[joey@linuxtag.org: [LinuxTag] Booth Arrangements, Social Event, Sleeping - Squeak]

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[joey@linuxtag.org: [LinuxTag] Booth Arrangements, Social Event, Sleeping - Squeak]

Marcus Denker-2
----- Forwarded message from Martin Schulze <[hidden email]> -----

To: [hidden email]
Subject: [LT Infomail#5] Booth Arrangements, Social Event, Sleeping - Squeak
From: Martin Schulze <[hidden email]>
Date: Fri, 31 May 2002 00:35:59 +0200 (CEST)

[ available in a couple of hours ]

1. Booth Arrangements

   We are currently trying very hard to negotiate with the people who
   are actually building the booths and discuss how they shall look
   like and what kind of furniture there should be.  Since the
   exhibition map had to be changed a couple of times (affecting FSF,
   Krypto, Audio and PHP), an updated map[1] is online already.

    1. http://luonnotar.infodrom.org/~joey/map.eps

   Furniture will be simple this year.  I expect there to be tables
   (like 150x60 or something) and chairs.  I hope to get three show-cases
   (for Opie, GPE and SmartCards).  There are still four infopoint
   thingies which I haven't yet assigned to a particular project.  I'll
   do that tonight and will contact the particular project individually.  I
   can't offer more of them, unfortunately.

   The good news is that there will be a ceiling above of the booths
   (except for Zope and VRML).  There ought to be booth signs that
   contains the name of the project as well.

   If you haven't yet sent me a booth proposal, now would be a good
   time to do so.  This excludes projects like Porting, Squeak, Wine,
   Fresco, Window Maker, Zope and VRML, since their booths are fixed

1. Social Event

   Thanks to everybody who has already registered for the Social
   Event[2].  If you would like to participate in it, but haven't yet
   activated the field Social Event in the edit form[3], please do as
   soon as possible.  I am forced to hand the number of reserved
   tickets to the caterer on Monday morning.  I'll also print a list
   of all people who have signed up for a ticket, so you can purchase
   the ticket on Wednesday or Thursday at the LinuxTag office until

    2. http://www.infodrom.org/Debian/events/LinuxTag2002/linuxnacht.html
    3. http://www.infodrom.org/LinuxTag/edit_person.php3

   I will most probably generate those lists by Sunday evening.
   Hence, if you are interested in the Social Event and haven't yet
   reserved a ticket, please do so until Sunday evening or you won't get
   a chance to attend.  I wish I could handle this in a lax manner like
   other things, but due to the caterers requirements I simply cannot.

   Please help us with proper numbers by registrating early.  You are
   able to check[4] who of your collegues of the same project has
   already registrated.

    4. http://www.infodrom.org/LinuxTag/socialevent.php3

1. Sleeping at the Gym Hall

   Many people have set marks for Sleeping and Breakfast in the past.
   For several people I manually added the proper nightplace when it
   was missing.  It is possible that I made a wrong assumption and you
   weren't interested in sleeping in the gym hall but somewhere else.
   In such a case, please correct the field Nightplace and set it to
   "Hotel" or something else.

   There are currently some 50 people registered for sleeping in the
   gym hall, which is near the end of its capacity.  Hence, if you
   haven't yet registrated but want to, you'd better hurry up a little
   bit.  If you encounter problems later (i.e. can't register
   anymore), please get in touch with me via mail.

   Please find details about this facility here[5].  There will be a
   connection to the internet so Late Night Hacking should be
   possible.  In case of problems you may want to talk to the KaLUG
   people via phone directly at 0700-72458630.  If you need to talk to
   the LinuxTag people, the number 0631/3109371 will be routed to our
   office in Karlsruhe during the event.

    5. http://www.ka.linux.de/linuxtag/nacht.html

1. Dismantling the Booths

   Some pieces of the booth need to be disassembled very early on
   Sunday.  This affects all booths that include an infopoint.  It would
   be nice if you could free those on Sunday right afterat 16 o'clock so
   we can disassemble and store them in time.



----- End forwarded message -----

Marcus Denker [hidden email]  -- Squeak! http://squeakland.org