looking for feedback on Cocoa Cog MT VM

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Re: looking for feedback on Cocoa Cog MT VM


yes, that :)

El 24/05/2011, a las 10:23a.m., Henrik Sperre Johansen escribió:

> On 24.05.2011 15:17, Bert Freudenberg wrote:
>> On 24.05.2011, at 15:09, Esteban Lorenzano wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>> Also, more complex VMs are harder to port to other systems. Cog is more complex than the Stack VM, which is more complex than the Interpreter VM. E.g. there is no ARM port of Cog yet, whereas Stack and Interpreter VMs do work.
>>> this is not completely true, IMHO.
>> Which part is "not completely true"?
>> - Bert -
> I'd guess the general statement "more complex VMs are harder to port".
> Like you both noted, while absolute complexity is higher, porting Stack and Interpreter VM's isn't much different from the platform point of view.
> Cog is an entirely different beast of course :)
> Cheers,
> Henry

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Re: looking for feedback on Cocoa Cog MT VM

Igor Stasenko
In reply to this post by EstebanLM

On 24 May 2011 14:56, Esteban Lorenzano <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi Igor,
> did you use latest compiled vm?

well, i think yes.

>as far a I see, your problem looks like the one John and I fixed. But... I did not try it with threadid enabled, I will test it awhile to see what happens there.
yes. try it.
I am not sure if it hangs/crashing because i enabled it. It could be
that it hangs even without enabling this flag.

> cheers,
> Esteban
> El 22/05/2011, a las 7:16a.m., Igor Stasenko escribió:

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.