does anybody know why isSelfPseudoVariable checks for name = '{{self}}'?
I wrote an script to get the method node of all the methods in the image and no one sets {{self}} as name of a VariableNode, the key = 'self' if the one used to identify a VariableNode as a self pseudo var.
Here is the current implementation:
"Answer if this ParseNode represents the 'self' pseudo-variable."
^ key = 'self' or: [name = '{{self}}']
And here the script I wrote:
| method methodNode |
ProtoObject withAllSubclassesDo: [ :aClass |
aClass selectors do: [ :aSelector |
method := aClass >> aSelector.
methodNode := method methodNode.
methodNode nodesDo: [ :node |
(node isSelfPseudoVariable and: [ node name = '{{self}}']) ifTrue: [self halt].
Hernán Wilkinson
Agile Software Development, Teaching & Coaching
Phone: +54-011-4893-2057
Twitter: @HernanWilkinson
Address: Alem 896, Floor 6, Buenos Aires, Argentina