Hello all,
I am having difficulty in debugging my RSPlugin code for
Poly>>#initiazeCield:coefficients:, one of 4 new primitives
I have written {#initializeField:coefficients:,
#runEuclideanAlgorithm, #dividePolyA:polyB: & #decode:twoS:}.
One of my new functions is segfaulting.
I make install the build.debug squeak and run kdbg. In kdbg I
set the executable, the argument to my image and set a breakpoint
inside #primitiveFECInitializePolyFieldSizeCoefficientsOop [1].
When I run the code:
RSFECGenericGFPoly>>#newField:coefficients: the kdbg breaks
in sqUnixX11 x2sqKeyInput instead of in my primitive. I click run
again and it breaks again in sqUnixMain at a function call to
sigsegv. I click run once more and squeak exits. I can't catch a
Is anyone familiar with this behavior and know a fix?