Martin Kuball wrote:
> Hi!
> Is there a ready to use table morph available? Something you can
> instantiate and add a 2-dimensional array of strings and be done.
> Of cause user-resizable columns, sorting and in-place editing would
> come in handy.
I started a project to do this, and I plan to work on it more at some
stage. I'm at the stage where I need working widgets, which would
involve scrummaging though other people's old code to find some.
Current code is called "Tables" on SqueakSource, take it and run but
don't expect much to work :-(. Currently it is also strictly Morphic-only. code is as follows:
t := ToDoList new. "ToDoList is a Table model"
t add: (ToDoListItem new).
t add: (ToDoListItem new).
t asMorph openInWindow.
Your comments / patches are more than welcome.