loading and image file and making vanish after a while

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loading and image file and making vanish after a while

Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
Hi all,

I would like to create some kind of artistic project on Pharo/Squeak.
The idea is to make some images appear and vanish slowly after a while.
Browsing the net I have found this code on pharo to change the background:

form := (Form fromBinaryStream: (HTTPSocket httpGet:
     'http://ubuntu.ecchi.ca/wallpapers/10.04/' ,
World backgroundImage: form layout: #scaled

and I imagine that something similar is needed to load any image from
Internet or hard disk changing the path and making it appear on the
screen. I have tried this:

x := ImageMorph new.
x image: (Form fromFileNamed: '/home/offray/Temp/myFile.png').
x openInWorld.

and is working, but I can get the halos on this image on pharo using
Ctrl + Shif + Click on Pharo, but is not working. So I have 3 questions:

1. There is any way to get halos on the image by coding instead of
clicking on it?

2. Can I use alpha channels to make the loaded image fade after a while
once it appeared?

3. I'm using Pharo one click image. There is any way to use the local
paths of the image to load some images and load some others from the
Internet? The idea is to distribute the small artistic project in this way.

This is trying to be a weekend newbie project, to show to my interactive
art teacher, so any quick help would be really appreciated (first I was
trying to get the idea, and the using Etoys, so now I'm on pharo, hoping
to make this work easily).


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Re: loading and image file and making vanish after a while

Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas

Some post about my advances.

El 22/04/11 23:37, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas escribió:


> and is working, but I can get the halos on this image on pharo using
> Ctrl + Shif + Click on Pharo, but is not working. So I have 3 questions:
> 1. There is any way to get halos on the image by coding instead of
> clicking on it?

This is not needed. Now I can use Shift + Ctrl + Middle Click to get the
proper halos without any problem. Now I want to scale the image from
code. I will keep you posted.

This two are still open questions.

> 2. Can I use alpha channels to make the loaded image fade after a while
> once it appeared?
> 3. I'm using Pharo one click image. There is any way to use the local
> paths of the image to load some images and load some others from the
> Internet? The idea is to distribute the small artistic project in this way.


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Re: loading and image file and making vanish after a while

Steve Thomas
On Sat, Apr 23, 2011 at 11:06 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <[hidden email]> wrote:
> 2. Can I use alpha channels to make the loaded image fade after a while
> once it appeared?

So one way to make a loaded image "fade"  us to place a playfield over the image (with alpha = 0), then have a script that increases the alpha to 100 over a period of time.  The playfield should be the same color as your background.

Also it would be great if you could share the code that loads the image and make it appear on the screen.



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Re: loading and image file and making vanish after a while

Harness, Kathleen
Great idea to use the playfield that way, thanks for sharing!

---- Original message ----

>Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2011 22:11:41 -0400
>From: Steve Thomas <[hidden email]>  
>Subject: Re: [squeakland] loading and image file and making vanish after a while  
>To: Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <[hidden email]>
>Cc: [hidden email]
>   On Sat, Apr 23, 2011 at 11:06 AM, Offray Vladimir
>   Luna Cárdenas <[hidden email]> wrote:
>     > 2. Can I use alpha channels to make the loaded
>     image fade after a while
>     > once it appeared?
>   So one way to make a loaded image "fade"  us to
>   place a playfield over the image (with alpha = 0),
>   then have a script that increases the alpha to 100
>   over a period of time.  The playfield should be the
>   same color as your background.
>   Also it would be great if you could share the code
>   that loads the image and make it appear on the
>   screen.
>   HTH
>   Stephen
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Re: loading and image file and making vanish after a while

Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
In reply to this post by Steve Thomas

El 23/04/11 21:11, Steve Thomas escribió:

> On Sat, Apr 23, 2011 at 11:06 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <
> [hidden email]> wrote:
>>> 2. Can I use alpha channels to make the loaded image fade after a while
>>> once it appeared?
> So one way to make a loaded image "fade"  us to place a playfield over the
> image (with alpha = 0), then have a script that increases the alpha to 100
> over a period of time.  The playfield should be the same color as your
> background.
> Also it would be great if you could share the code that loads the image and
> make it appear on the screen.

Sounds good. I have decided to create a "biography of a incomplete
project" as my "interactive art" project talking about how it started
with "physical etoys", went to "Etoys" then Pharo, but still is not
finished (in Spanish) I will be sharing the link with you.

The code to load a file is this:

x := ImageMorph new.
x image: (Form fromFileNamed: '/home/offray/Temp/myFile.png').
x openInWorld.


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Re: loading and image file and making vanish after a while

Ricardo Moran
In reply to this post by Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
Hi Offray,

Regarding fading images I think you'll find this useful: http://coweb.cc.gatech.edu/cs2340/4278.

The example there works fine in Squeak but I couldn't make it work in Etoys yet. It's possibly a BitBlt bug but I haven't checked further.


On Sat, Apr 23, 2011 at 1:37 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi all,

I would like to create some kind of artistic project on Pharo/Squeak.
The idea is to make some images appear and vanish slowly after a while.
Browsing the net I have found this code on pharo to change the background:

form := (Form fromBinaryStream: (HTTPSocket httpGet:
    'http://ubuntu.ecchi.ca/wallpapers/10.04/' ,
World backgroundImage: form layout: #scaled

and I imagine that something similar is needed to load any image from
Internet or hard disk changing the path and making it appear on the
screen. I have tried this:

x := ImageMorph new.
x image: (Form fromFileNamed: '/home/offray/Temp/myFile.png').
x openInWorld.

and is working, but I can get the halos on this image on pharo using
Ctrl + Shif + Click on Pharo, but is not working. So I have 3 questions:

1. There is any way to get halos on the image by coding instead of
clicking on it?

2. Can I use alpha channels to make the loaded image fade after a while
once it appeared?

3. I'm using Pharo one click image. There is any way to use the local
paths of the image to load some images and load some others from the
Internet? The idea is to distribute the small artistic project in this way.

This is trying to be a weekend newbie project, to show to my interactive
art teacher, so any quick help would be really appreciated (first I was
trying to get the idea, and the using Etoys, so now I'm on pharo, hoping
to make this work easily).


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Re: loading and image file and making vanish after a while

Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
Hi Ricardo,

El 26/04/11 10:37, Ricardo Moran escribió:

> Hi Offray,
> Regarding fading images I think you'll find this useful:
> http://coweb.cc.gatech.edu/cs2340/4278.
> The example there works fine in Squeak but I couldn't make it work in Etoys
> yet. It's possibly a BitBlt bug but I haven't checked further.
> Cheers,
> Richo

Thanks a lot. It seems realy close to what I was looking for. Yerterday
the dead line for submissions of our interactive art project were
closed, so I decided to send a "Digital Distopia: a biography of an
unfinished project" as my project. Is in Spanish, so you can check it here:


The future explorations posted in the article are now the way to go :-).



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