> you still can use it:
>>  self currentPage        add:
>>                  (PDFDataTableWithColumnsCaptionElement new
>>                          captions: (self costReportDaysTableColumns
>> inspect; yourself);
>>                          data: ...;
>>> Remarks:
>>> 1) I develop a seaside app. I am not interested in the System Window;-)
>>> 2) I cant find a selector >>onWindowClosed:
>>> 3) >>inspect is a selector which exists in every smalltalk dialect. In
>>> every
>>> smalltalk dialect I worked with, inspect returned the receiver.  It is
>>> kind
>>> of standard IMHO.
>>> --
>>> View this message in context:
>>> http://forum.world.st/inspect-returns-iOf-SystemWindow-and-not-receiver-tp4692399p4692430.html
>>> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
>> --
>> Best regards,
>> Igor Stasenko.
>> ________________________________
>> If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion
>> below:
>> http://forum.world.st/inspect-returns-iOf-SystemWindow-and-not-receiver-tp4692399p4692470.html
>> To unsubscribe from inspect returns iOf SystemWindow and not receiver,
>> click
>> here.
> ________________________________
> View this message in context: Re: inspect returns iOf SystemWindow and not
> receiver
> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.

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Re: inspect returns iOf SystemWindow and not receiver

Sabine Manaa
497 posts
Hi Igor,

ok. Everyone has other programming habits....


On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 10:56 AM, Igor Stasenko [via Smalltalk]
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> On 10 June 2013 10:52, Sabine Knöfel <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Hi Igor,
>> thanks!
>> Don't you agree with me that in this point, Pharo should have the same
>> behaviour as the other smalltalk dialects (VisualAge/IBM Smalltalk,
>> VisualWorks, Gemstone)?
> i don't have strong opinion on that.
> for me, this is not a big deal.
>> Greetings
>> Sabine
>> On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 6:37 PM, Igor Stasenko [via Smalltalk]
>> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> On 9 June 2013 08:03, Sabine Knöfel <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>> I should give an example why this is not useful for me.
>>>> While developing, I use >>inspect to see, what is in any object AND I
>>>> want
>>>> the app to proceed.
>>>> E.g. while creating a report, I want to see the table columns in an
>>>> inspector.
>>>> I don't want to halt and debug, I only want to see an inspector.
>>>> self currentPage        add:
>>>>                 (PDFDataTableWithColumnsCaptionElement new
>>>>                         captions: self costReportDaysTableColumns
>>>> inspect;
>>>>                         data: ...;
>>>> Now, I have to write it like that
>>>> self costReportDaysTableColumns inspect.
>>>> self currentPage add:
>>>>                 (PDFDataTableWithColumnsCaptionElement new
>>>>                         captions: self costReportDaysTableColumns ;
>>>>                         data: ...;
>>>> Yes, this is possible but it is not so easigoing as simply put an
>>>> inspect
>>>> somewhere.
>>> you still can use it:
>>>  self currentPage        add:
>>>                  (PDFDataTableWithColumnsCaptionElement new
>>>                          captions: (self costReportDaysTableColumns
>>> inspect; yourself);
>>>                          data: ...;
>>>> Remarks:
>>>> 1) I develop a seaside app. I am not interested in the System Window;-)
>>>> 2) I cant find a selector >>onWindowClosed:
>>>> 3) >>inspect is a selector which exists in every smalltalk dialect. In
>>>> every
>>>> smalltalk dialect I worked with, inspect returned the receiver.  It is
>>>> kind
>>>> of standard IMHO.
>>>> --
>>>> View this message in context:
>>>> http://forum.world.st/inspect-returns-iOf-SystemWindow-and-not-receiver-tp4692399p4692430.html
>>>> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
>>> --
>>> Best regards,
>>> Igor Stasenko.
>>> ________________________________
>>> If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion
>>> below:
>>> http://forum.world.st/inspect-returns-iOf-SystemWindow-and-not-receiver-tp4692399p4692470.html
>>> To unsubscribe from inspect returns iOf SystemWindow and not receiver,
>>> click
>>> here.
>>> NAML
>> ________________________________
>> View this message in context: Re: inspect returns iOf SystemWindow and not
>> receiver
>> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> --
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko.
> ________________________________
> If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion
> below:
> http://forum.world.st/inspect-returns-iOf-SystemWindow-and-not-receiver-tp4692399p4692589.html
> To unsubscribe from inspect returns iOf SystemWindow and not receiver, click
> here.
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Re: inspect returns iOf SystemWindow and not receiver

Ben Coman
5447 posts
Sabine Knöfel wrote:
Hi Igor,

ok. Everyone has other programming habits....


On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 10:56 AM, Igor Stasenko [via Smalltalk]
[hidden email] wrote:
On 10 June 2013 10:52, Sabine Knöfel <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Igor,


Don't you agree with me that in this point, Pharo should have the same
behaviour as the other smalltalk dialects (VisualAge/IBM Smalltalk,
VisualWorks, Gemstone)?

i don't have strong opinion on that.
for me, this is not a big deal.


Breaks the Principal of Least Surprise for those you want to attract from other dialects.  They may end up with a strong opinion on it :)
I guess they can always create a #myInspect method to do what they want.

Clément Bera wrote:
I think the reason was the need of registering onWindowClose: event or
closing the window by the code easily. Now you can do :
| w |
w := Object inspect.
w onWindowClosed: [ ... ].
w close.

Perhaps that could as easily be...
w := Object inspectOnWindowClosed: [...].
w := Object inspector.
w  onWindowClosed: [...].

The latter since 'inspector' in more of a noun to which you might assign actions where 'inspect' which is more of a verb.

cheers -ben


On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 6:37 PM, Igor Stasenko [via Smalltalk]
<[hidden email]> wrote:

On 9 June 2013 08:03, Sabine Knöfel <[hidden email]> wrote:

I should give an example why this is not useful for me.

While developing, I use >>inspect to see, what is in any object AND I
the app to proceed.
E.g. while creating a report, I want to see the table columns in an
I don't want to halt and debug, I only want to see an inspector.

self currentPage        add:
                (PDFDataTableWithColumnsCaptionElement new
                        captions: self costReportDaysTableColumns
                        data: ...;

Now, I have to write it like that

self costReportDaysTableColumns inspect.
self currentPage add:
                (PDFDataTableWithColumnsCaptionElement new
                        captions: self costReportDaysTableColumns ;
                        data: ...;

Yes, this is possible but it is not so easigoing as simply put an

you still can use it:

 self currentPage        add:
                 (PDFDataTableWithColumnsCaptionElement new
                         captions: (self costReportDaysTableColumns
inspect; yourself);
                         data: ...;

1) I develop a seaside app. I am not interested in the System Window;-)
2) I cant find a selector >>onWindowClosed:
3) >>inspect is a selector which exists in every smalltalk dialect. In
smalltalk dialect I worked with, inspect returned the receiver.  It is
of standard IMHO.

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Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.

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Re: inspect returns iOf SystemWindow and not receiver

Marcus Denker-4
7582 posts

On Jun 10, 2013, at 5:07 PM, [hidden email] wrote:

Sabine Knöfel wrote:
Hi Igor,

ok. Everyone has other programming habits....


On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 10:56 AM, Igor Stasenko [via Smalltalk]
[hidden email] wrote:
On 10 June 2013 10:52, Sabine Knöfel <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Igor,


Don't you agree with me that in this point, Pharo should have the same
behaviour as the other smalltalk dialects (VisualAge/IBM Smalltalk,
VisualWorks, Gemstone)?

i don't have strong opinion on that.
for me, this is not a big deal.


Breaks the Principal of Least Surprise for those you want to attract from other dialects.  They may end up with a strong opinion on it :)

I am not against reverting the inspect change.. but it should be documented well, else this will be changed again in the future.

Another thing is that starting from 3.0, I am sure that nobody will ever put "inspect" or "halt" anywhere as they will use meta-links


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Re: inspect returns iOf SystemWindow and not receiver

Marcus Denker-4
7582 posts
In reply to this post by Sabine Manaa

On Jun 10, 2013, at 10:51 AM, Sabine Knöfel <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi Marcus,
> thank you. I can not see the entry because I have no access.
> Is it possible to grant access for me so that I can, next time, look
> if there is already a bug entry instead of starting a discussion in
> the Forum?
I added an account on the tracker for you.


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Re: inspect returns iOf SystemWindow and not receiver

1922 posts
In reply to this post by Marcus Denker-4
Am 10.06.13 18:01, schrieb Marcus Denker:

>> Breaks the Principal of Least Surprise for those you want to attract
>> from other dialects.  They may end up with a strong opinion on it :)
> I am not against reverting the inspect change.. but it should be
> documented well, else this will be changed again in the future.
> Another thing is that starting from 3.0, I am sure that nobody will
> ever put "inspect" or "halt" anywhere as they will use meta-links
> instead…
hmm. that is probably just 5 minutes away from Pharo's world domination ;-)
As long as Pharo is "Smalltalk inspired", people will probably come up
with solutions they learned in Smalltalk. I have not yet come to be a
frequent Pharo user, but coming from another Smalltalk dialect, I would
probably face the same problem as Sabine mentioned it. I am not sure I
use inspect in message cascades very often, because I tend to avoid
cascades in methods that look or feel as if I may want to inspect
preliminary results, so I am probably unlikely to tap into the same trap
often. But if I would, I'd be scratching my head and ask myself what the
heck this could ever be good for...

But I also agree with what you are saying: if newly introduced behavior
is changed again, it should be for a good reason and documented well.
Otherwise people may get the impression Pharo is immature and instable.
And that would be no good - neither for Smalltalk-switchers nor for
newborn Smalltalkers.


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Re: inspect returns iOf SystemWindow and not receiver

Sabine Manaa
497 posts
In reply to this post by Marcus Denker-4
Thank you Marcus.
I see there was a similar discussion in march in FogBuzz/Google.
Next time I will look in FogBuzz before starting a diskussion here.
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Re: inspect returns iOf SystemWindow and not receiver

Marcus Denker-4
7582 posts
In reply to this post by jtuchel

On Jun 10, 2013, at 6:56 PM, [hidden email] wrote:

> Am 10.06.13 18:01, schrieb Marcus Denker:
>>> Breaks the Principal of Least Surprise for those you want to attract from other dialects.  They may end up with a strong opinion on it :)
>> I am not against reverting the inspect change.. but it should be documented well, else this will be changed again in the future.
>> Another thing is that starting from 3.0, I am sure that nobody will ever put "inspect" or "halt" anywhere as they will use meta-links
>> instead…
> hmm. that is probably just 5 minutes away from Pharo's world domination ;-)
> As long as Pharo is "Smalltalk inspired", people will probably come up with solutions they learned in Smalltalk. I have not yet come to be a frequent Pharo user, but coming from another Smalltalk dialect, I would probably face the same problem as Sabine mentioned it. I am not sure I use inspect in message cascades very often, because I tend to avoid cascades in methods that look or feel as if I may want to inspect preliminary results, so I am probably unlikely to tap into the same trap often. But if I would, I'd be scratching my head and ask myself what the heck this could ever be good for…

So maybe we can
        -> add #inspector that returns the tool
        -> make inspect be like it was before (with documentation).


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Re: inspect returns iOf SystemWindow and not receiver

Sabine Manaa
497 posts
I am a head-scratching person, possibly old fashioned :-), coming from
other dialects and this is imho the best solution

On Tue, Jun 11, 2013 at 9:58 AM, Marcus Denker-4 [via Smalltalk]
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> On Jun 10, 2013, at 6:56 PM, [hidden email] wrote:
>> Am 10.06.13 18:01, schrieb Marcus Denker:
>>>> Breaks the Principal of Least Surprise for those you want to attract
>>>> from other dialects.  They may end up with a strong opinion on it :)
>>> I am not against reverting the inspect change.. but it should be
>>> documented well, else this will be changed again in the future.
>>> Another thing is that starting from 3.0, I am sure that nobody will ever
>>> put "inspect" or "halt" anywhere as they will use meta-links
>>> instead…
>> hmm. that is probably just 5 minutes away from Pharo's world domination
>> ;-)
>> As long as Pharo is "Smalltalk inspired", people will probably come up
>> with solutions they learned in Smalltalk. I have not yet come to be a
>> frequent Pharo user, but coming from another Smalltalk dialect, I would
>> probably face the same problem as Sabine mentioned it. I am not sure I use
>> inspect in message cascades very often, because I tend to avoid cascades in
>> methods that look or feel as if I may want to inspect preliminary results,
>> so I am probably unlikely to tap into the same trap often. But if I would,
>> I'd be scratching my head and ask myself what the heck this could ever be
>> good for…
> So maybe we can
>         -> add #inspector that returns the tool
>         -> make inspect be like it was before (with documentation).
>         Marcus
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